
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning all I opted to do this quick this morning I did read all of the last page.
    Cold here again this morning I even skipped coffee. Just to darn cold and kinda slept in.
    Went to bed 10:30 clock watched until after 1:am. Hate those nights.

    Well Had my two weight watchers toast this morning but think I just bought the last loaf of that. I'll get the 12 grain and have one slice instead of two. At 4 dollars a loaf for weight watchers it's just not worth it. They take advantage of us poor fat girls.

    Well today has to be good. Need to take it easy. Bad enough my morning weight is up by 1 lb. Don't want a gain at tops I'd like my name to stay on the towel only tonight and next week to go. I can't undo what's been done if I gain it's no ones fault but mine. And I will account for it.

    Tonight is the night we bring a fruit in. The best loser for Jan. gets it. I'm going to go see if there's Kale at the grocery store. They don't always have it. I'll get a print out to put with it on cooking and recipe.

    What do I do when I disapear at party's i've even been found sound asleep in a chair in a closet at a Legion dart tournament was so boring. I usualy find a quiet corner and have a quick snooze.
    For the lady who said this isn't easy. Anything worth doing isn't easy. So work through it.

    So on with a great day today. I must I must do this for no one but me.

    Linda C. In Northern Ontario.:huh: brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • Hello all,

    I can't believe it is already Feb 4. I have not read the posts yet am just starting I have however logged my food.

    Barbie a big thank you for keeping the posts going each month.:flowerforyou:

    Jeannie sorry about your stress with your son was he adopted we have two adopted granddaughters and we know they have issues but are hopeful that they will grow into productive young women. I have another friend who has a adopted son from Russia and he must have this the family has been thru so much stress and exspense he is 18 now and should graduate high school this spring it has been a very painful time for them.:heart:

    Dee Dee good job on your inches lost

    Wants to cruise I will be at the beach the week of February 9-16 hopefully keeping on track

    Linda wow I am inpressed great job on the half Marathon:flowerforyou:

    Janice dont give up

    Katla so sorry about your DH men really hate going to the Doctor or hospitals.

    Dina I love Europe have a great trip.

    Ok now I have skimed all the posts and feel good to have completed that.:laugh:

    Goals for Feb
    Log all food and exercise
    Work out 5 days a week
    Do my 5k app so I am ready for my 5k color run
    Swim 3 days a week
    Stay on track and the scal will eventually follow
  • Morning all... Happy Wednesday! Off to a really slow start this seek. Just needed a mental break, now back to work ( working out).
    Thanks for your kind words Lynn ;)
  • Hello everyone! Just checking in with you guys for a little dose of insparation! I have been trying to keep up with you guys and read (ok, skimmed) most of the post since I was last here. This past week has really been a roller coaster for me. As some of you know, our first grandbaby was born last Thursday :happy: but on Saturday they had to move him to NICU :frown: . He was diagnosed with pneumonia. By Sunday night he was doing better.:happy: Then Monday got here.................they mentioned POSSIBLY having to put him on a feeding tube (he was not feeling well, mom was stressed so breast milk was a little lacking). Poor mom walked in to the NICU to see them putting the tube down his nose!! Bless her heart, she just fell apart!:cry: While that was going on, I had to take my dog on his last ride to the vet.:sad: I cried all the way home!! I am happy to report that as of this morning little Caleb is eating above his goal and they will most likely remove the tube today and he should get to go home on Saturday after finishing his antibiotics.:smile:

    Thru all of this I maintained my weight!!!:happy: This is a huge accomplishment for me as I am a stress eater! I am trying really hard to make this all a life style change and it seems to be sticking!:laugh:

    Sundance: My Daughter in law just processed out of the military and is working with retired military dogs. She fosters some while trying to find the right home for them. She has one guy that she adopted herself and has been on 2 Rose Bowl parade floats with him and he has been up for a big service award twice. If you want more info, friend me, I can hook you 2 up. She would be a great resource.

    Meg: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!! After the week I've had, I needed a good laugh. The first post I read while catching up was yours and it was about you getting stuck in your car :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That is sooooooo something I would do!

    Girls (and apparently maybe a couple of guys!) I've got to do some house work. I have either been up at the hospital or a work this past week and believe me when I say this house could use some TLC!

    Have a great day!

    Lori H
    Southwest Missouri
  • Hi..I have been reading the posts, and feel like I connect here ! I am almost 56, a yo-yo dieter with a lifelong weight problem. I finally decided ( after gaining back almost all of the weight I lost with MediFast) to change my ways and change the way I look at weight loss. I can't DIET,,,,,I have to do a life change. As long as I DIET I will go off it, cheat or quit. I have to look at this as a total change. My 16 yo son has a weight problem, my hubby has Type II diabetes, and I feel I have contributed. So changes are happening for all of us!

    My February goal is to stay at my calorie goal for at least 27 days :)

    I look forward to the support I can get and give !!

    Patti from Upstate NY
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    So changes are happening for all of us!

    My February goal is to stay at my calorie goal for at least 27 days :)

    I look forward to the support I can get and give !!

    Patti from Upstate NY

    Great progress so far Patti and good for you (and your family) for working on a lifestyle change, which is permanent (versus a diet which is temporary). Good luck on your journey!!!!

    Brooke from Colorado
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I can't tell you how much reading all your posts means to me. It makes me laugh...it makes me cry...it keeps me motivated. Thank you all for sharing your personal stories and for your determination to get healthy. I am still working on cleaning out my 2012 files. It feels like a never-ending job and I have so much other stuff I would rather be doing.:grumble: Maintenance isn't as fun as losing the weight because there is no reward on the scale at the end of the week (except no gains). Sometimes I feel so hungry and it know it's my mind playing tricks on me because I am eating more than when I was trying to lose. Logging definitely helps me to stay on track.

    :flowerforyou: Robin- I hope you feel better in time for your trip.

    :sick: Meg - That "almost" sick feeling seems to be going around lately. Hope it never materializes into something more.

    :laugh: Barbie - When I read your post, the song "These boots were made for walkin" came to mind.

    :wink: Mary - It's nice to get recognition for your hard work, isn't it? Helps to get you back on track when you need it.

    :drinker: Michele- I love your enthusiasm and dedication. I'm still working on that!

    :yawn: Lila - Tylenol PM (Over the counter) usually works for me. Good luck and enjoy your trip.

    :devil: Liz - Maybe you should have yourself checked out by a doctor. Your symptoms could be a sign of something more serious.

    :heart: Lori - Thank God your little one is coming home. Mom & Dad must be so relieved! So sorry to hear about your dog. Our pets are family members too, and the loss is always hard. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Well, back to work for me......have a wonderful day!

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning and a very happy Weds to all.

    I've been awfully darned busy, stopping by occasionally to read posts and gosh what lot of new faces! How nice! :happy: Just wanted to welcome everyone and mention what a wonderful thing you're all doing by working hard to eat better and get rid of those pounds! :flowerforyou: It's worth every minute that you spend planning what you eat - then of course eating what you plan. :wink:

    I'm still plugging away at it, still stuck like glue to my "beloved" :grumble: weight of 159, although I'd like to plummet downwards to 150. My body seems so content right where it sits at the moment but for some reason my mind just does not want to agree! Thus goes the battle. I still have some bulge. :tongue:

    Made it to the track yesterday for 30 minutes of fast walk and jogging in 1/4 mile intervals. I'll do yoga this morning, upper body workout with weights, and the "nerd fitness" routine that includes lifting, plank, 10 push ups, 10 squats, 10 lunges and 10 jumping jacks. 3 times through that routine doesn't sound like much, but whew! It's killer. :explode: I'm getting much better at the plank, though, and no longer have a problem with push ups. :bigsmile: Little by little, if we keep at it, we get stronger.

    Notes for the week: Need new jeans bad. Plan student music recital. Sow snow peas, celery, early broc indoors under lights. Clean the house. Make chili and low-fat cornbread muffins this morning. Walk dogs as usual, and did I mention clean the house. :ohwell: Keep a happy attitude, eat beans and greens. Keep carbs on the low side. Do not buy any more dark chocolate almond bark, at least until next week. :sad:

    Have wonderful day!
    :smile: jb in cloudy but not raining Portland OR
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's hump day!

    Katla- glad your hubby is doing okay and that the new scale arrived and shows a loss, congrats:drinker:

    Kim in CA- is there something else we eat other than FISH and CHICKEN:noway: Just kidding there really are a lot of things we do eat but those are the main items with a lot of veggies thrown in.

    Barbie- thanks for sharing that address for the "older" BMI calculator. It helps to know that at an older age we do need to calculate things a bit differently:flowerforyou: Warm feet for walking:love: that's right up my alley.

    Mary in KS- I'm sure that the sore from swimming is a good sore:flowerforyou:

    GardenGail- I sure do wish my boss would travel:ohwell:

    Sandy in Ohio- Welcome home:flowerforyou:

    Meg-hoping you are NOT coming down with another illness:flowerforyou:

    Lila- the countdown to your vacation is something I wish I was counting down to. Actually I wish I had a countdown to retirement now that would truly make my week:wink:

    Linda- you are doing great losing that 52 is awesome and we will be cheering you on for the rest of them:drinker: as you continue to lose.

    Liz-hoping you are feeling better today and that the heartburn doesn't return.:drinker:

    Jo Wales- I agree that there is no food that I can't eat, it's all in moderation. Sometimes all I need is a bite to get the feeling of "I HAVE to HAVE it" to pass. But I know there are a lot of others that one bite just leads to two, to three, to four...:wink:

    Linda C- hoping that one pound is just water weight and that you stay at the top on your TOPS board.:flowerforyou:

    Lori H- hoping that your DGS is released from the hospital soon:flowerforyou:

    jb Portland- I loved your notes for the week. Really gave me a moment to pause and think if I could do something like that...but no my brain won't let me right now:ohwell:

    I know I've missed some of you but there's only so much time for me to play with you this morning:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou:

    The scale moved for me this AM and that gets me to 3/4 of the way to my goal for this year. It's getting closer to where I will be once again fighting the maintenance monster, but I'm determined to make it this year. Besides I am having less and less back up "big" clothes to fall back on if I were to gain:blushing: So I just won't do that.

    I best get moving lots that needs to be done today.

    Everyone have a great day. Log that food, log your exercise and log your water:drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Here's to the NEW Women we know we can be:flowerforyou:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • Ilovevwgolf
    Ilovevwgolf Posts: 564 Member
    January : Completed the Concept 2 virtual team rowing challenge for January by rowing 175 000 mtrs.
    Kept my weight under 62kg and body toner with all that rowing!
    Joined the local amateur Dragon Boat team at a tender age of 51 :happy:

    February: Following a short weight loss program - trying to lose 2-3 kg. On the 3rd of 15 sessions.
    Will continue with rowing but less meterage.
    Attending dragon boat practice 3x a week and still trying to master the technique!
    Try to increase my stamina and strengten core muscle.

    Be happy.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!Had been doing good with not overeating.I had a couple unplanned foods last night,but was because I was hungry and not stressed.Didn`t have enough veg last night.Know that makes a difference
    Have a great day!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lori H: I’m sorry to hear your little grandson has had such a challenging start. He appears to be a fighter, and I’m glad he’ll be going home soon. :bigsmile: :heart: You also have my condolences on the loss of your dog. :brokenheart: Sometimes life is overwhelming.

    I’m thrilled that the military are now treating their dogs as the soldiers they are, and taking better care of their canine veterans. :bigsmile: Your DIL is doing good work. :flowerforyou: Also glad to hear you‘re maintaining your weight in this time of stress. You seem to be transforming yourself in meaningful ways.:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Patti: Back in the day, my mom used to diet using a product called Metrical. It took the pounds off, but they always came back. :grumble: She called it “the battle of the bulge.” :laugh:

    This is a great group and MFP is a fabulous resource for a person who wants to lose weight. The tools are here to help a person change. I have been helped a bunch, and this group has been an important part of the it. :love: I’ve learned a lot about eating correctly here and will probably always measure my food, count my calories and my exercise as part of this lifestyle change. :wink: We have some folks in this group who have met their goals and still post to encourage the rest of us. They are proof positive that a woman past 50 can transform herself. Welcome!:flowerforyou:

    jb: I planted snow peas last year and they took over the world. :tongue: One of my mistakes was putting too many in a small space. :ohwell: We’d like to grow them again, but we live in a townhouse with a small fringe of land, so placement is everything.:bigsmile:

    Laura: Congrats on making the ¾ mark for the year!!!!! Wow.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I’m feeling optimistic today, just because, and I’m grateful for it. The days when the light is increasing are always good for me, but I don’t always notice and appreciate like I should. DH has a doctor appointment with his endocrinologist, and I’m wondering how that will go. This appointment has been on the schedule for months, and is not part of the stroke treatment. I won’t be surprised if the doctor makes some changes as a result of it, though.

    Get your exercise, count your calories in and your calories out, and drink you water.:drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :heart:

    Katla in NW Oregon where it is overcast but not raining.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi There ~ Yesterday I was very busy making appts before I start my new job. Today I go for a facial or something to hide my fine lines!!! Not sure what my plan will be, but I will know after this appt!!:glasses: Today I am going to start putting together a file of all the things I am working on so I can pass them on to....no one!!! There really isn't anyone to take my place :laugh: Oh well I can't worry about it..I need to focus on what's best for me and my family :bigsmile:

    I also bought my Amberen!!! It is natural and helps with all the things some of us are going through now..personal summers etc! It is suppose to help with weight loss too.. I will keep you posted :flowerforyou:

    Kim - Welcome - Great job on you weight loss so far! I hope you get cleared and are able to get moving. Exercise has turned into one of my favorite things!!!!
    Katla ~ Good luck with the new scale - sounds like it's been good to you so far :bigsmile:
    Robin - Great pic! Feel better - Kauai or bust!
    Michele ` Yippee on the spin and yoga!!! I took a yoga class yesterday after spin and it was AWESOME! Enjoy your HRM I love mine!! I use it for every work out.

    I bought myself a TRX yesterday!!! One of the gym instructors reccommended I get one since with my new job I will be traveling more. I can just throw it in my suitcase. Also I will being able to have my own TRX when I go to class :flowerforyou:

    Well I better get back to work - Have a GREAT DAY...

    :heart: Judy
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Having a very good day today. Just read all the posts but replying to all is just to much now.

    sure hope your not coming down with something else how much can one women take.

    Laura I'd just love to be able to see a loss tonight no matter how small i'd even settle for a maintain.

    Starting your seedlings already here I don't start until end of April our growing season is very short.

    Well didn't get a very good night did a lot of clock watching. So i'm putting this old body down for a nap.

    See all lighter
    Linda C
  • Sorry ladies but what is a hump day?

    Thanks Jo
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Sorry ladies but what is a hump day?

    Thanks Jo

    Getting over the "hump" in the middle of the work week - Wednesday. Have a great Wednesday, all! Mary from KS
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hello lovely ladies. Life has been so busy that i haven't been able to keep up with the posts & now I feel so out of touch.

    i hope everyone is doing well.

    Geri in England
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Ok Geri we understand. Life gets in the way in this journey. Just come on in and join in as if you had never left.

    2 hours left before weigh in my food is low and so is my water intake. See what that will do hope it makes a difference.

    Linda C
  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    Hey Renate1958 - I'm here for the long haul if you need some new friends - count me in. Motivation - it's a hard one sometimes - but you are logging in here and that's great! Always glad to give encouragement and support - we all need that from time to time!
    Aloha and hang in - YOU CAN DO IT! :flowerforyou:
    Lynn Maile Taylor (kauaiartist)
    Kauai - Hawaii
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I had an off day yesterday... not really sick, but just feeling foggy in my head along with a lot of pain radiating down my right arm from my neck (I've had issues with my trapezial muscles for several months now). I managed to change lanes in front of an oncoming car that I didn't even see. Thank goodness that driver was more alert than I was, so nothing happened. :embarassed:

    Today was the first of three days in a row at the VA with my dad. I always try to get appointments on the same day, but couldn't do it this time.

    Katia – So glad to read that your husband is home! I’ve always thought those Greek fisherman type of hats the chauffeurs wear on TV were rather fetching – you should get one! :glasses:

    Barbie – I had to laugh when I read about your plan to up your weight for your doctor visit next year! I’ve never heard that about bone density or about a different BMI for women over 65. I think that being told I am underweight is one of those impossible dreams – I’m glad I was able to experience it vicariously through you! :smile:

    Linda Sundance – Glad to see you back on here, and glad you’re enjoying being back at work. The medical system is truly a mess anymore, isn’t it? Are you going to have the CT surgery?

    Lila – I hope you have a safe trip and wonderful visit with your daughter! :flowerforyou:

    Laura80111 – Good job on the scale moving! (You’re my diet hero). :drinker:

    Jane in Colorado