
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Getting ready to start my day. My weight was up this morning and when I reviewed yesterday I can see why. I did a Bob Harper Cardio DVD yesterday and my knee and hip are really talking to me. I tried this DVD last week and it was great. Last week, my heart rate was up there and I felt like I had worked but joints were fine. Yesterday, my heart rate was like a slug (I think I had "real" coffee before the other workout) and my knees were hurting. Last night I kept waking up with pain in that hip and knee.....so frustrating. I know today I will be gentle. There is my strength training class this afternoon...I will go easy...but I will go!

    Have a good day everyone!

  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    Well I still have a lot of catching up to do with my reading - I am still on page 9 and I think that there are 13 pages but I don't have anymore time today.

    mazaron - I had a more difficult time with my daughter when she was growing up then I did with my son – he was so laid back and a pretty good kid – into sports mainly. As for my daughter she was into the wrong crowd and just trouble. But now that they are both grown and on their own they have really turned out pretty well if I must say so myself.

    jb – Your garden looks great, I wish I was able to have one as BIG as yours. The bath sounds wonderful too!!

    rhondajoragsd – Welcome to the group, it’s a great place to be if you need motivation and inspiration. “Jersey” tomatoes are home grown here in New Jersey, that’s just what I call them.

    Skyecath – Good job on your controlled eating on the weekend – I have a hard time then too! Glad your lamb made it through the night and got out of the hole!

    Barbie – That video brought me to tears, thanks. Beautiful dogs! what a journey you’ve had so far – 70 lbs. all I can say is WOW GREAT JOB – you are so inspirational and motivational and I thank you for keeping this thread going even after the original gal moved on to other things. Because of you I myself have read Strong Women Stay Young (which I will pass on to my mother-in-law) and Strong Women Stay Slim (which I will read next). I also plan on purchasing “The Happiness Project”. Keep those ideas coming – I can use all the help I can get!

    YvonnePtm – Congrats on your triatholon finish what an amazing accomplishment – and good luck getting a spot for the London Marathon 2013 – Cancer is a terrible disease for anyone but when it affects innocent little children I just cannot comprehend that. I feel everything happens for a reason but I cannot see any reason that they would have to suffer that way. My heart goes out to the families of all children afflicted by this disease.

    Kat – OMG – you had me rolling on the floor laughing (ROTFL) about the DH because at first I didn’t get it either LOL all these shortcuts hehehehe :laugh: :laugh:

    HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY ALL! I'll try to do some more catching up later. Have the day off work but have lots of housework to do and my hubby is taking a half day off so we can have a nice afternoon together. :heart:
  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    Kathy- Yeah you for the loss:drinker: your Fit-traxx sounds interesting, do you think they patterned some of it after Curves? I've never been to Curves but I've heard it's stations and you work at each one for a set time and then everyone shifts.:huh:


    Laura - I did try Curves about 10 years ago and I guess it is similar to the stations and timing but Fit-traxx is soooooo much harder and better. With Curves when you go there you just start where and when you want and finish whenever - with this Fit-traxx it's an actual class you can't start whenever you want like Curves. I am sooooo loving it!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    so I managed to get my 10,000 steps by pacing the hotel room. I felt proud. I changed my profile pic to Olivia for a while because I am missing her. Tonight I will have to try to walk all of my steps in the airport hauling around my roller bag and computer but I will do my best to get there. Have a great day all

    Robin, Bodi boy and Rit Bit.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I need some advice and what better place to ask then here.

    My daughter seems to attract drama. Today at one her jobs, (she has a few casual jobs), her boss blasted her for a mistake that was made. He went over the top (he is a drama queen) . I also work there so know him, however, his reaction to this error was quite overboard but regardless. I am hoping it will blow over although i have my supisicions that she and I are being sabotaged by another worker out of jealousy (maybe). An older woman who no matter how hard we try to be friends with is just unresponsive. This is a task that is easily sabotaged by the lift of a piece of paper at the next shift. But to suggest that the task could be preformed in a more effiecent and safer manner wont go down well. They don't like to think that we may come up with a better idea. So suggestions are not welcomed. My problem though is how do I learn to cope with the mother protecting the cub. I am up comfort eating :mad: :mad: :mad: You know if the child is upset or hurt so are we. Mind you before when i have spent countless hours awake and worrying i find out that my daughter is quite at terms with the situation. I suffered terrible and probably still do empty nest syndrome when she first moved out almost 12 mths ago. How do I learn to cope, can't do anything about it at midnight so wouldn't I be better sleeping, but how to put it out of my mind.

    Any suggestions?

    Jen (a worried mum.)
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hello Ladies ;

    I was on the go all day long yesterday! We had a guy from the Insurance Co and a contractor out to look at out roof , and the good new is that the insurance Co. is going to pay for it to be replaced! I can't waite untill it is done! I got a lot of cleaning out done and took some books to the 1/2 off book store and sold them, only made 21.00 dollars , but that is not to bad. getting all the stuff that you have put away thinking it will come in handy some time or another and giving it away or selling it is quite a job.

    exermom: so sorry to here your hubby Vince hurt his back! :cry: hope you will get another chance to go to Italy, like someone else said mybe later this year. :smile: I have the Walk the Walk DVD with Leslie Sansome , I just started it. I think you use the stretchy bands when ever you want to add some resistance. in other words if you are streching your legg out to the side you would put them around you ankels and then when you strech your leg out you are pulling the band and it makes you work a little more.
    do any of the ladies in the DVD use the bands? the bands are also great for arm exercises to!:wink:

    Lynn0713 good luck with the Big 10 weigh in!:happy:

    JB love the Quotes and I am going to put the one about the greens on my refrigerator!:bigsmile:

    jipsyjudy Thank you for the infor. on the carbs, My sister is couting carb and she eats 22 per meal , but she see a diabetic dietitian , and also take some meds.

    rjadams dont be so hard on yourself, and great job going to the fitness center!:happy:

    skyecath 6bls That is Great:flowerforyou: you should cheer!!

    Sallycc Hope you are feeling better today!:smile:

    will try to check back later , must get some work done!
  • Lynn0713
    Lynn0713 Posts: 27
    Hello Everyone,

    Well I had a good weigh in 5 1/2 pounds and 10 1/2 inches. My next weigh in will be on the 22nd of May then we are off to Cannada for my sil 50th wedding anniversary. I do love this group so inspiring and Barbie what an inspiration you are. You have been so faithful I remember your posts from the past when I was on here. Thanks for everyones support.:flowerforyou:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    TGIF! Love love love Fridays. :happy:

    Oh Michele, that is such sad news. I know you must be terribly upset. It's certainly no fun when plans have to be put on hold due to circumstances beyond our control. Hopefully your husband will be back to normal in a jiffy. You hang in there! :flowerforyou:

    The "surprise" frost on Weds night took out several of our tomato and pepper plants. :sad: I'll be making a trip to the nursery for replacements. Looking forward to a weekend filled with gardening, and lots of sunshine as predicted. I've been in a bit of an emotional funk due to hubby being out of work again. It's beginning to drive me mad worrying about it. :angry: Mind over matter, I guess. Easier said than done. :ohwell:

    Wishing you all a great, productive, fun weekend. Be good, be strong, and eat lotsa salad. :bigsmile:

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Jen - I would love to offer you some advice, but I am coming up empty at the moment. I'm sure that some of our dear friends on here who have had similar experiences will jump in soon.

    Michele - BUMMER! What a let down! I hope you can reschedule.

    Cath - Home grown home cured bacon? Aren't you the survivalist! I loved it when I had chickens, but had to get rid of them when moving to town. At least I have a friend who keeps some, so I can still enjoy fresh eggs. Reminds me, I need to call her and see if she has some extras as I am low.

    Have I mentioned that it's Friday??? I have a busy Mother's Day weekend planned. Tomorrow I am having another sewing day with my daughter and several of her in laws, while my son in law smokes pork to serve to all of us on Mother's Day. Can't wait to make some major progress on my quilting projects! I have been working on them almost every evening lately.

    Well, I best be off to work. I don't know that I will be on much this weekend; we'll see. So have a great Mother's Day! Mary
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's Friday...and I'm enjoying my morning off.

    Just finished the posts but didn't have another window open to comment:blushing: so will see what my memory has in it....

    Jen- wish I had pearls of wisdom for you & your daughters work situation but maybe someone else does. I work in a VERY small office where it's the boss, his son and me with my bookkeeper every once in awhile so I don't have much if any drama:huh:

    Lynn- Congrats on your loss:flowerforyou: I think we seem to loss so much that first week to give us the incentive to keep going...although there are those that manage to lose at a very steady pace...I'm just not one of them...I'm the very slow kind:grumble:

    jb-:cry: sorry you lost some of your plants in the frost. I don't have a garden here but I always wait until Memorial Weekend to plant my flowers, besides having the extra day off the weather us usually pretty good givning me plenty of time to have the sore back from bending over planting:ohwell:

    rpphillip- great job cleaning out and selling some of your books. Our used book stores here only give you store credit so taking them means you will be getting some in return:noway: the only way to pass them on is to donate them to the library book sale in September.

    robin-:noway: WOW pacing in the hotel room to get those 10,000 steps that's dedication.

    I'm off to get my exercise in before we get cleaned up to head out for the day. I've put my cameras on the charger so I can get my pictures of #3 graduation walk. We will be picking up the DIL so they only have one car to come home in. My understanding is that they are going out to a "fancy" dinner after the reception so hubby and I are on our own and hubby has said he wants to go to a Chinese place we ate at years ago, the food was really good...but the sodium is always so high in Chinese food:grumble: which means a lot of water tomorrow.

    Sunday is Mother's Day here in the US and I'm sure my sons will all be calling, except #3 son as we will be eating dinner with them. Last year he gave me an orchid, at the time it had 5 blooms over the past year it's bloomed several times. The last time it lost it's blooms I cut back the stems hoping I wasn't killing it:blushing: and it now has 6 new blooms on the new stem:bigsmile: I'm thinking the flowers will open in the next week or so.

    Everyone have a good day, remember to log your food, drink your water:drinker: and get up and get moving.

  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Congrats on your 5 1/2 pounds loss , and wow 50 years!:happy: that is great!
    have fun in cannada :drinker:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Today is go get the great grandson day! This little stinker <---- I get to keep him until tomorrow evening. My DGD thinks I'm doing her a favor keeping the little guy while she and Dad are at work, but I think they are doing me a favor letting me have him.

    She is lucky in that there are 2 grandmothers and 2 great grandmothers within 40 minutes of her. I'm not discounting the grandpas, but at this stage with the exception of our son, they would rather not change diapers and do the un-fun stuff, if they have someone else around that will do it that is! :laugh: He is at the "learn to walk by running and falling" stage and has a fascination with door knobs and cabinet doors; it will be a busy 24 hours for sure.

    Michele - That is such a disappointment not to get to go on your trip and see your son. :sad: Hopefully it will happen soon. And I agree, you should get the "considerate wife of the year" medal. I hope I would be that nice.....

    I have to get busy and pick up the tempting things laying around and vacuum.

    Hope we all have a great weekend!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I just finished editing this post and during proof reading I hit a random key and lost it. :explode:

    Anyway... :smile:

    The surgeon says my foot is healing well and I have the robo-boot, though I'm still under orders not to put any weight on it until after my next check-up, which is in three weeks. I did not anticipate how painful it would be, or how careful I have to be not to re-open the wound. That's why I was not on line yesterday. I was in bed with my foot in the air. The return to the gym will be postponed until Sunday when DH can come to spot me.

    Remember the three things I wanted to do in the city (aside from foot related requirements?). #1: Conversations, coffee and crosswords with the parents. Check. :smile: #2: Visit the Italian deli for pasta, cheese and balsamic vinegar. Check. :smile: #3: Go to LuluLemon to buy sweet summer workout clothes. Check. :laugh: DH must have been feeling really sympathetic:love: because he took me there without protest after the Dr's apt., came in with me to catch me if I fell off the crutches and approved of the tank top and flippy little skirt-with-built-in-shorts. I even snuck a matching head-band into the bag. Having the clothes is inspiration to stay on track while I can't workout.

    To add to the geographic data for Jen and AlwaysNancy: I live in Creston, which is in the SE corner of British Columbia, the westernmost province of Canada. We are located 3 hours drive north of Spokane, Washington, in the US. Ninety minutes east of Nelson BC (where the Steve Martin movie Roxanne was filmed in 1987) and five hours drive west of Calgary, Alberta, home of the famous Calgary Stampede and the 1988 Winter Olympics. As you can tell, Creston is in the middle of "nowhere" unless you give it context from "somewhere". We like it that way! :drinker:

    Hi Mary msh0530: Radium Hot Springs is a 3-4 hour drive NE of Creston. What’s your route coming south?

    Jeannie, Our summer road trip is being planned, and I’ll post it here to see if we come close to you (or other MFP pals along the route!)

    Faye, aka anotheryearolader, Oh yeah, those fast food calories can sneak up on us big time! :noway: I could not believe how many calories are in even the food that seems “healthy”, such as bagels and egg-salad sandwiches. It’s too bad you weren’t even in the mood to enjoy the indulgence.

    Speaking of fast food bliss, on the way to the city to have my foot attended to I ordered, and enjoyed, a Dairy Queen Blizzard. :love: Oh me, oh my. 600+ calories worth of bliss. I made that thing last for about an hour, or 100 km of the drive. It isn’t worth indulging very often, so when I do….

    Sarah, I wish I could start the New Rules stage 2 with you. :grumble: It will have to wait a couple more months, I am afraid. I agree that the muscle ache feels good, though, when it comes from an intentional workout.

    AlwaysNancy: I looked up the Horseshoe Valley Warrior Dash and read: “participants (will be) jumping through fire, crawling through mud pits, climbing over vehicles and working their way through nine additional grueling obstacles. :explode: ” Part of me thinks, “that could be fun” and a greater part of me thinks, “you must be crazy!”

    Kackie “If I don’t make a plan I plan to fail” :drinker: That’s going on my wall of quotes.

    Laura80111 I love the image of the clothes in your closet cheering you on! :drinker:

    Michelle, You are definitely not invisible, I like reading your entries. As for long…I think I take the prize! It gives me a giggle to read about the ways you slip veggies into Vince’s treats. My mum used to make the best chocolate zucchini bread in the world! When the season rolls around I will make some for J’boy and DH, but I won’t let them in on the secret ingredient either.

    Oh no, no, no! :sad: :sad: I am so sorry to hear about Vince and your trip. That’s a tough one.

    Viv: “So today I am back on track. I feel as if this flipping track keeps running away from me…” Oh yeah! It’s a marathon for sure.

    Amanda, thanks for the link to “hidden causes of overeating”. It has got me thinking… I have a collection of coloured plates. Blue it is, for lunch today. :wink:

    Katieblue72 – I read the posts from my last entry to the most recent post, and I have split screen with a word document open on one side. That way I can comment on what I’m reading as I go along. Then I cut and paste the word document into the MFP thread and add all my happy faces!

    KathyGSM: Your Fit-traxx program sounds like the group circuit training I attend. It’s fun, yes? We do 10 stations, 60 seconds each, 3 times around the circuit. I’ll bet you are seeing muscles you didn’t know existed, with all that working out.

    JipsyJudy I am glad to read that you are feeling better now that you have upped your calories and balanced out the carb’s ratio. Aren’t our bodies the most amazing thing? :ohwell:

    Robin, Congratulations on getting your steps in by pacing the hotel room. You gave me a flashback to last summer when I was jogging around a hotel parking lot in Salt Lake City, working toward my own fitness goals. :drinker:

    Jen, Daughter drama, oh sigh. My DH (dear, darling, dramatic daughter) is 25. It never ends. What surprises me these days is I tend to get more worked up about the ups and downs in her life than she does. She’ll call me for comfort and advice when she’s really upset. We talk. I worry. Next time we talk I’m still worried, but she’s moved on! :noway: I hope thinks work out for the best for you & yours.

    Lynn0713: Where’s your destination in Canada?

    Well, ladies, I am not lingering longer on this because I can't bear to loose it again. You might not be able to bear it if I add anymore, either. Thanks for the company.

    From my chair,

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Nancy - Glad to see you back! Hope the pain is better soon. We are heading south on highway 95/93, and it appears that we don't actually go by you. The closest we come is Cranbrook. Mary
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Michelle:sad: so bumbed for you how disappointing I know your hubby is a lucky guy and he must appreciate you so much hope you get to France soon I too agree you deserve wife of the year. I'm not sure I would be able to handle the dissappointment as well as you seem to be.

    Jb sorry about your plants I was wondering how they faired going to be a hot one this weekend so happy replanting :grumble:
    Sorry to hear your hubby is out of work hope it turns around for you soon

    Lynno713 congrats on the loss and on the 50 years I hope we make to our 50 we are at 26 years today

    Mary happy sewing My Mom quilts every day and she loves it I made a couple of them a few years back man what a project so much love and time goes into them and isn't it fantastic you can share that with your family sounds like a fun time

    Well after a long crazy week at work I am finally off today Hubby and I are going to a movie tonight to celebrate our 26th anniversary then fishing with #2 son and his family on Saturday And mothers day on Sunday we will be having a very full weekend

    Jen it's so tough to let your children go after all the years we spend caring for them I had the hardest time being an empty nester sounds like you have done a wonderful job teaching her to be self sufficient and she seems to be handling it well so good job to you mission accomplished I would try to find the joy in knowing she can handle herself well while facing adversity. I bet the gal at work is going to figure out her efforts are futile your daughter is going to land on her feet.

    By the way I live in Banks Oregon it is a very small town nestled between the mountains and the coast about 20 miles outside of Portland we are a farming community and surrounded by wine vinyards Long ago Banks was a logging community as well as farming most of the people here have been here for generations and they all know eachother and eachothers ancestors so its very tight knit and I love it We are what they call transplants ( that is we didn't grow up here) we moved to Banks over 20 years ago and it was the best decision we ever made.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Just Got back from a 2 1/2 hour horse back ride and walk. Trails are great bike riders keep the trails cleared, so Any way I walk 15 minutes ride 15 minutes. That way I get my walking in and the horse is getting conditioned for longer rides.
    Just a quick check in have to finish getting the weed eating done. Everyone have a great weekend.
    I too like jb have to replace a few plants. Frost got them.
  • hazymary
    hazymary Posts: 190 Member
    Hi Ladies .....Is there room for one more? I'm 54 years young and live in Upstate NY. I started my journey to fitness several times, most recently last August on WW at 196.6 pounds. I switcded over to MFP about 5 weeks ago...it's been a SLOW process, as I get nearer to my next goal, 150. CW 152.4. I've never been thin so I don't know what my ultimate will be, other than to finally be fit enough that I can do ANYTHING I set my mind to.
    My May Goals are to strength train 3 days a week, run the Chase corporate challenge and hopefully break that barrier of 150 !

    I'd love to hear what has worked for you, I get confused with the information overload about calories and if I should be eating more, exercising less.....head spins...lol. I did recently up my calories to 1350.

    Lookin' forward to getting to know you all.
  • Needmorewillpower
    Needmorewillpower Posts: 11 Member
    Hello everyone! (Waves!) I am new to mfp, but it really is my new best friend after friend recommended it to me. I log on every day, several times a day, to faithfully log my food and exercise. I lost 4lbs in the first week. I know it says I have lost 2lbs, but that is because I didn't enter my weight accurately when I first started on here! Doh!

    My goals are to carry on eating sensibly and counting calories until I have lost 2 stone. I lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago due to an overactive thyroid. My thyroid condition isn't entirely under control yet, but due to medication I have now put all the weight I lost back on together with a little more and my clothes are starting to get tighter.

    I am now 11 days in, and starting to crave more sweet stuff, but am staving off the cravings with sugar free marshmallows and Cadburys Highlights hot chocolate.

    Good luck everyone! :)
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    Greetings All

    A triple TGIF from me.....I am exhausted!

    This week, my Bistro class asked for a week off from doing the bistro so they could hang out with their friends at lunch and I agreed because they more or less agreed to volunteer to run the bistro this semester rather than it being a scheduled class (one semester a year I do have the Bistro class) Anyway, I thought this would be a great opportunity to do some cake decorating so they could all bake and decorate a Mother's Day cake to take home and we wouldn't have been able to do that with the bistro running. It was a great experience for all but exhausting. Because of the new nutrition guidelines for schools introduced this year, I haven't done that much baking with them so it was starting from scratch with cake baking, icing, piping and fondant flowers. Some of the cakes were really really amazing, some of them looked like a 4 year old's dream, but I was running all week and feel like I have breathed in so much icing sugar that I have eaten a pound of it straight! Yesterday, the school boiler went on the fritz so I was boiling large pots of water for washing....perfect timing with all that greasy butter cream, no? My room looks rather like a bomb went off in it so Monday will be a major cleaning day with hot water running, God willing, or more pots of water on the stove.

    We also started baking for our local farmers' market which we always do through the Month of May and early June (which runs once a week on Wednesdays) Our school has a greenhouse which grows bedding plants, herbs, some perennials and hanging baskets so we share a booth with that class. It's great school/community building and the kids love it but it is a lot of work. My classes make pies, fruit breads, butter tarts, brownies and date squares. The self-contained classes actually man the booths and they have to figure out the money, give change and learn to interact with the public.

    So, as a result, I have skipped working out today and yesterday but I have two group bike rides this weekend, both only 25k but that will get me to an 80k total for the week which does get me up to 170k after only 2 weeks....over half of the way to my goal. Somehow or other I will have to get another strength training workout in, but I think I will miss yoga again. Sometimes, there is just not enough time or energy. However, the bike rides give me double points for my healthy and social goals for this month!! I also hope to get in some more gardening. My kids are all scattered but I think I will get phonecalls, though maybe not from my son teaching in Mexico as he is away this week.

    Michelle: I admit, I would be weeping with frustration at having to miss a planned trip. Two years ago, I also had to bow out of a European student trip I was supposed to help chaperone as my aged aunt, who lives in Montreal (6 hours away) was quite ill and moving into a nursing home, and I had to close up her apartment during the March break I was supposed to travel. I did weep, more than once, but it was the right decision. I will be leading the same trip I missed (Canada and the World Wars) in March 2014. I hope you, too, can reschedule your trip.

    mazaron: good for you. You seem to be even better than me at working out recently, even with the bum foot.

    jellyfishjen: I have no words of wisdom but I do agree with those that say that our kids often handle their ups and downs better than we do. I am also an emptynester and get calls when the kids are in crisis. I listen, give advice when asked, and then fret at home alone. When next we talk (and I don't talk with any of my kids daily) they are way past it and have moved on. I honestly think that I worry more than they do. I have said before that I think, in some ways, it's harder to be a parent of adult children than when they are little when a squeezy hug and kiss fixes almost everything. The philosophy I have tried to maintain is that I have given them the tools, I have to trust that they will use them. I also remember being annoyed with my mother when she tried to fix my life when I thought I had it under control. I am more sympathetic to her worries now.

    I did Curves very briefly at one point, it didn't demand enough nor could you increase your weights when you got fitter. It can be a good stepping stone but I think it's very limited. I loaned my copy of the Happiness Project to someone but I think Fit traxx sounds like what I remember she does.

    Lynn0713: Congrats!

    Cath: What kind of smoker does your DH use? Is it a cold smoker and home made? I have a small smoker I use both at work and home, but it hot smokes. Would love to do some cold smoke.

    On the geographic front, I live in Hamilton, Ontario, fondly known as The Hammer. Hamilton is about 40k west of Toronto and 60 k north of Niagara Falls and Buffalo, right in the middle of what is called the Golden Horseshoe (agricultural). Hamilton, on the edge of Lake Ontario was a manufacturing and steel town, like Pittsburgh. It has a horrible reputation as a dirty, blue collar city....often called an armpit, but actually has so many beautiful natural places (35 waterfalls down the Niagara escarpment). With industry moved for the most part offshore, Hamilton struggles to decide what it will be. What it is becoming slowly, and with a not a lot of support from the local government, is an artistic and innovation centre. Beautiful and comparatively cheap housing close to Toronto. Hmmm, I sound like promoter.

    Sorry for the ramble. Have a great weekend ladies

  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    welcome ! hazymary and needmorewillp you will get help and encouragement here!:flowerforyou: