nml2011 Member


  • I lick my finger and then rub it on the sensors.
    in HRM GEL Comment by nml2011 October 2012
  • I do this in a large public gym... seems to be me and one of the instructors that ever does - luckily the gym floor is mostly clean!
  • I would say that the amount you workout is good... you dont want to concentrate too much on cardio if you are aiming for a bikini body so the single 6 mile run a week is all you need. I would get a proper full body workout plan made up for you (probably can be done at your gym), aim to be doing weights for an hour and to…
  • Diet, reduce stress and sleep more.
  • I eat two large meals a day (weekends I have a late breakfast after the gym of eggs and bacon) and eat 500 - 1000 cals over maintenance (3200 - 3600 cals) on training days and maintenance or slightly under on rest days; I eat the majority of my carbs (300g+) after 6pm and enjoy apple pie and ice cream during this time but…
  • Look into carb backloading by Keifer; Works exceptionally well and for women too... you should be able to gain muscle and get leaner at the same time. http://www.dangerouslyhardcore.com/2031/18-months-of-carb-back-loading-with-julia-ladewski/ Rice and sweet potatoes are a good place to start and 3 - 500 cals over…
    in Bulkying Comment by nml2011 October 2012
  • Simple science really... there are numerous studies out there but to put is simply: When we eat our blood insulin levels increase and higher insulin levels is the signal that tells our body to store energy. This is why frequent feeding (eating often every two to three hours) leaves us with high insulin levels…this is the…
  • The six times a day eating (or 4+ etc.) craze has been proven not to have any difference over eating once a day. If anything it will hinder weight loss / body recomposition in that you are constantly spiking your insulin and slowing down or stopping your fat burning.
  • Most recreational trainers don't need any more than 200g of Protein a day but there is no harm in eating more. Unlikely to add muscle if on a deficit unless you are very new to weight training then you might see some gains in the first 3 months or so but strength should increase. If you want to lean up and gain muscle then…
  • I never eat any breakfast before I train in the mornings, whether that's weights or running. I just have a black coffe. I always eat afterwards and drink more coffee.
  • Black coffee is always good pre-workout.
  • OP is on a calorie deficit and eating 1200 cals a day so isn't building any muscle and would need to be doing weights rather than just cardio. If you are only doing 9 -13 miles a day then take a break when you feel like it but isn't necessarily required when only doing short distances. Are you cycling 7 days a week or just…
  • I could just about do 1 when I started 2 years ago and weighed 103kgs... I now weigh 88kgs. However at the beginning of the year I started doing pull ups every time I went to the gym. Now I do pull ups one session and chins another so do them twice a week.
  • Eat the night before... this is known as carb backloading and is very effective for building muscle and getting lean. Then all you need for your AM workout is a black coffee.
  • I've been doing yoga for the past 6 months and weight training for the past 2 years. I usually do between 20 -24 pullups / chins in 3 - 5 sets depending on how I feel during that workout.
  • I would get rid of the cereal, the fat burners, BCAA (unless you train fasted) and push your carbs to the evening as per carb backloading (by Keifer), this protocol which will get you to 10%. Eat more meat and veg for breakfast (eggs, bacon, salmon, onion and spinach is good) and try and keep carbs low in the AM unless you…
  • If you are wanting to gain muscle then don't be scared of simple carbs; Post workout along with your protein and in the evenings is best. If you are in China then smash that white rice especially with your evening meals!! I would also do the heavy lifting 3 times a week and if you have the energy then the cardio!
  • Take a look at carb backloading by John Keifer... there is plenty of science and results to back this up! I eat at an excess of about 500 - 1000 cals (have done for the past 6 months) and roughly lose 1% bf a month as do a lot of others running this protocol!
  • So you are saying that the body stop digesting food just because you are asleep? Secondly, in the morning when you wake your body is primed for fat burning so breakfast is really not required if you have eaten a large meal the night before and eating cereal or other high carb breakfasts wrecks this body state - fats and…
  • No, infact eating carbs before bed will make you sleep better and perform better in the morning.
  • That's fair enough, I don't have kids to worry about so I can plan my eating in advance. I backload my carbs the night before as I always train in the AM (I have black coffee only before hitting the gym at 7am) and then a protein shake post workout with protein and carbs (50g Whey & 75g Dextrose)
  • The science and results say otherwise: http://www.dangerouslyhardcore.com/2031/18-months-of-carb-back-loading-with-julia-ladewski/
  • What cardio do you do? HIIT and weights (heavy) will have the most effect but 4 weeks is a little short to make any real change.
  • Heybales is actually (mostly) right... what you eat at what time of day is almost important as what you eat! Fats and Protein in the AM and Protein and Carbs in the PM. Look into carb backloading by Keifer and the studies associated with it. I have been eating a large calorie excess 500 - 1000 cals above maintance on a…
  • I find a low bar resting on my contracted scapula to be most comfortable and stable - it's the position recommended at stronglifts. I also find it very uncomfortable high up even when I have tried one of those manta rays.
  • Lift weights and do yoga! Yoga will help with an increase in strength, balance (very important for lifting) and stretching out the muscles effected by the weight training. Weights will have the greatest overall effect to body composition.
  • Your maintenance is around 2400 cals so you should be losing weight eating what you are. I would ditch the 6 meals a day and eat two large meals and maybe a small snack if required. Protein and fat during the day and protein and carbs in the evening and you will drop the bodyfat no problem. Start weight lifting as soon as…
  • Evening is by far the best time to eat carbs (apart from post workout) but bread is a poor choice; Eat some white rice and sweet potatoes but also get in some protein and fats - chilli is an awesome evening meal, make it with lean mince, lots of veg (tomatoes, onion, celery, sweetcorn & jalpenos) and a massive 150g rice…
  • This is the way forward... I've been eating +500 over maintance with carb backloading for 6 months and losing roughly 1% bf each month and generally keeping to the same weight +/- 2kgs.
  • I eat the majority of my carbs after 6pm at night, my dinners often consist of 150g of white rice OR 300g sweet potatoes with protein and fat; I eat about 2kg of white rice a month! I am eating 500 cals over maintenance on workout days and maintenance+ on rest days. My weight fluctuates by a couple of kilos but I have been…