Yoga and Body Resistance exercises

I’m trying to gain a perspective on something without it becoming a thread about Us versus Them – so let’s keep it friendly eh?
OK – I’m wondering how many people who lift heavy weights to maintain and even build muscle can actually Pullup or Chin Up their own bodyweight and for how many sets and reps please?

My love is in Yoga and I have also been a body builder in my twenties. When I was putting on muscle mass, my flexibility decreased – not because it shortened my muscles as is commonly thought, but because in some yoga poses my muscle mass simply got in the way.

I am in my fifties now and two stone overweight. I came back to Yoga after a lazy break of about twenty years and I have been a member here at MFP for a few months. I have been reading on here about maintaining or even building muscle as a way of keeping lean mass and burning more base calories and I have been looking at adding some resistance training into my weekly fitness regime.

My feeling is that my own body should be resistance enough to maintain my lean weight and I have not reached my own muscle potential by any means, so I should actually put on some muscle mass by body resistance exercises alone – and that is as much muscle as I want or need so I can continue to perform Yoga comfortably.

Some folks say that Yoga – because you contract the muscle before and while you stretch the muscle (imagine pulling up on your kneecaps before and during a hamstring stretch and you have the idea), the tissue growth is more balanced throughout the muscle rather than through lifting weights where the muscle growth tends to be more in the belly of the muscle; giving a bulkier appearance to the physique – which some people like.

The sequence I propose (twice or three times per week) is:

• Slo-oooo-ow Squats (counting 5 seconds down, 5 up) for maybe 3 x 8 reps
• Slow Pressups (counting 5 seconds down, 5 up) for maybe 3 x 8 reps
• Pullups – at present I can’t perform even one, so I aim to start with 3 sets of 8 negative Chin Ups, until I can do 5 sets; and then move onto Pullups later in a few weeks and so on until I can perform 3 to 5 sets of 10 pullups – tell me that won’t put on muscle!
• Dumbell Shoulder Press – 3 sets of 5. I also do Handstands in my Yoga practice so shoulders and pushing are well catered for.

I don’t think I need Rowing or Bicep Curls of any kind if I am concentrating on Pullups, which include these motions.
Finally, for calves I cycle as much as I can and my calves are quite well shaped and toned so I don’t aim to include calf raises.

Please excuse my ramblings and take them or leave them as you wish. Comments please, but I am aware this is an issue which can spark off heated debates from one extreme to the other. What I’m hoping for is a few different perspectives on my thoughts. Any offers?


  • shoneybabes
    shoneybabes Posts: 199 Member
    you could do all of that by doing sun and moon salutations a few times a week. Using your own bodyweight to gain strength is normal in yoga, it also helps maintain posture and increases strength round your joints and helps your stamina.

    If you are trying to keep the fat off I would recommend doing cardio as well. I don't know a yoga teacher that has low body fat that doesn't do cardio. Saying that I don't know many yoga teachers :D

    I have started a heavy weights programme on Sunday along with a few hours of climbing and what an impact it had on my yoga. I felt as stiff as an ironing board!!! We did 90mins of lunges and hip openers and felt like crying through all of it. I did achieve a beautiful downdog so I am not complaining :D
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    In my youth, I trained with a local asian Hindu community. They had wonderful physiques but didn't touch a single weight. There programmes consisted of various pullups, various pressups, yoga of course and did a lot of thick rope climbing. I loved those days and the friendship that was held within the group.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Can you clarify your question? You started with a direct question (I do 3 sets of pullups, 20/14/14@230lb) and then went on and seemed to have another more general statement/question, but I'm not sure what it is. If you're asking about your proposed routine it seems fine. Just know that you'll progress pretty quickly on the bodyweight stuff till where you're either doing 50 reps of something or trying to find a way to add weight or complexity to the moves. Also, if you're going to be doing a ton of yoga, I'd drop the dumbbell shoulder work. I find the million vinyasas in my yoga routine actually overtrain my shoulders in addition to my actual shoulder work, and hey, if you're going to do a bodyweight routine might as well keep it a bodyweight routine.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Thanks DavPul. I guess my post is not so much a question as a way of shaping some thoughts around how I want to approach my fat reduction and my health and fitness programme for here on.

    My main love in life is Yoga but also an interest in what the body itself is capable of without attending a gymn or pumping iron, which I used to do but had no real passion for. I used to do Pullups with a 2K plate attached to a weight belt, so I know I can do it, but I struggle to squeeze even one rep out right now.

    I take your point about the yoga vinyasas and shoulders – you are right; also about keeping the bodyweight routine more pure.

    For me it’s a case of gathering my thoughts and agreeing on an approach and getting on with it. Thanks for your comments.
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    I've been doing yoga for the past 6 months and weight training for the past 2 years.

    I usually do between 20 -24 pullups / chins in 3 - 5 sets depending on how I feel during that workout.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Hi nml2011. did you start from not being able to pullup your own bodyweight? The reason I ask is about twenty years ago I was able to pull 3 sets of 10 (I was also lighter in fat then), but now I can only pullup a half rep - no more. I am now two stone of fat overweight - so no wonder really!

    I would love to be able to pullup 3 to 5 sets of 20-ish. That's a good workout Nml!
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi nml2011. did you start from not being able to pullup your own bodyweight? The reason I ask is about twenty years ago I was able to pull 3 sets of 10 (I was also lighter in fat then), but now I can only pullup a half rep - no more. I am now two stone of fat overweight - so no wonder really!

    I would love to be able to pullup 3 to 5 sets of 20-ish. That's a good workout Nml!

    I could just about do 1 when I started 2 years ago and weighed 103kgs... I now weigh 88kgs.

    However at the beginning of the year I started doing pull ups every time I went to the gym.

    Now I do pull ups one session and chins another so do them twice a week.