SHOCKING!!! Health Screening Vegetarian to Paleo Comparison



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I have nothing against paleo, but I would like to ask a question I seldom hear addressed when people discuss paleo. It is my understanding that this planet is unable to support the current human population on a paleo style diet; if this is not currently the case, it will be within 20 years.

    Your understanding that the "planet" is unable to support the current human population based on a paleo "style" diet is based on what evidence exactly? What foods would a paleo style diet entail for a person and in what physical quantities? How did you get to the 20 year projection?

    This sounds suspiciously like a Malthusian catastrophe prediction and we all know how that panned out for the rather clever, but rather wrong, Thomas Malthus...

    <<<< does not follow the Paleo / Primal paradigm but is not a fan of dodgy extrapolations either
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    There's no one "vegetarian diet". Eating pizza all day long is also vegetarian. I'm glad you're much healthier now, but if you were unhealthy before it more possibly means you weren't making very good choices then, not that not eating meat makes you unhealthy. I've been vegetarian for 14 years and my results are off the chart.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    There's no one "vegetarian diet". Eating pizza all day long is also vegetarian. I'm glad you're much healthier now, but if you were unhealthy before it more possibly means you weren't making very good choices then, not that not eating meat makes you unhealthy. I've been vegetarian for 14 years and my results are off the chart.

    If you want to brag on yourself, start your own thread. She's saying she is healthier eating Paleo. Who cares about you? I'll never eat Paleo, because I won't give up cookies. I'll never eat vegetarian because I won't give up bacon. I'm healthy and my numbers are good. But this thread isn't about me. It's not about you. She didn't post to attack you. Get over it.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    There's no one "vegetarian diet". Eating pizza all day long is also vegetarian. I'm glad you're much healthier now, but if you were unhealthy before it more possibly means you weren't making very good choices then, not that not eating meat makes you unhealthy. I've been vegetarian for 14 years and my results are off the chart.

    If you want to brag on yourself, start your own thread. She's saying she is healthier eating Paleo. Who cares about you? I'll never eat Paleo, because I won't give up cookies. I'll never eat vegetarian because I won't give up bacon. I'm healthy and my numbers are good. But this thread isn't about me. It's not about you. She didn't post to attack you. Get over it.

    :laugh: :drinker:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    There's no one "vegetarian diet". Eating pizza all day long is also vegetarian. I'm glad you're much healthier now, but if you were unhealthy before it more possibly means you weren't making very good choices then, not that not eating meat makes you unhealthy. I've been vegetarian for 14 years and my results are off the chart.

    If you want to brag on yourself, start your own thread. She's saying she is healthier eating Paleo. Who cares about you? I'll never eat Paleo, because I won't give up cookies. I'll never eat vegetarian because I won't give up bacon. I'm healthy and my numbers are good. But this thread isn't about me. It's not about you. She didn't post to attack you. Get over it.

    Geez, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed! How is the post to which you replied an attack? It's merely a response and an alternate perspective.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Ha. I'm a damned Primal hippie. :-)
    And, I eat more vegetables now than I ever did before since I replaced grains and beans with veggies.

    As for the question about Paleo being sustainable for world growth, I have no desire to research that answer right now. But I can say with my N=1 perspective that I don't really eat any more meat now than I did when I ate SAD. I just eat lots more eggs and veggies. And I buy as much local as possible. I am not eating any of the wheat or corn or soy that are destroying our farmlands and enslaving farmers to big Agribiz. I buy 95% of my veggies from local farm, I just bought 1/4 cow from a farm nearby, and I try to shop mostly at a little independent market. So, I feel no guilt about eating this way. I think being a locavore has a better environmental impact than anything else, but that's an opinion, not a fact I've researched.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    and you gained a quarter of an inch in height
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I've been vegetarian for 14 years and my results are off the chart.

    lol at use of phrase "off the chart"
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I think it all depended on what you were eating when eating vegetarian. You can exist on so much crap eating vegetarian compared to the Eat To Live nutrarian way of eating.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    How does the fact that you've been busting yoru *kitten* at the gym during that time play into the conversation? Surely it's not only diet causing those changes?

    Not to mention not all vegetarian diets are healthy. You can eat nothing but junk food and not eat meat.

    Also, as others have pointed out, you are only one person, your results are not generalizable to other people.
  • buda12345
    buda12345 Posts: 142 Member
    there is something to this I've been eating high glycemic carbs right before bed and losing weight, look up Carb Back Loading.
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    Another person enlightened! Another person rejecting the lies of angelic carbs vs evil fat.

    Fat does NOT make people fat. Carbs and your body's insulin response to carbs is what makes people fat. Period!

    The science is clear. The government is trying to fatten us up just like the agricultural industry fattens livestock. Grains, grains, and more grains. Why would they want to fatten us up, you ask? Because inflammation based diseases, which are produced by excessive carbs over years and represents the majority of modern diseases, require expensive drugs to try and hold at bay. And we spend billions over billions on them every year. /EndRant

    I'm so glad you've seen the light!
  • rickgomez2003
    I have been doing keto for 3 weeks and feel great and have lost 31lbs in just over a month
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    Also, as others have pointed out, you are only one person, your results are not generalizable to other people.

    Where did she say it was? She shared what worked for her, her preferences and her individual circumstances - nothing more.

    This is a general point (not directed at you specifically) but if a person is so emotionally invested in a certain way of eating that they feel defensive when someone else merely shows success with a different approach they must ask themselves if that is in fact a healthy mindset
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I think it all depended on what you were eating when eating vegetarian. You can exist on so much crap eating vegetarian compared to the Eat To Live nutrarian way of eating.

    If you read the thread, you'd see she's invited people to look at her food diary, which has everything logged on both sides. She's also stated that it was largely veggies, whole grains, legumes, and eggs.
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    there is something to this I've been eating high glycemic carbs right before bed and losing weight, look up Carb Back Loading.

    This is the way forward... I've been eating +500 over maintance with carb backloading for 6 months and losing roughly 1% bf each month and generally keeping to the same weight +/- 2kgs.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    There's no one "vegetarian diet". Eating pizza all day long is also vegetarian. I'm glad you're much healthier now, but if you were unhealthy before it more possibly means you weren't making very good choices then, not that not eating meat makes you unhealthy. I've been vegetarian for 14 years and my results are off the chart.

    If you want to brag on yourself, start your own thread. She's saying she is healthier eating Paleo. Who cares about you? I'll never eat Paleo, because I won't give up cookies. I'll never eat vegetarian because I won't give up bacon. I'm healthy and my numbers are good. But this thread isn't about me. It's not about you. She didn't post to attack you. Get over it.

    Geez, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed! How is the post to which you replied an attack? It's merely a response and an alternate perspective.

    Did you intentionally misread my post and repost in your own words? I didn't say that the person posting attacked the OP. I said the person posting needed to get over herself, this thread isn't about her.

    It's not an alternative perspective. The OP didn't say, Paleo is the only way to go and everyone should do it. She said, "look what works for me." This poster, then responded by saying "you probably just weren't healthy before (which the OP was) and I'm awesome."
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    I think it all depended on what you were eating when eating vegetarian. You can exist on so much crap eating vegetarian compared to the Eat To Live nutrarian way of eating.

    If you read the thread, you'd see she's invited people to look at her food diary, which has everything logged on both sides. She's also stated that it was largely veggies, whole grains, legumes, and eggs.

    but why would anyone read the thread when they can just make assumptions and argue invalid points to try and make themselves feel better about their life choices? It's all about self justification these days....
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Another person enlightened! Another person rejecting the lies of angelic carbs vs evil fat.

    Fat does NOT make people fat. Carbs and your body's insulin response to carbs is what makes people fat. Period!

    The science is clear. The government is trying to fatten us up just like the agricultural industry fattens livestock. Grains, grains, and more grains. Why would they want to fatten us up, you ask? Because inflammation based diseases, which are produced by excessive carbs over years and represents the majority of modern diseases, require expensive drugs to try and hold at bay. And we spend billions over billions on them every year. /EndRant

    I'm so glad you've seen the light!

    You're right, the science IS very clear, and the insulin hypothesis has been torn to shreds.

    Extremely basic biology time. Insulin doesn't transport fat anywhere. Insulin also doesn't deposit glucose in fat cells (glucose is converted to fat in the liver, and fat travels directly in the blood on its own to wherever it is going.) insulin transports glucose into muscle cells and organs for immediate energy use.

    So, knowing those incredibly basic facts about human biology, how exactly is it te insulin response that makes you fat? Especially once you add in the other basic fact that protein also causes large insulin spikes, and keeps insulin elevated in the blood, just like carbs?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    That escalated quickly...

    Seems to be a lot of the favorite defensive MFP response to a concept that contradicts their own personal beliefs/dogma: defend their own by tearing down someone else's.

    To OP: congrats on your results (however and for whatever reason you achieved them).

    I should have read through all of the responses before posting...because this:
    This is a general point (not directed at you specifically) but if a person is so emotionally invested in a certain way of eating that they feel defensive when someone else merely shows success with a different approach they must ask themselves if that is in fact a healthy mindset
    summarizes my thoughts on this very well.