wendybird5 Member


  • I know exactly how you feel. Those feelings were part of why I gained so much weight in the first place. For a long time I felt safe with all that extra weight like it was a shield that kept me from harm. Then someone hurt me badly and I got really depressed. Medication only made it worse. And then I discovered that…
  • For me it was a combination of things: 1 - I didn't realize it until I'd lost the weight, but I had this expectation that hitting my goal weight was going to fix other issues in my life. Instead I found that losing the weight took away the excuse I'd always given myself for those other things not being what I wanted. It…
  • You are actually at the low end of the normal weight range for your size (110-130). Anything less and you'd be underweight. I can understand that you are used to weighing less, but it doesn't sound like your weight gain is anything to worry about and you probably don't have a lot of excess weight to lose anyway. In…
  • Yes, because everything that happens in movies is real... Perhaps the best thing is not to say anything at all as it doesn't sound like he'll believe anything until he sees it. The best way to prove him wrong is to keep up with it until you are where you want to be.
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/857137-for-the-newbies-here-is-what-losing-80-pounds-is-like
  • If you are eating at least 1200 calories and don't feel hungry, I say stick with it. No need to force yourself to eat your exercise calories if you aren't even hungry in the first place. The reason why MFP tells you to eat more is that the calories that you burn while working out means fewer calories available for your…
  • A trainer recommended it to me as I was just about to get my first smartphone. I loved how easy it was to use. I tried counting calories before with a calculator, notebook and a giant book of calories which never covered stuff that I ate when eating out and it was annoying and frustrating so I gave up. I love that it's on…
  • Good luck. I've had the same issue as well. I thought I'd finally over come it when I hit an 88 pound loss at the beginning of this year, but then floundered so now I'm trying to re-lose weight again. So frustrating! But this site definitely helps so good luck to you. I'll definitely be rooting for you!
  • I was in a similar situation as you where there was a guy I liked who brought along a gorgeous, slim female friend whom I felt he'd like better. I was really tempted to feel sorry for myself and constantly compare myself against my "competition" and drown my sorrows in alcohol. It is very tempting to compare yourself…
  • Took the words right out of my mouth.
  • Reading stuff like this makes me appreciate my gym so much more. The guys in the weight area don't hog the equipment and I never have to fight to get the machines or weights I need. I did used to work out at a gym with guys like that and I'm so glad I don't go there now.
  • Thanks for posting. I was afraid of this happening to me and was very fortunate that aside from some stomach sag and droopier boobs, I actually look pretty good and no one can believe I've lost as much as I've had. But once I hit my goal, I'm thinking of rewarding myself with a tummy tuck.
  • I'm fortunate that I tend to lose the weight evenly throughout my body though it tend to be hardest to lose it from my stomach. People noticed the weight loss in my face first. I didn't really notice it until I started to drop sizes and could start to make out muscle tone in different parts of my body. (Fortunately I…
  • Just changed my goal from 153 to 143. I know I can hit 155 now so I want to challenge myself to see if I can lose 100 pounds total.
  • This! I've lost weight while dating men who were not particularly healthy. I've noticed that women who have a hard time losing weight in a relationship often tend to be the type who cling more to their significant other and won't go workout or will change their eating habits to match what their guy does. This leads them to…
  • Ditto. No sense in getting all worked up over a slip. No one is perfect and beating yourself up over it isn't going to change what you've done. I feel like I only fail if I give up completely.
  • I'm the same with evenings, too. I try to save most of my calories for dinner time so that I don't feel so hungry since that's when I most crave food.
  • Ditto! The longer I go without giving myself a day to eat over a my deficit, the more likely I am to have a major binge day. I still try to make sure I workout that day and eat a light breakfast, but it's very useful for birthday parties, work lunches or dinners or holiday events that can come up where trying to count…
  • Real men have chest hair. At least that's what my mother taught me. Love it! But not back hair...
  • While for most people a 1000 calorie diet is definitely way too low, there are others who can't eat more than that so it depends on the person. One of my friends doesn't eat more than 1000 calories just naturally. She isn't dieting, she's healthy and most definitely not anorexic. Part of the reason for her low calorie…
  • Per your BMI, you are already at normal weight for your height albeit at the upper end of the scale. When you are that close, it will be difficult to shed more weight. Definitely tracking your calories more will help. And now you have to be more vigilant about the kind of foods you eat. If you are eating foods high in…
  • Los Feliz here.
  • What's your height and weight? What weight are you trying to get to? If you are within your BMI, it may just be that your goal weight is not realistic and you are already at the proper weight for your body.
  • What and how much you eat is 80% of weight loss so be sure your primary focus is that. You can lose weight without exercising, but you can't lose it without eating fewer calories than you burn in a day.
  • It took me 18 months to lose 88 pounds.
  • I concurs with Jenilla1. That calorie limit may be too low. Try it and see how it goes, but if you find yourself feeling hungry or prone to binges ever so often, consider going up to 1600 calories about for a while. I used to be where you are now. It's not easy, but it's worth it. Just remember that it's a lifestyle change…
  • Initially I would have agreed that a chubby trainer or nutritionist would be a no go for me. Then I went to a fitness class where the trainer was not a skinny chick and she kicked everyone's butt. Even the skinny girls in class were dying and here is this trainer with her bubble butt just zipping along like it's nothing…
  • After spending my 20s and 30s being overweight, I finally got back to my high school weight at 40. I agree with the others. What and how much you eat is 80% of weight loss. Often when people think that if they exercise an hour or two a day, it means they can eat more and they don't realize how few calories they are…
  • I give it a month. Some times people have stuff going on - vacation, family emergencies, surgery, a death - and they can't make time to log in here because they have more urgent things to deal with.