Over 40, athletic, can't lose weight - help!

I am 43 yrs old <well, I'm almost 44> and I'm athletic...I run 3 times a week (4 -5 miles during the week with a longer run on the weekend) with cross-training the other days...I swim, bike and do fitness classes. On a good week, I workout 5 times a week. I have been active since my 20's.

I have a fairly decent diet....lots of veggies, fruit and whole grains with limited red meat. I get my protein from chicken, fish and eggs. HOWEVER, I have young kids...chips, ice cream and wine are my indulgences...and cheese - I love stinky cheese and a nice glass of wine! :-) But, even then, I don't totally overindulge.

For the last 3 yrs I have tried to lose weight. At first, I wanted to lose 3 lbs, instead of actually losing weight, I gained 2 more. After a few holidays and vacations, I had added on even more weight. So, now I want to lose close to 10 lbs. I have tried different tactics over the years...no carbs, no alcohol, added exercise, low carbs (I need some carbs to run),....no alcohol AND added exercise. NOTHING has worked...no weight has been lost. For me, in fact, it's not even the number on the scale but my clothes don't fit anymore.

Does anyone have any success stories or advice? My husband says "It's part of the aging process, you are fighting a losing battle." But, I refuse to accept that answer. REALLY?!!? Once you are 40 you're supposed to accept the weight and by happy about it?!? Go buy a new wardrobe (although, that does kinda sound fun!)?! That's not what I want...I want to feel in shape and I want my jeans to fit! Why is that so hard to achieve?!



  • zedgt87
    zedgt87 Posts: 379 Member
    count your calories accurately and eat 750-800 less then your maintenance

  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    Eat a calorie deficit. Doesn't matter how "healthy" you eat, if you eat more calories than you burn, you'll gain weight.

    Do you track your food? Chips, ice cream and wine (while delicious) are calorie dense, so you may be having more than you think.
  • WeDoSpark
    I have lost 30lbs and 15in and feel better than EVER! I have friends up into their 70's having the same great results. I'd be to help you to and smash that plateau! Let me know. Have a Awesome Day!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Weigh and measure you food for a week just to see where you actually are calorie wise. If you're set up accurately, logging correctly, and eating your calorie goal + at least a portion of your exercise calories you should be able to lose weight.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    After spending my 20s and 30s being overweight, I finally got back to my high school weight at 40. I agree with the others. What and how much you eat is 80% of weight loss. Often when people think that if they exercise an hour or two a day, it means they can eat more and they don't realize how few calories they are actually burning versus how many they are consuming. (I.e. one glass of wine for me equals a two hour walk around my neighborhood and if I do a 45 minute spin class followed by a one hour circuit training course, I earn enough calories for a Whopper Jr. With no mayo and no cheese and a small French fry.) That was definitely my mistake. I used to spend hours working out and never could lose more than twenty pounds and thought it meant I couldn't lose weight.But when I started tracking my calories, then I got results. I can't see your diary, but I'm guessing you could be making the same mistake I used to make.