Help I cant loose anymore weight

Hi Im looking for advice and suggestions

I have went from 176lb to 139lb since starting, its been a bit bumpy not always loosing.

But I seem to be stuck now and can loose anymore.


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You've stopped logging so that might be your problem. You might be eating more than you think. Weigh, measure and log.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    What's your height and weight? What weight are you trying to get to? If you are within your BMI, it may just be that your goal weight is not realistic and you are already at the proper weight for your body.
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    Both of the above are great advice. As Wendy says, more information is needed and as MockChok says, you need to log in your information for people to know where you are at to be able to advise you.

    I am where you are and weight loss has all but stopped but I know why. The inability to exercise due to injury. Are you exercising?
  • urgravity01

    I have some ideas for you that might be helpful for you to solve your problem. The first step is to start running in your daily routine because it is very much important for you to solve your problem of weight loss. But with this it is important thing that you have to maintain your body also. You have to select the best meal plan for you that is also helpful for you. You can also share this problem with your doctor also so that you can easily get the best advice from your doctor.Don't reduce your diet, take the best diet according to the best diet plan.

    Thanks and Regards,

  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I took a peek at your diary and found that most days you aren't logging, and when you have logged, you have some quick add calories. It is very important to log consistently. Also, you didn't mention whether you are exercising.If so, are you eating back those calories? There's a few things that could be wrong: you could be eating more than you think or you may not be eating enough. If you are close to your goal, weight loss is going to be slower. Maybe try to just lose a lb or 1/2 a lb a week and eat more for a while? Log consistently and honestly, weigh everything with a digital scale and be patient. If you continue to eat at a reasonable and healthy deficit, the weight will begin to move again. :flowerforyou:
  • shelley234
    shelley234 Posts: 150 Member
    Thank you everyone,

    I am 5" 3 140lb looking to get to 125lb / 130lb

    Yes im not logging much, after counting for so long I normally do it automatically.
    I maybe slacking though so ill go back to logging regularly.

    I try to stick to 1200 daily and exercise 2/3 times a week and do try to eat back at least half.

    TBH my weekends are quit bad eating out and takeaways, So as from this week I am being strict on my weekends as well as week days.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Per your BMI, you are already at normal weight for your height albeit at the upper end of the scale. When you are that close, it will be difficult to shed more weight. Definitely tracking your calories more will help. And now you have to be more vigilant about the kind of foods you eat. If you are eating foods high in sodium, you could be carrying extra water weight. Also watch your sugar intake as well. Less processed food, mores veggies and lean proteins, yadda yadda yadda, you know the drill, I'm sure.

    But don't beat yourself up too much over it as it sounds like you are already at a good weight. Perhaps even just changing to exercise that is more focused on building and toning muscle might help more to get your body to look the way you want rather than just focusing on that last ten pounds.