

  • I have the same problem with the all or nothing attitude! I fall off the wagon easily and then have a really hard time getting back on. Right now I'm having difficulty planning in my workout sessions. Wedding on 4/26/13!
  • I have taken the challenge and signed up to go October Unprocessed! Andrew (the mastermind behind Eating Rules and the one who started this challenge) is an inspiring blogger and has a wealth of information to help you during the whole month. I highly recommend checking it out and giving it a whirl. "You are what you eat."…
  • I have a recipe blog that has some vegan recipes and recipes that can be turned vegan/vegetarian friendly. My first post was actually vegan - lemony chickpea polenta cakes with roasted red pepper salsa. You can check them out at:
  • GW: 130 CW: 170 HT: 5'4" Age: 32 Add me as a friend if you are my twin!
  • Agreed. Although I do think the point system helps some people get over the fear and anxiety of calorie counting. It seems to make it easier for some to grasp.
  • I do not totally agree with your position because I think there is one important factor in why this or any program ultimately does not work for a person... That factor is the person. I have previously lost weight (and healthy weight - body fat - at that) on WW's points system. I even kept it off for a long time. Like many…
  • I had the same problem when I made them! They turned out a brown slimy gooey mess. I think I will add some oats and a bit of baking powder next time.
  • It sounds like you are more interested in decreasing your body fat percentage rather than your overall weight. I would make a new body fat percentage goal and work toward building muscle to help reduce it. The scale may go down in the process, but I wouldn't focus on that number. If you haven't been already, take your…
  • Seriously? Just because you are sweating does not mean you are losing weight. And just because you are sweating in a certain area does not mean you are losing weight in that particular area. These things are gimmicks, people. They do not work for long term sustainable weight loss.
  • My boyfriend mentioned going to Chipotle and thinking he was getting a decently healthy meal by ordering a chicken bowl but found out later that it ended up having over 1600mg of sodium and 30 grams of fat (I looked it up)! This is ridiculous for a small bowl of rice, beans & chicken!
    in OH EMM GEE!!! Comment by bmpal July 2011
  • I get used to seeing myself in the mirror and often don't actually see my real size but the size I was a year or two ago. So, then I try to feel the muscle under my fat! I stand up and shake all over and feel the jiggle! I know that may sound silly but it keeps me in check and working toward my goals!
  • Thanks for all the help everyone! I bought a bodymedia fit on amazon for about $100 and I'm excited to try it out!
    in bodybugg Comment by bmpal July 2011
  • Thanks for the great info and clarification! I think I'm gonna get a bodymedia fit and see if it helps clarify my daily caloric burn. And thanks for the blog post, Reanne! Gave me a good breakdown!
    in bodybugg Comment by bmpal July 2011
  • in bodybugg Comment by bmpal July 2011
  • Ok, can someone tell me what the advantage of having a bodybugg vs. bodymedia fit vs. fitbit vs. hrm is? I'm having a hard time really figuring out the difference between what each of them does. I really want to know what my daily calorie burn is so that I can optimize my diet accordingly. I'm working for overall health…
    in bodybugg Comment by bmpal July 2011
  • So I did the Butt Bible yesterday and all I can say is WOW! While I was doing it I was thinking I could do it a couple of times no problem. I didn't feel overexerted although I knew I was getting a workout. This morning was a different story... I COULD HARDLY GET OUT OF BED! I felt places in my booty burn that I'd never…
  • Upping your calorie intake is a good thing to try. Make sure to give it more than a few days though. Give it at least 2 weeks. The body sometimes need a little time to adjust.
  • While I cannot say conclusively that the reason you felt so sluggish Saturday was due to your diet on Friday, I can tell you that I have experienced the same reaction after eating crap for a day. I would need at least two cups of coffee the next day and then feel jittery from the coffee and crash in the afternoon.…
  • Bump! Thanks for posting this info. Wish more people would realize these things!
  • Spaghetti squash is great and I also like spelt pasta or rice pasta. I have also tried tofu shirataki noodles and they will work ok with some things but not others. They have a strange texture. If you want to try them search for a hungry girl recipe for them - she knows best what to do with them!
  • I've heard a lot about this butt bible and am going to try it today. I have a booty but need to keep it tight and lifted!
  • 1. Lately I'm only able to work out every other day so I generally spread out the exercise calories over those two days. I always eat some of them back but I don't always eat all of them back. You'll find a lot of different opinions about whether to eat your exercise calories back. You'll have to experiment to figure out…
  • Ok, so I see there are some conflicting viewpoints based on what type of strength training one is talking about. To clarify for particular question, I was not referring to circuit training. I would generally lift 4 days a week and take 30 min - 1 hour for each workout. I try to use free weights rather than machines.I only…
  • That's interesting. Mine last week was exactly exactly the same Monday through Sunday and then down 2.2 lbs on Monday again! The week before was similar but I was down 1.4 lbs on Saturday instead of Monday and it stayed the same until my 2.2 lb loss this morning. So weird I think!
    in weigh in day Comment by bmpal July 2011
  • Way to go! You look great!
  • BAHAHAHA! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I concur! I go over on protein and fiber practically every day too. I do not think this is a bad thing.
  • I'm sure it wouldn't look this pretty by the time you were finished making it. :sad: That nutella would melt off into a huge mess! Sounds tasty, though!
  • I too followed the WW flex program in my early and mid-20's with much success and saving those extra activity points for weekend fun. Now, I'm in my early 30's though and not sure if it will still work for me. I'm gonna try out a couple of things and see what works. Thanks for all the info and tips!
  • Make Baja style fish tacos! Grill some tilapia or other white fish with a little taco seasoning and put inside the warmed tortillas with shredded cabbage, pico de gallo (or other salsa) and a dot of fat free sour cream. YUM! Breakfast? Grill an egg and place it on top of a warmed tortilla with a little shredded cheese and…