Dieting, Nutrition, Losing Weight and Myths Debunked


After reading the first few paragraphs if I don't have your attention then you probably won't be interested and/or you may already be shaking your head in disbelief.

I honestly felt it was time I make a thread myself regarding dieting, losing the weight and some myths that have been debunked.

First things first let me list some of the myths that have been debunked. I could list studies and studies that were performed by the NIH ( which is the National Institutes of Health. For those of you that don't know what this organization is, they are basically a medical research facility that is the size of a small city located in Bethesda, MD. To be honest there is ALOT of misinformation out there, but NIH has proven studies that they test time and time again and back it with scientific research. It's really the only place I completely trust anymore.

Moving forward....

Here are some myths that have been debunked: (You may be in disbelief, you may shake your head, you may even close this page, but these have been proven and are backed by scientific research.)

1. Meal timing is irrelevant. - Yes it may have "worked for you" to eat 5-6 small meals a day to "stoke the metabolic fire", but it's completely unneccessary. Alot of people go crazy trying to fit 5-6 or even 7 meals a day into their daily routine and it does not matter. There are folks that eat 2 or 3 days a time and have lost alot of weight just fine.

2. Eating late at night is bad for you and will make you fat[/b[ - This is false. In fact there are studies that have shown that people actually lost more weight by eating late at night as opposed to eating breakfast.

Study 1:
Study 2:
Study 3:
Study 4:
Study 5: (This is the one where more people had greater weight loss eating more carbs at dinner.)

3. Eat ONLY 40-50g of protein per meal - There is alot of misinformation out there where people say "You should only eat 40-50g of protein per meal as that is the most the body can handle at once."


This is again wrong. There is no difference between eating 20g per meal or 100g per meal as long as you obtain your minimum protein macro intake per day. Now there is a difference between eating 100g of protein per meal and eating 400-500g of protein in one meal which is WAY MORE than the body should consume throughout an entire day.

(More on macros later)

4. I can't eat fat, it will make me fat!! - I thoroughly enjoy reading people's blogs and/or posts/articles regarding fat consumption. This is so incredibly false that if you just do a LITTLE research you will find this out. We all need fat in our diet. Fats are required to produce and build new cells. They are a source of energy and are critical in the transmission of nerve impulses and brain function and development. They are also involved in the synthesis of other essential molecules such as hormones. Fats provide sanity, satiety, energy, and libido!

You should be ingesting .35-.75g of dietary fat per lb of bodyweight per day. You should try to get your fats from fat sources such as almonds, fish oil, fatty fish, flaxseed, hempseed, canola, olive oil, eggs, lean meats and poultry and dairy products.

5. Saturated Fats are bad for you and cause CVD and CHD - One of my favorite myths debunked. No, saturated fats are NOT bad for you and they do NOT cause Cardiovascular and Coronary Heart Disease. Trans fat on the other hand is an unsaturated fat and is the worst kind. This is where McDonalds french fries come into play.

6. Protein causes fat loss - I must eat more protein! - This is also wrong. Protein itself does not cause fat loss. Eating a calorie deficit under your maintenance does. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. All of the antibodies and enzymes, and many of the hormones in the body are proteins. They provide for the transport of nutrients, oxygen and waste throughout the body. They provide the structure and contracting capability of muscles. They also provide collagen to connective tissues of the body and to the tissues of the skin, hair and nails.

7. I have to eat super clean to lose weight/burn fat - You don't have to eat super clean to burn fat and lose weight. As long as you hit your macros everyday while eating at a calorie deficit from what your maintenance is you will lose weight. I know natural bodybuilders that eat bacon, drink chocolate milk, eat burritos while watching their calorie intake/macros and they still cut up to contest condition.

8. I have to do lots of cardio to burn the fat off. - Truth be told, weight loss and fat burning are 95% diet and 5% training. You do NOT have to step inside a gym to lose weight if your diet is in check. Period. Cardio training, Aerobics, Weight Training are not the cause of losing weight. Make a mental picture of your heart with arms and it picks up a dumbell and starts lifting it over and over. Thats cardio in a quick nutshell. Obviously there is a little more to it then that.

Note: You could run outside in 100 degree heat for hours on end, run on that treadmill until you sweat so much you can water plants, but NOTHING and I repeat NOTHING will happen regarding weight loss if your diet is not right. Period. End of story.

I made this thread shorter so people don't have to read a long wall of text as bad. :)


  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Bump added to suit taste.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Great post. This info is all up to date with the latest science in the field of nutrition.

    One thing I cannot stress enough is diet is key to weight loss! You cannot out train a bad diet. So many people get caught up with the mentality that your workouts are the key to fitness goals. It's so far from the truth.

    The truth is all workout routines work with a good diet. One thing I've learned over the past 11 months that I've lost 141 lbs is that you don't need to kill yourself at the gym or work out 7-10 times per week. I do almost zero cardio now, only go to the gym 3 days a week and do a full body split, and I still lose 2 lbs a week.

    I've learned through this process that I can work smarter, not harder. I eat ice cream for breakfast, and I eat out for dinner once per day, and I lose weight. I don't eat many vegetables, nor fruit. Diets need not be boring or restrictive. All you must learn is moderation and balance in your diet.

    Losing fat has become ridiculously easy for me. Weight loss is not magic. It's math. Once you understand the problem, it's easy to get the results you desire with a little manipulation of your diet.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Thanks bro.

    The post is a little long so people might just skim through it, but as long as they get the jist of it.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Thanks bro.

    The post is a little long so people might just skim through it, but as long as they get the jist of it.

    It's alright. If it helps one person wade through the sea of misinformation, it will be worth the effort. :)
  • candiigraham
    candiigraham Posts: 53 Member
    Bumping to keep when I become discouraged. Thanks!
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I'm going to split this thread into two different threads. One for debunked myths, and one for weight loss and calculating macros/calorie intake.
  • agent300
    agent300 Posts: 73
    good post. everyone should be forced to read this because i would bet 75% of the people here buy into to these myths.
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    I read the whole thing and am so relieved! LOL!! its refreshing to hear that there is still hope for us shift workers that eat steak and eggs for breakfast at 9:00pm!! This makes perfect sense to me now, why Ive been working my *kitten* off in the gym and havent lost an ounce, I must tweak my diet. Thank you for the encouraging post!
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    I like it! Read it on my lunch break :) Good job
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Good information. re #8; We have become way WAY too sedentary. Just because you CAN lose weight via no or very little exercise and diet alone doesn't mean that's the healthiest way to do so.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    I really like the Harvard institute of public health for things like this.
  • bmpal
    bmpal Posts: 36
    Bump! Thanks for posting this info. Wish more people would realize these things!
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    Turns out even trans isn't that bad, in the right condition.

    Turns out, once you reach super skinniness, trans fats don't stay in your body long enough to do harm!

    More motivation to get there! So you can enjoy food again :D
  • irfan259
    irfan259 Posts: 2 Member
    How do you lose 2lbs a week. I have been on MFP for 9 weeks and I have not lost more than 3lbs. On top of that I exercise which involves about 3 hrs of walk. I stay within the calorie limit given on MFP.

    Why am I not losing weight?
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Bump! Thanks for posting this!
  • saltorian
    saltorian Posts: 192 Member
    Fabulous! Thanks. This is a great summary of what I've been learning in my own research. You've put it simply and nicely enough so that I can send the info to my friends and family. :-)
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    How do you lose 2lbs a week. I have been on MFP for 9 weeks and I have not lost more than 3lbs. On top of that I exercise which involves about 3 hrs of walk. I stay within the calorie limit given on MFP.

    Why am I not losing weight?

    MFP drastically underestimates calorie maintenance levels. You should figure out what you burn on your own terms. Please see my other thread for how to calculate your BMR, etc.
  • foreverloved
    foreverloved Posts: 220 Member
  • cgavin77
    cgavin77 Posts: 219
    GREAT post!! Thanks for taking the time to write this....
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    While I agree with most of what you've said, without siting any references I can't really see how you've "debunked" anything. Only one of your points has any scientific backup posted. Of course, people could research it for themselves, but if they were inclined to do that nothing would need debunked.

    Plus you left out the 8 glasses of water a day myth.