weigh in day

So I weigh myself everyday. I know people say to weigh only once a week and I do have an "official" weigh in day on Monday. But, I want to see the progression throughout the week and know what the fluctuations are so that I understand what my body is like at different times of the day, different days, certain times of the month, etc. I find it interesting. However, I only record and rely on the Monday morning weigh-ins for my weight loss.

I've noticed something interesting recently when I weigh myself in the morning. Every morning for 5-6 days in a row I will weigh exactly the same amount as I did the previous morning. Then one or two days before my Monday weigh-in, I will drop 1.5-2 lbs all at once and the cycle will start all over again!

I find this strange and fascinating because I always imagined that the weight would come off in increments throughout the week. Does this happen to anyone else?


  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Mine are similar.

    I also weigh less in the morning than in the evening. I will gain 3 lbs in the evening and then it is back to normal in the morning.

    I have "spikes" of weight loss.

    My weights last week:
    Sun: 242.8
    Mon: 242.5
    Tues: 242.5
    Wed: 242.2
    Thurs: 240.0
    Fri: 240.3
    Sat: 237.5
    Sun: 235.2
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Lordy, I hope this is the path that my weigh ins are starting to take. Last week (I weigh in on Wednesday), it wasn't until Sunday that I started to see any change in my weight. This week it's monday and I am still the same weight... and I have never been over my limit and have exercised daily.
  • bmpal
    bmpal Posts: 36
    That's interesting. Mine last week was exactly exactly the same Monday through Sunday and then down 2.2 lbs on Monday again! The week before was similar but I was down 1.4 lbs on Saturday instead of Monday and it stayed the same until my 2.2 lb loss this morning. So weird I think!
  • Jennfur2610
    Jennfur2610 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm a daily weigh in person too. My official weigh in day is Tuesday just so if I go out on the weekend I have an extra day to get a normal reading. I haven't quite figured mine out how my weigh flexs through the week yet. I usually gain between 2-3 lbs at night. And depending on my eating I can tell if it's going to be the two or the three pounds the next morning.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I weigh in everyday. This is how it normally goes for me - Tuesday thru Friday (and sometimes Saturday) I will consistently lose (maybe a lb a day) and then Friday thru Monday I will gain the weight back. It's so awesome. I've lost the same 3-4 lbs about 8 times :frown:
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    In one of my many previous attempts to lose weight I would only weigh-in once per month. My goal was to try to make long term, lasting changes in my eating habits, so not necessarily focused solely on weight loss. Doing it that way was both good and bad. The good part was that I usually saw a significant drop in weight. The bad thing was that sometimes I wouldn't see ANY weight loss and that was really tough. Having gone an entire month and not losing anything is tough.

    Personally, I don't see anything wrong with weighing yourself every day (every hour for that matter). The reality is that you are either going to be able to stick with a healthier diet or you aren't. Weighing yourself isn't going to change that. Good luck to you!
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I weigh in everyday. This is how it normally goes for me - Tuesday thru Friday (and sometimes Saturday) I will consistently lose (maybe a lb a day) and then Friday thru Monday I will gain the weight back. It's so awesome. I've lost the same 3-4 lbs about 8 times :frown:

    Oh and that is if I "cheat" on the weekends or not. Doesn't matter... lol