Feeling sluggish after not eating well

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this...I've been watching what I eat pretty closely for the last few months, occasionally eating fast food (maybe once a month) and sweets, but Friday I went out for lunch at a Mexican restaurant, ate whatever I wanted, then kept eating junk most of the day, ending with ice cream Friday night.

Saturday I was SO exhausted. Couldn't get any energy to do anything. Could barely keep my eyes open. I'm thinking that it had to have been what I ate on Friday, and I'm wondering if anyone else has had that happen. Guessing I really need to stay away from that stuff!


  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    Definately! I have found once I eat a bunch of "fatty" foods then I'm all triggered up the rest of the day - seems like I can't stop craving and eating sweets and other fatty foods. Also get the crash either that day or the following.

    And add now major stomach problems for several days after - I guess due to the shock of going from really healthy to unhealthy.

    So the good news is I have awareness now and don't want to feel that way - so I don't crave or desire to eat that way even for a small lunch meal because of the work I have to do to get back on track after it! Good Luck to you.
  • bmpal
    bmpal Posts: 36
    While I cannot say conclusively that the reason you felt so sluggish Saturday was due to your diet on Friday, I can tell you that I have experienced the same reaction after eating crap for a day. I would need at least two cups of coffee the next day and then feel jittery from the coffee and crash in the afternoon. Honestly, that horrible feeling is one of the things that keeps me going on a healthier diet. I hated that feeling.
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I totally agree. I used to eat like that frequently and I was always too tired to do anything. Plus, I felt sick with a variety of illnesses (sore throat due to acid reflux, sinus issues, sore gut, raspy sound in lungs, etc). Now that I am eating healthier, all of those conditions have gone away, most overnight. I have more energy and food tastes better than ever. Given how I now feel, I cannot imagine that I would ever go back to my old eating patterns, even when feeling tempted. The difference really is night and day. No "splurge" meals for me. Why would I want to feel sick just "once in awhile"?
  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks everyone. Just wanted some confirmation that eating that way was NOT good for me...I know I'll be tempted again but I hope I remember how I feel and don't give into temptation!