

  • I don't think they have quite closed yet - my local one just has "closing down" signs in the window - I went in at the weekend and stocked up.....all in the sale too!
  • Just wondering the same thing.........they look great - but wondering how good they ACTUALLY are! Also - anyone know whether they are available in the UK (as price is in $$)?
  • It's scary how it all adds up too.....I didn't think I ate that badly really, but I got back on the scales this morning (after taking a few months off from MFP) and have put on 10lbs in 4 months - so I obviously do eat badly! Just last night my hubby suggested getting a Burger King.....I can't believe how high the calories…
  • can you share your diary? it might help people give suggestions..... I'm back on the wagon after a few months off so I'm finding this week tough too..... Try and stick to whole wheat breads, pastas and rice they release the energy slower so fill you up for longer. I have beans on whole meal toast for breakfast which I find…
  • Yep I've got it (but for the PS3), I've only used it once (just got it this week) but I'm still sore from 2 days ago!! I found it really good. I've got a dodgy knee, so the mountain climbers were a bit of a headache, but other than that I found it really good....enjoy :smile:
  • We went to Gordon Ramsay at Claridges for our first wedding anni. I can honestly say I've never eaten food so wonderful! :happy:
  • A suit! and good hands! :blushing:
  • Hi Eileen, Congratulations on your weightloss so far! You've done very well already. Stay focussed and positive and you'll be totally successful :smile:
  • cracking response there........ I am going out for an italian tonight and have been on the restaurant's website to get the cals before I go. I don't eat sea food, which would apparently be the best choice, so I'm going to go for a plain (but tasty) spag bol...... Here's the link to the nutritional information that may…
  • Try 1000 mile friend who runs marathons swears by them. I got mine from the shop that I bought my running shoes from - they check out the gait of your foot there too which may be part of the problem if your trainers aren't supporting your foot properly :o)
  • I've just ordered it! :o)
  • Hi, I don't have the pleasure of a little one (yet :cry: ) so my situation is rather different, but I didn't want to read and run...... Can you look into doing things like walking to work? or part of the way to work? How old is your little one? can some of your 3 hours with her be running round in the park or garden? I…
  • Right there with you....... I tend to just go for a walk or do a bit of wii fit, especially as doing that at home you can dive right into the shower if you need to at any point! Perhaps a yoga DVD or something if you don't have a wii? :smile:
  • I was on loads of different pills when I was younger, I gained weight with some and was able to lose with others. Perhaps print out your diary and take it along to your Dr, they may be able to suggest a different pill that will suit you better. Good luck x
  • Glad to hear that you are very motivated :smile: I found it so hard to eat breakfast, but stick with it cos now I wake up ready for breakfast rather than feeling sick at the thought of it :smile: xx
  • Hi, And congratulations on your wedding :o) I lost 2 stone for mine a couple of years ago without MFP...but had started to put it all back on again....hence why I'm here! I work in an office too so as others have said, make sure you have lots of healthy snacks around. I found that my key when I first started was to make…
  • I found that I wasn't losing as much as I would have liked when I was religiously sticking to 1200 cals a day, I was probably only losing about 1lb a week max..... this week I've not been as good, I've not been going over by much, but I haven't been sticking to 1200 - and I've lost 2lbs. I was just thinking this morning…
  • Officially I weigh in once a week, but I've got into the (bad) habit of weighing every day.....but I'll only change my ticker if I've had the same weight for 2 days.
  • I get like this too, usually the week before....but I just go with it, and try to make healthy choices rather than crisps and chocolate (not that it always works). Just try to up your exercise to balance it out x
  • Oh that sounds romantic! husband proposed in the rain in Ilfracombe! lol x
  • Congratulations :happy: :flowerforyou: We did New York, Vegas, San Fran and Maui for 3 weeks which we loved....a couple of weeks to do all the touristy, busy stuff then a week in Maui to relax - amazing! I went to New Zealand a few years back too which was fantastic, I spent a month on the North Island and would love to go…
  • I agree, try and get a decent work out in, and maybe just dont eat ALL of the food served. Work out the cals before you go so that you can decide how much to eat.....but at the end of the day, have a day off and enjoy your friends wedding :)
  • Just a plain ol' bowl of cheerios for me!
  • Downloaded! Thanks for that :smile: hope the EPO helps x
  • Me too - I've been so much better since I've been on Evening Primrose Oil - I make sure I get the high strength tablets..... I'd be interested as to which android app you have though? :smile:
  • I've taken to carrying dairy milk chunkies with me - and just having one chunk. At 25 cals it's far better than a whole bar...... Or Low cal hot chocolate may satisfy the cravings :smile:
  • I am......I don't drink tea or coffee so have to get my caffeine from somewhere or I wouldn't survive the day!! That said, I'm only drinking diet coke and have up to 2 cans a day - I try to manage on just one. :smile:
  • I'm 5'8'' and about 171 pounds at the moment, I'm aiming to get down to 161 (ish) I got down to 154 for my wedding 2 years ago but had put several pounds on just a week into my honeymoon so I'm hoping that 160 will be more easy to maintain! This should get me to a size 12 (UK)....if not - I'm going to keep going till I get…
  • Could you take wraps or pitta in stead of sandwiches? They are both lower in carbs and the possibilities of fillings are endless :smile:
  • Yeh I did this when I was training for my 10km - I found it really good. But as others have said - find out what you need then shop around on line.....different makes feel very different though so make sure you try on in a shop :smile: