motion analysis

Anyone been assessed on a Motion analysis machine when buying new running shoes to make sure they got the correct footwear ?

Needing some new ones so just wondered if this route was a good one to take.

Would love to hear any experiences and results

Thanks :smile:


  • DanniR88xx
    DanniR88xx Posts: 22 Member
    Definately a good idea! i was running in neutral trainers when i first started and was getting terrible ankle and foot pain. I went to a specialist shop who did a gait analysis and i found that i over pronate which ment i needed a structured shoe which would give me more support. now i don't get any pain and i love my new trainers!

    Sometimes the specialist shops can be a bit pricey so find which ones suit best then have a shop around!

    Hope this helps!
  • luckie4us
    luckie4us Posts: 7
    Orthopedist recommended that for my daughter. Doesn't hurt to give it a try, but like other poster around. Don't feel obligated to buy from them.
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    You can also look at the wear pattern on your old running shoes to see how your foot strikes the ground.
  • Yeh I did this when I was training for my 10km - I found it really good.

    But as others have said - find out what you need then shop around on line.....different makes feel very different though so make sure you try on in a shop :smile:
  • vinnysgirl
    vinnysgirl Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks for the replies, much appreciated :smile:

    We have a Sweatshop at the shopping centre near to me and I was considering giving it a try, they have a sale on at the moment as well. I think you have all just talked me into spending some money .............. You can't beat a bit of retail therapy :smile: