Jeeze dont have your toes out, your not a duck!
Cheers bud. For all you fasted trainers, man, Id be dead. Im eating on the way into the gym! Good Luck JU
Hi, I was just reading the discussion on twitter, I was under the impression that it had pretty much been rejected (although, I am the first to accept that the internet is a perilous place to glean information). You can buy the whole paper for £30 from Cambridge, which I think is a little steep. For my two cents I think…
I cant beleive I wrote aint. I appologise! JU
That aint a stupid question! Id put it in cardio, under strenous /heavy as its likely to have had more of a cardio impact than resistance, even though the resistance was high (you follow..?) Good Luck, JU
Hey buddy, you may want to check out which is a great site dealing with pain self management issues. Also you might like to buy/borrow/steal a copy of Tim Ferris' 4hr body, he has a section in there about back pain with surprising (and very helpful, i do it myself) exercises for back pain. Finally get a…
Keep it the same, then it doesnt matter. I weight myself morning and night every day so you can see and anticipate any fluctuations. Good Luck, JU
We did some Krav Maga stuff when I was training in Muay Thai. Its brutal, youll love it! +1 on the good instructor though. Good Luck, JU
Brian I read through my response and I should say that I was replying to the OP, not to you! Nope, garbage. That paper has pretty much been torn apart by peer review, and I dont think it was ever accepted for publishing. Its worthy to note also that no where in the paper does it mention 20% fat loss in the fasted state,…
Get to your doctor and get your hormones under control first. PCOS will play havoc with any fat/weight goals you may have. Good luck, JU
Its just a gimick to fill up the space on an exercise machine. There IS a continuum of how much energy comes from fat and comes from carbohydrates for a given heart rate (resting heart rate is 100% fat, max heart rate (VO2 max) is 100% carbs, more or less) and so you would assume that somewhere in the middle is the optimal…
I know, its quite frustrating, but if you think about the mechanics of strength training there is no way really to provide an accurate measurement. For instance, you and I could both bench 100kg for ten reps, but we wont be the same size, strength, bidy fat VO2 max the system wont be able to compare us…
HRM is good for measuring heart rate, that's about it. Dont rely on it to tell you how many calories you've burnt. When you see pro athletes with heart rate monitors on you should know that they have had extensive gym time logging their power output, energy efficiency, muscle activation etc and they know what a certain…
Damn good question. You've kinda stumbled ontp the bid lie that the fitness industry and the media dont like to talk about. Basic answer is hormones. Without wanting to sound too muck like s quack hormones essentially control energy release and storage. Your hormonal profile is different after a meal, after exercise, after…
Message sent. where in the UK are you?
Always good to see another girl get into lifting, youll love it! I'd be interested to see where your carbs are coming from, from an initial read it looks like mostly sugar. Im not familiar with the brands so I might be wrong. Also make sure you get a protein serving in the morning when you wake. You want to make sure your…
Just remember a balanced meal is a balanced diet. I, along with many of my clients, find it much easier and more successful to have a few 'good' meals ready to go and made up than following some crazy five week diet plan with 100's recipes in it. Good Luck, JU
Resitance training will give your CV system a hell of a workout, as long as you are incoporating the big compound moves like bench, squat, deads etc. Check your blood pressure. You can buy the mini-Omron BP cuff and reader for cheaps (and its the same model carried by the UK motorcycle paramedics). If it starts going up…
GET OFF YOUR BUTT/*kitten*!! (delete if US/UK) Good Luck! JU
Make your own, some of those a full of nasties! Good Luck JU
DDP's YRG yoga. You wont need anything else, ever. Good Luck JU
Absolute best exercise for that area is the single leg stiff leg deadlift. you can do it with your single dumbell with one arm and alternate. Its proper hard! Good Luck JU
Who told you your weight is not healthy? Im 6ft and 250lbs. I have a BMI of 36 (morbidly obese). I can squat 500lbs and run 100m in 12 seconds. Who cares what the scales say.
Even if your the slowest on the track, you're still lapping the guys on the couch.
1600 cals, wow! There is no difference in fat burning as to whether you train fasted or full. I train ABSOLUTELY full (Im still eating on the way into the gym!) If you find your uncomfortable having eaten before you can negate the physiological effects somewhat by taking 15g or BCAA or EAA (Brach Chain or Essential Amino…
Hey Buddy, nice start. Get some mobility work done on your ankles, hips and knees. Also learn a little about walking mechanics and how to rebuild strength in your feet. Go check out MobilityWOD for details. Good luck, JU
You sound like you are doing a great job and you certainly dont seem big on your pic! Why worry about your weight? If your packed with muscle instead of fat then thats great! Dont sacrifice 25lbs just for the sake of the numbers on the scales. Calories in v calories out will only get you so far. You will find that quickly…
Is the BodyFortress stuff from Holland and Barret? If so there are many better blends at much better cost available. I'd really try and get an unflavoured one though and try some of the great ideas above if you cant stomach the taste of a plain whey. Also you may want to try having a whey/protein shake upon rising,…
i used to be a science teacher, now Im a personal trainer and develop websites.
Berkshire, 31 now...that doesnt seem right...