

  • hi guys . 1.32 pounds and 360 minutes of exercise
  • 1.32 pounds and 360 minutes of exercise
  • Well Done!!!!!! Enjoy seeing the 1's on the scale any day now!
  • Bad week for me so am happy to report a loss even if it was tiny!. 200grams which is about .45 pounds. Exercised for 360 minutes burning 3100 cals. Back on tracj this week I promise!
  • Cabbage is a brilliant friend to dieters! Use it instead of pasta in spag bol! Lightly saute it with carraway seeds and garlic salt with a spray of olive oil! Its the best for a side dish!!!
  • Hey guys lost only .6 of a pound this week, so have 9.4 pounds to go. Exercised 370 minutes and burned 2,690 cals. Lynn S
  • Check out a diet plan called 'Bodytrim'. He's an Australian that advocates it, but he would definitley agree that you're on the right track. I have tried it and it's a definite winner re weight loss. My problem was I couldn't sustain it because I loved carbs too much. If you can sustain it, you're on a winner. Check the…
  • I agree! If you try to log everything and then claw it back, it might do your head in. if eating health and exercise is to become a lifestyle choice, then I think you have to allow for special days like that. You're in this for the long haul, even when you get to goal, so you need to relax on those one off occasions. its…
  • Any additional exercise and movement will be an absolute bonus. Healthy eating and exercise is what leads to a sustainable life style. If you aim for weight bearign exercises (can you join a gym?) that helps to improve muscle qualtiy you increase4 your fitness and increase your base metabolic rate. The more muscle you have…
  • A punnet is a little box basically. Just had a look at the graze site, looks like an awesome idea! Wish someone would start up one of those in Australia! maybe thats a business idea that should be explored???
  • Forgot to check out this common room, so have missed everything!! As it's allready friday here in Australia I'm on to that challenge. I've allready done my Friday program at the gym which includes a good cardio and upper body workout, (treadmill included) so hopefully I've covered the 1.5 miles. The water has started and I…
  • I dont have any great words of wisdom for you sadly, but I do want to say that I think you have turned the right corner! The good thing is, you are not powerless and it's great that you refused to accept that. Also if you are surrounded by folk who haven't managed to start the journey, be careful that they don't try to…
  • Sounds like an awesome gym! Very envious!
  • Just saw this website about PCOS and weight loss. You've probably read them all before, but just in case. Good luck with it!
  • keep hanging in, you seem to be dealing with some heavy stuff, so don't beat yourself up!
  • down 2 pound this week 146.1lb exercised 425 minutes burned 3382 cal Losing measurements as well, but we're not counting that. Hope everyone feels good about them selves this week!
  • Whoops had the worst weekend and only just read this. Certainly let the team down this weekend and it's over now!! Sorry team!
  • Thanks for the encouargement Leslie, hope we can add somethingto the weigh in on Monday! Whoops I mean lose something! Re the Game of Thrones, I have unfortunatley not been into it or read the books. Might need to check that out. Good luck all!.
  • :flowerforyou: Hi fellow Slytherins! My name is Lynn and I'm from Australia! I've been on MFP for a month or so now and have lost a few poundsbut have been losing more in measurements as I'm doing a lot of exercise and have been building muscle. Last year I was very fit for an old gal as I went on an Australian Pilgrmage…
  • There's always much more to the story than we can know and you will know what's the right thing to do. Fair play to you for wanting to stick with this man as you made a commitment to him warts and all and you have a family with him, Just be mindful that when you're in the situation you may not always see what's really…
  • 3 times! A divorce, a death and now hopefully a successful marriage! ((17 years now). Biggest and most difficult issue out of all that are the step parent / child relationships! Not always easy. But worth the effort in the long run. between us we now have 8 grandkids and one on the way. Awesome stuff!
  • An annoying yet welcome side effect of weight loss! The reality is though, that you have probably a far greater muscle base now and you will use more calories just staying alive! It is great how this site works it through though. I love it. can't beleive it's for free!
  • A fellow Lynn here! 56 years old and having another go. I'm finidng exercise (and lots of it) the answer. My huibby works away 3 nights a week and I have often used that time to slack off and eat garbage. Now I use it to work exercise. I am in the gym 6 days a week, on a different program each day. I'm loving it again.…
  • I always try to save some cals for the end of day and use icecream, fruit and sometimes I can fit in banana custard that I make myself, using skim milk, splenda and custard powder (and a banana of course!) Can't stand to get to the end of day and not have that available to me, I feel relaly deprived otherwise. Somenights I…
  • I bet you are stretching and damaging the tendons under your feet, around your ankles and also your acchilles. Do lots of gentle calf stretches when your muscles have warmed up. If you have such a thing as "lectric soda" where you are (its a natural water softner and looks like small crystals) you can put it in an old…
  • G'day there, I am also in Australia and have only just discovered My Fitness pal. I dont have a huge amount of time for the message boards butI do know how important the connections can be. Happy to be one of your friends on the site, if I may, and I'll do my best to offer support when I can. I probably will be able to log…