

  • lynnspittal
    keep hanging in, you seem to be dealing with some heavy stuff, so don't beat yourself up!
  • princessekrystale
    Starting weight ... 193
    Current weight: ... 193.8

    SO I gained 0.8 lb :(

    Exercise minutes: about 90 minutes
  • rexkt
    rexkt Posts: 41 Member
    Sorry about the delay busy week!!

    Weight: 249

    Exercise Minutes: 90

    Not my best week! Lost 1 1/2 pounds.
  • Reneda
    Reneda Posts: 140
    Ooopps.. forgot to post my weigh-in yesterday.. :-( sorry

    my weight is 282 (up 5 lbs because of TOM)
    my exercise minutes for last week was 240 minutes..

    i'll kick it in gear this week so that we slytherins can show the rest of the school what we're made of.. !! :-)
  • Nikra419
    One day late, I apologize!!

    2lbs lost - 232lbs
    426 minutes exercised

    Going to really step it up this week. Labor Day cookout was bad to me. :(
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Hello all, so I am new to the group but looking forward to getting involved with my fellow Slytherins!

    My current weight is 268 lbs and my first major goal is 190 lbs.
  • Reneda
    Reneda Posts: 140
    Hello all, so I am new to the group but looking forward to getting involved with my fellow Slytherins!

    My current weight is 268 lbs and my first major goal is 190 lbs.

    Welcome!! Glad you could join us!

    How is everyone else doing today?
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I am doing ok today! I am enjoying the yummy treats in my Graze box.
  • Reneda
    Reneda Posts: 140
    So..... what kind of yummy treats you got in this "Graze box"...?? :-) Wanna share?
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I get them from - they send a snack box to you weekly with four different punnets of snacks. I had something called Hot Cross Yum with was sultanas, cinnamon almonds and sponge pieces, it was delicious and only 130 cals per punnet.
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I get them from - they send a snack box to you weekly with four different punnets of snacks. I had something called Hot Cross Yum with was sultanas, cinnamon almonds and sponge pieces, it was delicious and only 130 cals per punnet.

    I wish they had something like this in the US. It sounds fantastic!! It would make planning meals so much easier!
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    What's a punnet? LOL I am an American who doesn't understand European terms:))
  • lynnspittal
    A punnet is a little box basically. Just had a look at the graze site, looks like an awesome idea! Wish someone would start up one of those in Australia! maybe thats a business idea that should be explored???
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I do enjoy them, you just have to resist the temptation to eat them all at once!
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    Progress report:
    Lost 2 pounds (down to 201).

    958 exercise minutes (13,036 calories burned)
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Lost 3 lbs this week (down to 265) and exercised 285 minutes, a total of 1670 calories burned.
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    Lost 2 lbs (down to 248.9) and exercised for 594 minutes and burned 3,685 calories.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    296.3 - That's a loss of 3 pounds

    300 exercise minutes for the week with a burn of 2029.
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    Lost 2 lbs (down to 248.9) and exercised for 594 minutes and burned 3,685 calories.

    Actually - I lied I exercised for 601 minutes and burned 3,790 calories
  • janiecorona
    New scale says I'm 5 lbs heavier than older scale. Boo. So 210 this week.

    I exercised 528 minutes and burned 3323 calories.

    My goal is to almost double it for next week.