Where should I start
I hope I am not cunfusing you, I been eating between 1250 to 1350 calories or more different days and still lost a little weight. I want to start mataining my weight, would it be ok to up my calories to 15000
Dose it matter if you eat different sizes meals each day like sometime i like to have a big breakfast other days like to have a big dinner
Do you pay attention when you drink coffee i mostly just have it black or just a little cream. I drink lots of water thought out the day.
Is it okto up calories by 200 every week or should it be 100
What are some high fiber foods its so hard for me to find things
Waking up hungry
I don't what it it is but once in a while i wake up middle of the night hungry, i eat with in my calories. Is it ok to have a apple or something to help.
Morning Breakfast
Any good healthy franch toast recipes
eating back
I hope I not confusion you, I am starting to up my calories every week at 1500 now. Do you eat back you calories if you burn your calories
upping calories
I have been eating 1300 to 1400 calories and don't need to lose anymore what should i start at for adding more calories
Ok i just want to make sure i reach my weight and want to up my calories. Do you do 100 to 200 a week until you see whats good for you. Thanks
Fitness product
What do you think is good like the Apple Watch for keeping track of everything.
Any one use supplement like, to get Vitamins and stuff. If you know what I mean
Anybody have good breakfast ideas. I am a very picky eater and have trouble getting a good breakfast, I had 2 brain tumors when i was little and effects my taste bud and other stuff.
I am a very picky eater so i am not really a breakfast person and try to have a good lunch. Dose it matter if you have a big dinner in calories reach.
Do you go over your cholesterol a lot
Anyone wake up middle of the night once in a while hungry really bad.
Anyone get the Fiber One bread i been trying to find good bread to have and trying new things
Any good ideas what to have with fruit kind of made a fruit bowl with a banana, half a apple and half a cup of grapes.
Anybody recommend the fitbit or anything that helps keep track.
Dose anyone get turkey burger frozen like Jennie-O
I lost 125 pounds in like 7 to 9 months by just eating healthy foods and being avtive all day. I once in a while want to have something fried once in a while but i get real bad pain in the stomach. Would you know why.
Do you get the same nutritions if you blend fruits together i trying new things out.
Any good ideas what to make with yogurt.
Eating more
Should you up your calories slow
2 oz
Ok i trying to get this right is Barilla Fiber One Shells 2 Oz a half a cup.
What do you do when you scan the label nutrition come up different then what it says on the box
Any good smoothie idea to make in the morning
Is 60 to 70g portein good to maintain muscle. I lost 130 pounds in 8 to 9 months just getting used of eating healthy stuff and trying bew things that are good for Nutrients
http://foodbabe.com/2014/12/01/yogurt/ what do you think about this.
Any good turkey recipe thats good for portein and not high on sodium and stuff been trying to try different things then grilled chicken