Figure or Bikini Competitions
Who's done one or planning to do one! I want to! I think I"m going to sign up and start training! I need to have a goal! Any tips, meal plans, websites, etc would be greatly appreciated! I need to lose about 7% body fat to be at a competitive level! I'm on a mission! I'm currently 5' 5.5" and weight 130. I'm at 18% body…
Consumer Reports on Protein Shakes
http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine-archive/2010/july/food/protein-drinks/overview/index.htm Hmmm.....
AWESOME site to help visualize Portion sizes
This site helps you visualize portion size http://www.webmd.com/diet/healthtool-portion-size-plate
HIIT article
http://www.latimes.com/health/la-he-interval-training-20110228,0,5131385.story latimes.com In-Your-Face Fitness: Another look at high-intensity interval training It's touted as a fat burner, but the true results are more along the lines of endurance or short-burst power. For many, a steady, slower pace is just the thing.…
Interesting Article About Muscle and calorie burn
http://www.latimes.com/health/la-he-fitness-muscle-myth-20110516,0,7417131.story latimes.com In-Your-Face Fitness The myth of ripped muscles and calorie burns Sorry to say, but gaining muscle doesn't make your metabolism skyrocket. Put down that Haagen-Dazs. By James S. Fell, Special to the Los Angeles Times May 16, 2011…
Warrior Dash
Has anyone done this race? I'm doing it on April 17th! I'm excited!
I have a question for you! I'm thinking of becoming a coach but have questions. I like the products, my questions are for the business side. Would you be willing to share any insight (good and bad). You can message me if that's easiest. Thank you so much!
Important to eat immediately after a workout...
Great Article! :smile: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/berardi4.htm (easier to read on the website) You just finished up an awesome workout and you're trying to decide what to eat. This article is for you! You will learn what the best things are to eat post workout! The Importance Of Post Workout Nutrition! By: John…
MOVING to TX, near Dallas
We are relocating for my husbands job! I'm looking for running and biking clubs in the Dallas area. We'll be living near Allen, TX. That's where his work is, so we are looking in Allen, Fairview, Lucus, McKinney, Frisco and Wylie for a house. Wondering if anyone here is from that area and part of a runners or bicycling…
Mad Mud Run
Anyone done this before? I'm doing it on May 22nd! I can't wait! It'll be a blast! http://madmudrun.com/
My hubby bought me a road bicycle for Mother's Day!! Yeah! Anyone here ride? I'm going to start! I have been wanting one for years!
Asparagus Pizza
THE ATHLETE'S PALATE: PAM ANDERSON This cookbook author refuels with this healthy, seasonal, easy-to-make version of a runner favorite. By Pam Anderson Image by Yunhee Kim From the May 2010 issue of Runner's World Naan Pizza with Asparagus Asparagus is rich in bone-building vitamin K, immune-boosting vitamin C, and…
Mozzarella-Stuffed Turkey Burgers
These are amazing. I used the Trader Joe's marinara though and I served with baked sweet potato fries and spinach sauteed with olive oil and garlic and some red wine. I didn't put mine on a bun! http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/mozzarella_stuffed_turkey_burgers.html
someone posted a website
that had recipes set up for meal plans according to daily calorie intake.... I can't find it. Anyone remember which one that is??
Bodyfat Testing
I'm having a "discussion" with a friend. How accurate are the body fat scales? I don't find them accurate. I know the Hydrostatic Body fat composition test is supposed to be the most accurate..... She seems to think the scale is more accurate than the skin fold test...I disagree. What do you think?
Not wanting to start a debate.... but I've been doing research. My daughter has been on Soy milk since she was 14 months old (she is 3). I am worried about leaving her on it due to all of the info I've found from research. She has colon issues and every time we gave her milk she would have blood in her stool. I'm going to…
I caved!
I knew I shouldn't have gone down to the Teacher's Lounge but I did.... I brought my cottage cheese, fruit and yogurt and planned to eat that but then the aroma of eggplant parm, lemon chicken, salad, garlic knots, bundt cake and cannolies sucked me in. Lunch was catered for us by the parents committee for Teacher…
School Lunches the cause for Childhood obesity...
Great Article! I hope changes are made! http://www.emaxhealth.com/1506/military-leaders-want-revamp-school-lunch-improve-recruits-health.html Military Wants To Revamp of School Lunch Submitted by Denise Reynolds RD on 2010, April 20 - 12:50 All about: * Obesity Cause and Help Share A group of retired military officers have…
Everything..... YES, everything...
FITS!!!! All of my clothes that I've been afraid to try on from before having my 2 beautiful baby girls fit! Some of the skirts are even too big! YAY! I'm not as tone and defined as I was and I'm working on that but I am back down to my prepregnancy weight of 125!!! I have been for a couple of weeks but still have the…
How many "cowries?"
So, my 3 yr old daughter grabbed a Clif Bar from my hand last night and said, "let me see how many cowries "calories" it is! I will burn 6....7....8.... (she was counting) cowries!" Then handed it back to me and said "it is good, only 8 cowries." I had to laugh. She is under weight and I often tell her that we need to get…
Oatmeal Protein Pancakes
4 egg whites 1 c. cottage cheese 1/2 c. oatmeal (or 1/4 c. wheat germ and 1/4 c. oatmeal) 2 tbsp. oil 1/4 tsp. salt Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix thoroughly. Drop by tablespoons onto a hot, greased (use cooking spray or olive oil/grapeseed oil) frying pan or griddle. Serves 3-4. (I add 1 cup of your…
SO BAD... but sooo... good!
YIKES! I gave in... I ate a Candy Bar! I have been wanting one for WEEKS !!!! I caved! And stuck my dollar into the vending machine at work and bought a very yummy Milky Way! BAD BAD BAD I fit into jeans that I haven't been able to wear since before having my 1 yr old and I felt good today. Now I'm full of guilt. I've…
Awesome Body Calculator
Lovin them!
Compliments that is!! Over the last week since I've been able to fit into my size 6 jeans and slacks (2 pair are size 4!!) people have been complimenting me. Telling me they can't even tell I've had a baby. I'm loving every minute of it!! It's been so long! I was pregnant in 2006/2007 then got back into shape a year after…
Thought some could use a laugh!
Laughter is motivating to me! "With time, we gain weight because we accumulate so much information and wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our body. We aren't heavy, but rather, enormously cultured, educated and happy. Beginning today, when I look in the mirror, I will…
Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat.
That saying drives me crazy. A woman I work with today was trying to tell another co work that muscle weighs more than fat. I don't like to come off like a know it all. So I didn't butt in, but I did email the person who was getting the wrong info to explain. A pound is a pound no matter what you are weighing. A pound of…