Comment from my mother...what do YOU think!?
So, this topic isn't exactly fun and games. I'd like to get your opinion on something. I need to vent. Lol. Yesterday, I went over to my friend's mom's house. She has been sick for awhile and hasn't been able to work. She had no money, no gas in her car, and no food. I gave her $100 so that she could get some gas, go turn…
What's wrong with Planet Fitness?
I have a Planet Fitness coming near me, but I've heard a lot of negative reviews on this gym. What's bad about Planet Fitness?
Family issues--advice wanted!
I haven't been on here in awhile, but I'm back because I need advice and someone to talk to. I'm currently in what I consider to be a very toxic living situation. I'm 19 years old. My parents have been fighting constantly for weeks now. I don't even know what started it but they have now gotten to the point where they are…
gym memberships
Yesterday my mother and I joined a local gym called The Wellness Center (it's part of a local hospital). We went in to sign up and it kind of astonished me that the basic membership there is $35/month and you get unlimited everything. They offer discounts for the disabled, over 60, and college students. They have an indoor…
Not the reaction I expected...
I just told my mother I want to do Insanity when I drop some weight. I told her I've wanted to do it for awhile now but haven't really had the money to purchase it. I'm doing 30DS right now and I'm up for the challenge of Insanity. She reacted with, "You're getting into too much Delaney. You want to do this, and that, and…
30DS - level one, almost finished, results
I'm on day 7 of level one of 30 Day Shred. I haven't done it every day, I've taken 4 rest days, but have completed 7 workouts of level one. These are my results so far. Before: [/URL] [/URL] After: [/URL] [/URL]
Just need to vent...
My mother and I made a trip up to Subway for dinner. She made a total scene because they no longer had a sub she wanted. So she stood in line for 10 minutes, made the line longer, and didn't order. I kept throwing ideas out there, wasn't interested. Handed her a nutrition leaflet, she freaked because it didn't have the…
Your experience with 30DS?
I ordered it a few days ago. I did Day 1 of Level One yesterday off of YouTube, and let me tell you, I don't think I have ever been this sore in my entire life. It kicked my butt. What was your experience with this workout? Did you like it? Hate it? What kind of results did you see? I decided to rest today since I'm so…
Lack of family support
It's so much harder trying to develop a healthy lifestyle when your family isn't the most supportive. I live with my parents, my dad is at work most of the day, he has a very physically demanding job. He LOVES to bring home chips and coca cola and is obsessed with junk food, but he is normal weight. My mother is a little…
I need help keeping my weight off.
In January of 2012, I was 150 pounds. I began working out and eating right, and by October of 2012 I was down to 114 pounds. I stayed at 114 until May of 2013. I stopped working out, stopped caring about what I ate, and now I'm back at 150 pounds again. What I did before worked very, very well. I just don't know how to…
Need motivation
I've gained all of my weight back. I feel okay physically but I hate that I let it get this out of control. I need help to get back into working out and tips on how to stay motivated. I'm on here to track my eating again and I'm going to start working out very soon. I have a treadmill at home and a free gym to use when I'm…
Need advice/someone to talk to
I have a lot going on in my life right now, would anyone care to message me so I can talk about it? I need advice about what to do...thanks.
Sleepiness after exercise
I went to the gym tonight after work and ran/power walked on the treadmill for about 30 minutes. After I left, on the drive home, I was extremely sleepy. That 5 minute drive felt like 30 minutes. Do you get really sleepy after you work out? What does this mean?
Lost motivation...
I've gained 10 pounds since the end of March. I've been busy, eating whatever I wanted and not caring, not working out at all, and bam. Put on 10 pounds. My clothes still fit the same, but I have noticed that I don't feel as good as I used to. I need some encouraging words to get back on track. I've lost my motivation and…
Back progress!
I've been lifting weights for 3 weeks, and I can see a substantial difference in my back, even when I'm not flexing. I've also lost some weight (about 10 pounds) between these two pictures. Before lifting, taken during the summer: Now, taken this past Sunday:
Call me crazy, but...
I just started putting hard boiled eggs on my salads the other day. I like eggs, but I never realized the flavor eggs add to a salad. Does this make me CRAZY!?
Today was a horrible day...
Today, I found out that my mom might have cancer. She found what the doctor thinks is a tumor on her leg, and she goes in for an MRI on Saturday. Even though it may be benign or maybe not even a tumor at all, the uncertainty is terrifying me and I feel like a complete basket case. I'm so worried.
Weakling :(
I started lifting again last week, and I feel like such a weakling, lol. I can only bench about 60, squat 70, deadlift 40, curl 40, leg press 120. And I can only do free weights with like 20 pounds dumbbells. On the machines I can typically do more (lat pull downs about 80, shoulder press 70). :(
Splitting up exercise...opinions?
I'm thinking about doing cardio in the late afternoon (4ish) and then lifting in the evening (8ish). If I do cardio and then lift immediately after, I don't have enough energy and I'm worried I may hurt myself. If I lift and then do cardio, my muscles are aching and I can't perform as well, so I'm considering splitting it…
I love MFP!
I've been using MFP since June, and I absolutely love this gem. I lost the majority of my weight without using MFP, but this site has definitely opened my eyes to what I'm actually putting in my body and makes keeping track of my food so much easier. Not only that, but there are so many inspirational stories on here,…
Yummy breakfast!
2 large eggs, peanut butter on warm whole grain toast, and full fat cottage cheese! It feels like I'm indulging, but I guess that's just the warm peanut butter :love: & only 510 cals!
How does this sound for a snack?
I go in to work at 5 and am going to eat something before I go in, as I go to the gym after work and don't want to eat something heavy right before I work out. 2 eggs and a slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter.
I'm so sore
I went to the gym last night and lifted weights for the first time in forever. I've been doing body weight exercises, but wanted to start lifting again because the body weight exercises weren't challenging me any more. I can definitely feel the difference today. My arms are a lot more sore than normal, and weighted lunges…
I did cardio and weight training today. I did the interval setting on my treadmill (Triumph 400T), which takes you up to 5 mph. I found out today that it's a breeze for me to run at 5mph, where it used to be incredibly difficult and I thought I was going to die after 30 seconds. Now I can do it for minutes on end. Also, I…
Opinions on Aldi?
We have Aldi's around here, but I've never been to one and was wondering if it's a store worth checking out. What are their prices compared to other chain grocery stores? Thanks!
Take a look at my diary.
Tell me what you think. What should I add or remove from my diet? Just basic critiques. Thanks :D
Just took some progress pics and uploaded one of my arm...wow, haha I've come a long way! I may be flexing but I think it looks pretty darn good ;D
So, there is this guy I've been talking to for awhile now. He's a super nice guy and very fun to talk to, but he aggravates the snot out of me sometimes. Last night I went to the movies with a girlfriend of mine after we got off work, and he blew up my phone with texts the entire time. After I left, I told him I was at the…
Looking for friends
I've noticed a lot of people on my friends list don't log in every day/have stopped altogether, so I'd like to make some new friends! Having people that log in every day helps keep me motivated. Send me requests/messages/whatnot :D
What are your favorite bodyweight exercises?
I need more ideas for bodyweight exercises that don't require equipment. I currently do: Push ups (regular, inverted, diamond, one leg) Planks Tricep dips using a chair/table Bicycle crunches Regular crunches Squats Lunges Plies (sp?) Any ideas?