Your experience with 30DS?

I ordered it a few days ago. I did Day 1 of Level One yesterday off of YouTube, and let me tell you, I don't think I have ever been this sore in my entire life. It kicked my butt.
What was your experience with this workout? Did you like it? Hate it?
What kind of results did you see?
I decided to rest today since I'm so sore. I wouldn't be able to complete it, so I'm going to do it tomorrow.


  • papyapa
    papyapa Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! I am on day 5 of lvl 1. It kills! I did day 1&2 then took day 3 off cause I could not go up and down my stairs anymore!! On the way down, I had to slide my back down the side of the wall as I went down. BRUTAL! BUT made myself get back at it the next day ( was really just as sore ) BUT I did it! You do get less sore as you go on. Everyone told me to just push threw and it will get better, and it did! I love it. Just make sure you stretch some before you start the DVD and more at the end. She does NOT stretch enough. Threw out the day when ever I get a chance I will stretch. Has made a BIG difference. I'm looking forward to the 30 day mark, as I have noticed a difference in my abs already and am only on day 5! I've taken picture on day 1 and again today and i have more of a waste line already! DO IT! I have herd nothing but great things!
    Good luck!