low carb in the 1980s, with Oprah!
Dr. Michael Eades (Protein Power) has a substack where he posts about low carb and its history -- this one was interesting, about his first book getting published when Oprah was losing weight on Optifast. https://open.substack.com/pub/michaeleades/p/the-arrow-128?r=1il35h&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
"Fat Fiction" film showing free on Youtube
So happy that this is up there -- a full feature length documentary on the history, the science and the dogma that got us here. Starring all the experts we know and love: Fung, Taubes, Noakes, Teischolz, Westman, Bowden.... Share the wealth! https://youtu.be/TUADs-CK7vI
Torani sugar free syrups keto coffee
I was happy to see I can finally order the sugar free Torani syrups on Amazon Japan here, after hearing people rave about them online for years now. I got 3 of the Puremade ones today: vanilla, caramel and hazelnut, enough to last me a year! So I went to the website to see how the nutrition specs work. Vanilla has 9 carbs…
Schofield/Zinn's lchf clinical trial results out
Low-carbohydrate diets differing in carbohydrate restriction improve cardiometabolic and anthropometric markers in healthy adults: A randomised clinical trial Conclusions Low-carbohydrate, high-fat diets have a positive effect on markers of health. Adherence to the allocation of carbohydrate was more easily achieved in…
great news from downunder: Fettke charges dropped
from I Support Gary blog today: We are very excited, and relieved, to be able to share with you the news that AHPRA (the Australian Health Practitioner's Regulation Agency) have dropped all charges against Gary after 4 1/2 years of insisting that he had done nothing wrong - no case of patient harm nor patient complaint…
security breach on MFP?
Did anyone get an email about this today? I changed my pword. https://content.myfitnesspal.com/security-information/FAQ.html
oh no! butter shortage in France
I had some salty French butter at an office party last week, it was sooo delicious. Now it will be even more astronomically priced... :'( BUTTER SHORTAGE IN FRANCE AS GLOBAL DEMAND GROWS PARIS (AP) -- Blame the croissant. French pastries, and butter, have become so popular abroad that the increased demand led to a mini…
no blood draw needed for new BG test prototype
in Japan news: No blood sample required in new glucose level test for diabetes Prototype equipment to measure blood glucose levels with an infrared laser (Provided by the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology) A research team has created a noninvasive method of measuring the blood glucose…
walking challenge
I joined this walk challenge -- my first! why not join me? starts on Friday! Dunno how it works, I think you just track your steps and then post them on their facebook page. Whatever works! I need to get moving more. http://upvir.al/ref/Q9058246/
for newbies: We have a Launchpad
Just bumping this again, I've lost the old thread. Check out the Launchpad for tips, books, videos and more if you are just starting out with LCHF/Keto. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10103966/start-here-the-lcd-launch-pad#latest
Nevada coalition seeks unprecedented insulin refund law
Not sure what to make of this.... Nevada coalition seeks unprecedented insulin refund law Aiming to rein in soaring prescription drug prices, an unlikely Nevada coalition is trying to force pharmaceutical companies to disclose how they set insulin prices — and issue refunds to diabetics or their insurance companies if…
Gary Taubes' newest book: The Case Against Sugar
Here it is! next on my tbr list. The Case Against Sugar https://www.amazon.com/Case-Against-Sugar-Gary-Taubes-ebook/dp/B01DRXCPJ0?SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duckduckgo-d-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B01DRXCPJ0
Otsuka resistant starch packets
So on my commute yesterday, I noticed ads for this product, "Kenja-no-shokutaku Double Support," which is a resistant starch powder supplement that you add to water or tea and drink down after a meal. Has anyone seen/used anything like it? I bought the 9-packet box today and just tried one after lunch. Not sure what to…
How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat
The conspiracy theorists were right! Today in the NYTimes: The sugar industry paid scientists in the 1960s to play down the link between sugar and heart disease and promote saturated fat as the culprit instead, newly released historical documents show. The internal sugar industry documents, recently discovered by a…
supplement ratings site?
Someone once posted a site link that listed ratings of magnesium supplements... I have lost it and wanted to research similar listings for vitamin b brands. Any ideas welcome.
broken MFP user script for net carbs?
Has anyone else noticed that the latest updates have broken the user script that showed net carbs in your food diary? Bummer. Now I have to do math...
Is a Ketogenic Diet Safe for Weight Loss? on the MFP blog!
Is this a first?? http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/ketogenic-diet-safe-weight-loss/?utm_source=mfp&utm_medium=GooglePlus
Sugar in the NYTimes
posting the whole thing for anyone who can't access NYT. WELL - Eat Is Sugar Really Bad for You? It Depends By Anahad O'Connor June 8, 2016 6:01 am The federal government’s decision to update food labels last month marked a sea change for consumers: For the first time, beginning in 2018, nutrition labels will be required…
Jason Fung is hilarious!
New blog post: Have you ever noticed that there’s a formula for writing best-selling diet books? I’m going to reveal the secrets right here, right now. I’ve been thinking about this since writing The Obesity Code….how to write a best-selling diet book. ...…
What Does Low Carb Do to Your Bones?
What Does Low Carb Do to Your Bones? posted 23 minutes ago by Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt in Low Carb High Fat, Myths about LCHF, New Study What does low carb do to your bones? There is a lingering idea that eating low carb could result in osteoporosis, due to making blood acidic and leeching minerals from the bones. However this…
nytimes: Foods High in Cholesterol Don’t Raise Heart Risks
Just noticed this tucked away in a corner of the International New York Times today (but it is from a week ago online, with lots o' comments): Foods High in Cholesterol Don’t Raise Heart Risks http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/02/17/foods-high-in-cholesterol-dont-raise-heart-risks/?ref=health&_r=0 A new study provides…
Wait, wait... Kale Caesar salad at Mcd's is high cal...
Just heard on NPR about Canada's McDonalds offering kale Caesar salads that have more calories than a double Big Mac. But what about the carbs? Any Canucks tried it? http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/business/mcdonalds-kale-calorie-questions-1.3423938
too much coconut oil??
This one is making the rounds today -- over-consuming coconut oil can lead to MS!!! The tl;dr is that if you keep to less than 2 tbsp and eat your veggies, you will be fine. Also, you are not a mouse. http://www.bengreenfieldfitness.com/2015/12/dark-side-coconut-oil-cautionary-tale-coconut-oil-extremists/
Dr. Tim Noakes facing censure for recommending LCHF
The hearing has begun: http://www.biznews.com/health/2015/11/24/tim-noakes-why-ive-been-waiting-for-this-trial-for-years-banting-lchf/ Cape Town University emeritus professor Tim Noakes has explained at a media conference why he welcomes the ‘nutrition trial of the century’. and in fact has been waiting for years to…
Credit Suisse report on fat gets it right
Found a link to the full report, it is 84 pp long. This comes after their 2013 report on the badness of sugar (https://publications.credit-suisse.com/tasks/render/file/index.cfm?fileid=780BF4A8-B3D1-13A0-D2514E21EFFB0479).…
The prime of ms. jane brody... is passed
Well, she finally caved in and wrote a column on good fats (aside from lumping in canola with healthy fats). About time. But she didn't quote Taubes... The Fats You Don’t Need to Fear, and the Carbs That You Do By JANE E. BRODY The nutritional pickle so many Americans are now in is largely a result of “an…
another reason to avoid that surgery....
Scary. No one told me about the loneliness, the emotional rollercoaster, and how to stay sane when I could only eat a spoonful of mashed potatoes. I thought bariatric surgery would solve all my problems; 180 pounds later, I realized I was wrong. by Mollie Hawkins…
Tokyo gets low carb burgers!
Sign at Freshness Burger: We are taking over the world!!
not losing in keto? adjust your fat intake
Here is a blog post about how much fat to eat... worth rethinking if you are in a stall, maybe. https://lowcarbrn.wordpress.com/2015/10/28/dont-force-the-fat/
Fathead pizza!
I just had to share my masterpiece! Basically used the version on ditchthecarbs.com. Nomnomnom