Diet Pills.. Personal Experiences & Recommendations
So i want to try out a diet pill. But i don't know which ones actually work. I would like to hear some recommendations, and maybe some personal stories about using them. Also i don't want to try anything dangerous. I found one that looked amazing but then found out it had cocaine in it.. I don't want anything like that.…
Stomache exercises that create vertical lines but not horizo
Okay so... Iv been doing P90 for a while now and have just started P90X Lean.. But the problem i have is that i don't want to look like the girls in the videos... They all have very muscley arms, very muscley legs, and big 6 packs.. What i want is closer to being 'skinny fat', than it is being 'fit'. I do want muscle in my…
How do you deal with the munchies...
So im suffering from the munchies at the moment.. And im trying to ask my belly if it is actually hungry, with no response back... Its currently 04:01 so i know im going to be sleeping very soon, and therefore i would rather not eat more than i already have done.. So the problem is, is what do i do to stop these munchies?…
Calories burn't in general yoga &/ P90x Yoga x ??
How many calories does doing yoga burn a minute? Is the database right saying that yoga burns the same amount of calories as stretches? - especially when i find yoga like 4x more difficult that just stretching. How many calories do you burn doing the P90x Yoga X workout?
PMSL - The Tug Toner!
First there was the shake weight.. Then there was the free flexor.. Now there is the tug toner.. ->>.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2ewsEKVJVA xD
What category does soup fit into?
You know those like food charts / food triangle things. Where vegetables is a massive green section across the bottom, and chocolate is the tiny point at the top of the triangle.. What section does soup fit into? Or does it just depend on what flavour soup your having? For example tomato is in the vegetable section, but…
Exercise is starting to create adverse effects. What should
So recently iv hit into a bit of a dilema. My appetite has massively increased from what it was and because of it i'v had to do alot more exercise to compensate, and to stay under my calorie goal. Normally i have to burn off atleast 1,000 calories a day because i'v been eating over 2,000 calories.. But the problem with…
Complaints about U.S. fast food... Something needs to be don
So i just got back from my holiday in New York and i must say that the fast food there was AWFUL!! Especially McDonalds and KFC!! The reason why im writing this post was that the KFC was so bad were scared it's going to go out of business, and if KFC has to shut in America its very likely to shut here too! And pretty much…
I need some fashion advice!!
So.. When i go shopping i see all these clothes, and think im so fat i would look horrendous in that and because of it, i wear the same black skinny jeans, the same shoes, and the same frumpy hoodie where ever i go... And i have to say these clothes make me look bigger than i am and make me feel even more unattractive..…
Chest pain when exercising.
When i exercise, as soon as a start to pant / get out of breath, my heart, lungs and throat start hurting. In my heart it is like a stabbing pain. Whereas in my lungs and throat it feels like the air is struggling to pass through them so its scratching and hurting the sides. Does anyone know what i can do to stop this from…
Need Help / Ideas on addictions.
Need Help / Ideas on DEALING WITH addictions.. Sorry should of put that in the title.. Ok so about 2 years ago i use to smoke. and one day my fiance said that he couldn't stand it when i smoked and that it made him sad. so after alot of discussions and arguments. i quit cold turkey. One day it was just ok il do this for…
BBC - Super Slim Me. (Youtube video links).
So as its like 04:20am and im not tired iv been watching loads of these things. And this is one oi feel like people need to see.. Its a little bit scary and makes you think differently about going on a crash diet! Part 1/6 ->>.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lxbcPwRuj4&feature=related Part 2/6 ->>..…
BBC - How to be Slim. (Youtube video links).
So i just watched this. and its quite fascinating. There's alot of things that are common sense and people already know. But there are also interesting things, like if you have a high calcium diet you'l excrete twice as much fat... Anyway here's the links ->>.. Part 1/6 ->>.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSm1dWjMGeM&NR=1…
Is soup purely food, or can it be classified as a drink?
I searched it up first but couldnt find anything, so im asking you guys opinions! Im on a liquid only fast. To cleanse my body of fast food, and to help build a healthy relationship between me and the way i eat. (Eating when im not hungry, craving crappy foods, etc). So i was wondering.. Is soup a solid or a liquid.. I…
The Bucket List - Things you want to do before you die.
Im creating a list of things i want to do before i die.. I would love to know what some of the things are that you guys want to do... Heres what i have so far ->>.. - Jump in a taxi and yell "follow that car!". - See a solar eclipse. - Shoot a real gun. - Learn to fluently speak a second language. - Learn the 'Esperanto'…
Starvation Mode.
I have a serious problem controlling what i eat.. I just can t stop. And all i eat is crap. I just dont have the willpower to stop.. But i have heard from alot of people that if you like clean your system of junk (dont have it in a while / go on a detox), then your body doesnt crave it anymore.. So i want to go on a fast..…
What should my daily NET goal be?? - Considering that MFP sa
So after inputting all of my information MFP gave me the default goal of eating 1,200 calories a day... The problem with this is that when i eat this amount i dont loose any weight.. And i know i have a pretty ****ty diet, but even the weeks where i just ate like salad and managed to resist all forms of fast food i somehow…
Why eating the wrong food is not your fault!
I just read this and felt that maybe some people would want to read it too. From ->>.. http://www.unique-bodyweight-exercises.com/bodyweight-exercises-blog.html "Have you ever wondered why so many people seem to crave calorie packed, processed and fast food that we all know are bad for us? From a logical point of view it…
I really need a cigarette. Just typing to try & make the cra
Bit of background history: (You dont really need to read this paragraph). Iv started smoking when i was 13, at first it was hard to get hold of *kitten* so i would pay random strangers to go into shops for me. I would end up with maybe 2 *kitten* a day.. When i turned 14 i got good at picking out which strangers would say…
Clutching at straws... Need to loose weight fast.
Ok so im going on holiday in 5 days. And the past week iv just been eating crap, i just seem to be unable too not.. But i am managing to meet my exercise goals. Doing a p90x lean workout everyday and a 30 day shred workout everyday.. So i need to know is there anything i can do food wise that will help me shed a few pounds…
Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.. Questions!!
So im currently doing P90x lean, but im going on holiday in about a fortnight and though i could do this alongside P90x to hopefully get some sped up results for holiday.. Anyway i know its suppose to be in 3 parts but this is where im getting very confused! Iv seen people say it has 3 parts, 3 levels, and some say it has…
HRM?? How do they tell you how many calories you have burned
So i see alot of people using heart rate monitors to work out how many calories they burn during exercise and i don't understand how they are doing it.. When ever i exercise i just record how long iv been doing it for and guess how many calories you would burn doing an exercise like that each minute... But i no that the…
HRM?? How do they tell you how many calories you have burned
So i see alot of people using heart rate monitors to work out how many calories they burn during exercise and i don't understand how they are doing it.. When ever i exercise i just record how long iv been doing it for and guess how many calories you would burn doing an exercise like that each minute... But i no that the…
Healthy food ideas.
Okay so, im obviously trying to make a lifestyle change, and it was going reasonably well until i started working last week. I seem to work up a very large apatite and for lunch my boss drives all of us to a bakery, or to a fast food place. So i have a massive problem there. So i need some major help! Firstly i need ideas…
What body shape am i?
So throughout my life iv never known if i was a pear or an hour glass. The problem is, is that i dont seem to fit into any body shapes.. So i think i am a pear because i have small top body compared to my the bottom half of my body.. My belly is about 2 dress sizes smaller than my legs... But then i think i am an hourglass…
I need some meal ideas from the foods below...
Okay, so... I live with my fiance in his perants house, and there is never ANY food in.. There are 6 of us to feed so it is understandable... We do pay extra on top of rent for the food we eat.... But the problem is, is that my fiance's perants get very offended if we buy our own food. (Because we like to write our name on…
I'v given up...
.... I'v given up.. I mean whats the point in trying to loose weight when it's never going to happen. I'v been dieting for 2 years now and i haven't yet lost a single pound or a single cm!! I'v tryed every way of dieting there is. I'v tryed just increasing the ammount of exercise i do. I'v tryed eating back my exercised…
Sodium.. Why are we avoiding it?
I'v noticed alot of people waching their sodium and i don't know why. If you eat alot of sodium does it make you gain weight? And if so why? Or does it just make you less healthy? Surely salt can't make you fat...? I need an education lesson in this! Why are we not suppose to have alot of sodium?!?!
Easter Egg Help!
Tomorrow is easter.. Now im not christian / catholic / protestant / any of the religions that believe jesus was our saviour. But... i do very much celebrate the eating of chocolate eggs on easter. And i also believe that even if you don't believe in jesus / you believe in jesus but that he was a normal man. Easter is still…
I need help.. P90 or ChaLEAN Extreme..?!
Ok this is a continue on from a post i did a little while ago. in this post everyone decided i was a nut job and that things had to change. This is the link to the post ->>.. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/218871-i-v-given-up Anyway! I managed, dont ask me how.. to convince my fionce to get me one of the work out…