I need help.. P90 or ChaLEAN Extreme..?!

Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok this is a continue on from a post i did a little while ago.
in this post everyone decided i was a nut job and that things had to change.
This is the link to the post ->>..

I managed, dont ask me how.. to convince my fionce to get me one of the work out videos!
And in return im going to kick up my calories to a healthy amount a day!

So the first question is.. which one do i by?!
I want to get toned and drop a dress size for a holiday im going on in 68 days..
So when i recieve the video i should have 60 days til take off!
I want to get toned, with a slight layer of abs.. but i dont to get ripped..
Which is why i skipped the P90x.
and is also why im considering the 'lean', ChaLEAN Extreme version.

Now of course price is involved here..
The P90 is £37 atm.
whereas the ChaLEAN one is £55 atm..
both have the same P&P charges..

I'v seen some good results from the P90, but i dont no if i wont be anoth to get me toned in 60 days instead of 90..
and iv seen like 2 good results for the lean one, which im also worried wont get me toned in 60 days..
but im too scared to do the P90x, because of the ammount of muscles u gain...
Also its like £60, and i could that extra 10-er to buy some multi-vitamins or something..

Ok so yes first.. which one do i go for any y?!

And the second quiestion is.. how many calories should i eat..
I know for a fact that 1,500 calories is far too much for me.
Now normally i eat less than a 1,000 calories without trying...
but i no ur suppose to eat more than 1,000 calories...
which would be pushing myself to eat more.
and that wil just make me feel very sick...

So my second question is... how many calories should i aim for a day?!

I am willing to listen to people.

But i would liek to know why u feel i shoudl choose the video i choose, and y i should eat the calories u'v said..


EDIT ->>.. At the moment im favouring P90 and 1,000 calories a day. But my fionce is favouring ChaLEAN Extreme, and doesn't care how many calories i eat a day...

2nd edit ->>.. People have said like, ow u wont do it and stuff, or the P90x is good... but could some one please actually help me make a decision please. and so far only one person has helped me calorie wise... saying that i should stick with MFP goal of 1,200 calories...
Ok lets refrase it!
In 60 days which one do people think i will loose more weight, and tone up more weight doing??
P90 (the original, not P90x), or ChaLEAN Extreme...


  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    Be realistic... are you actually gonna do the exercises?

    Don't waste your money if you aren't committed. Go for a walk... use an exercise bike :)
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Be realistic... are you actually gonna do the exercises?

    Don't waste your money if you aren't committed. Go for a walk... use an exercise bike :)

    im definately going to do the exercises!!
    a day i normally, i havent the past couple..
    but normally i burn about 1,000 calories a day on the exercise bike!
    i wanna go at it from a different angle..
    pluss my legs are now a lot more muscly than the rest of my body!
  • These DVDs only work if you actually do them the same way this site works if you keep to the nutrition stated.Use the 50 quid to maybe find a gym that does cheap rates.....they often do for off peak times...try YMCA or local council run gyms.

    Most important listen to the advise offered coz this is not people selling you stuff its people who KNOW it works coz they are living proof

    If it were me Id spend the 50 quid on a decent pair of running shoes and get outside and run/jog...( google c25k) and enjoy the good weather

    All the best feel free to add me for motivation/bollockings
  • I have P90 and the work out is more extreme than I anticipated it. I have not been able to committ to it though. Instead, I have become a jogger. I still use the abs and sculpting routines from the video and am still not able to complete them without stopping. So it's definitely rough. I don't know if it will give you the full results that you are expecting b/c I have not been using the entire cycle faithfully but it will definitely work you out. If you're worried about money, I'd try P90. That's why I chose it and it gets the job done for me.

    Also, push yourself to eat at LEAST 1,200 calories a day. That's just 200 more but would put you at a healthier place esp. if you burn 1,000 cals when working out.
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Like I have told you before.
    Your deficit should be a minimum of 1200 cals/day.
    For example you eat 1500 cals and burn 300, that deficit is 1200 cals.
    No exercise...only 1200 cals total
  • Megn_11
    Megn_11 Posts: 21 Member
    I do P90X and I'm not getting ripped with muscle. I'm dropping weight, losing inches and getting toned. I started with Turbo Jam before doing P90X to help with my endurance, but I think you should start with P90X. There are different programs to fit your need with P90X. And it never gets boring. My vote is for P90X. It's cheaper anyway.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    But i no i can do it!
    I know i wont give up!
    With food i give up all the time!!
    But with exercise its different...
    The only reason y i havent exercised the last couple of days is because me and my fionce have been realy busy!
    and i no that everything thats keeping me occupied, i will of finished before the video arrives!
  • Chalean Extreme has 30 minute workouts. It's not big impact, and it's progressive in the increase of weights. She also has a video at the very beginning that shows you how to perform the exercises in very good form -and not hurt yourself.

    P90X has 60 minute workouts. They are all the same workouts, without a progressive increase on the difficulty of the exercises, and, in my opinion, they are a bit for when you are already somewhat fit. They tell you how to perform them, but I think p90x would be much better done after chalean extreme.

    Besides, once you finish with Chalean Extreme, you'll feel much stronger and better with yourself, and will probably be able to perform P90X with better moves, and heavier weights. Long workouts that will still leave you exhausted.

    About the calories to eat... Eat healthy. Seriously healthy. AND drink Lots of Water...
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I do P90X and I'm not getting ripped with muscle. I'm dropping weight, losing inches and getting toned. I started with Turbo Jam before doing P90X to help with my endurance, but I think you should start with P90X. There are different programs to fit your need with P90X. And it never gets boring. My vote is for P90X. It's cheaper anyway.

    ow yeh i forgot to mention..
    anothe rone of the reasons why i dont want to do P90x is because i failed the fitness test..
    And because theres not where i can put a chin-up bar..
  • Just out of curiosity (and pardon my ignorance), but what's a P90?
  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    But i no i can do it!
    I know i wont give up!
    With food i give up all the time!!
    But with exercise its different...
    The only reason y i havent exercised the last couple of days is because me and my fionce have been realy busy!
    and i no that everything thats keeping me occupied, i will of finished before the video arrives!

    Oh my gosh.... it's FIANCE!! Not fionce!!! Lol, doing my head in seeing it written as fionce!!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Chalean Extreme has 30 minute workouts. It's not big impact, and it's progressive in the increase of weights. She also has a video at the very beginning that shows you how to perform the exercises in very good form -and not hurt yourself.

    Um do u need to buy weights for the CharLEAN one?
    i assumed that, that was wat the resistance band was for...
  • I have P90X and I seriously love it!!!!
    I love the cardio/ab/yoga videos. Particularly the yoga.
    Um, another series to consider is TurboFire. I'm a pirate so I downloaded both P90X and TurboFire for free, but I'm almost positive they're worth the money. :)
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Oh my gosh.... it's FIANCE!! Not fionce!!! Lol, doing my head in seeing it written as fionce!!

    i always thought that if ur a male and ur getting married to a female its 'fiance'
    but if ur a female and ur getting married to a male its 'fionce'
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I have P90X and I seriously love it!!!!
    I love the cardio/ab/yoga videos. Particularly the yoga.
    Um, another series to consider is TurboFire. I'm a pirate so I downloaded both P90X and TurboFire for free, but I'm almost positive they're worth the money. :)

    i would of downloaded them for free,
    but all the sites i get too say the videos been removed for copy right reasons..
    plus i will have to buy them resistancy things anyway...
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    Ok this is a continue on from a post i did a little while ago.
    in this post everyone decided i was a nut job and that things had to change.
    This is the link to the post ->>..

    I managed, dont ask me how.. to convince my fionce to get me one of the work out videos!
    And in return im going to kick up my calories to a healthy amount a day!

    So the first question is.. which one do i by?!
    I want to get toned and drop a dress size for a holiday im going on in 68 days..
    So when i recieve the video i should have 60 days til take off!
    I want to get toned, with a slight layer of abs.. but i dont to get ripped..
    Which is why i skipped the P90x.
    and is also why im considering the 'lean', ChaLEAN Extreme version.

    Now of course price is involved here..
    The P90 is £37 atm.
    whereas the ChaLEAN one is £55 atm..
    both have the same P&P charges..

    I'v seen some good results from the P90, but i dont no if i wont be anoth to get me toned in 60 days instead of 90..
    and iv seen like 2 good results for the lean one, which im also worried wont get me toned in 60 days..
    but im too scared to do the P90x, because of the ammount of muscles u gain...
    Also its like £60, and i could that extra 10-er to buy some multi-vitamins or something..

    Ok so yes first.. which one do i go for any y?!

    And the second quiestion is.. how many calories should i eat..
    I know for a fact that 1,500 calories is far too much for me.
    Now normally i eat less than a 1,000 calories without trying...
    but i no ur suppose to eat more than 1,000 calories...
    which would be pushing myself to eat more.
    and that wil just make me feel very sick...

    So my second question is... how many calories should i aim for a day?!

    I am willing to listen to people.

    But i would liek to know why u feel i shoudl choose the video i choose, and y i should eat the calories u'v said..


    EDIT ->>.. At the moment im favouring P90 and 1,000 calories a day. But my fionce is favouring ChaLEAN Extreme, and doesn't care how many calories i eat a day...

    if you buy p90x the nutritional information will show you exactly how to eat, how many calories etc etc....
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Just out of curiosity (and pardon my ignorance), but what's a P90?

    its a seriouse of exercises videos and a meal plan that ur ment to do daily, and then in 90 days its like wahla u'v got fit!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    if you buy p90x the nutritional information will show you exactly how to eat, how many calories etc etc....

    i know.. but the calories are mainly for before it arrives, and after the 90 days or whatever....
  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    Oh my gosh.... it's FIANCE!! Not fionce!!! Lol, doing my head in seeing it written as fionce!!

    i always thought that if ur a male and ur getting married to a female its 'fiance'
    but if ur a female and ur getting married to a male its 'fionce'

    A man is your Fiance

    A woman is your Fiancee
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    A man is your Fiance

    A woman is your Fiancee

    ah i see..
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