Complaints about U.S. fast food... Something needs to be don

Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
So i just got back from my holiday in New York and i must say that the fast food there was AWFUL!!
Especially McDonalds and KFC!!

The reason why im writing this post was that the KFC was so bad were scared it's going to go out of business,
and if KFC has to shut in America its very likely to shut here too!
And pretty much the only thing my fiance eats is KFC and i really dont want him to die of starvation!!

I do have to say though since testing the US fast food myself i now understand why people say that when you dont eat it for a while your body doesnt want it anymore....
I didnt want to eat it at all, it was nasty...
I tell you come over to England and try the fast food here and your body will love it so much its all you will ever be able to eat!!

So lets start with the first problem KFC...

In England my usual KFC is a "Chicken piece snackbox" / "Large Toasted Twister Meal", and i always have a side of "Large BBQ Beans".
And my fiances usual is a "Large Fully Loaded Meal with Pepsi and BBQ Beans" - (Not towered).

But in the U.S. I decided to just get the same as Pete as it'd been a while since i'd had a fully loaded meal...
We decided not to large... As our "large" is a "US regular", and a "US large" is so big we dont have it in this country...
It was also called something different, instead of it being a "Fully Loaded Meal", it was a "Fillet Box Meal"...
Which we knew was the same thing because a fully loaded meal is a fillet burger meal with extras...

So firstly im going to tell you the contents of a "Fully Loaded Meal" and what i was expecting to recieve....
(Heres a link to its page ->>.. )
(1) Fillet Burger
(2) Fries
(3) 1 piece of Kentucky fried chicken
(4) Regular BBQ Beans

And here is what i got in the "Fillet Box Meal".
(1) Mini Fillet Burger
(2) Potato Wedgies
(3) 3 pieces of small WATERED-DOWN im guessing southern fried chicken...
(4) im guessing sweet and sour beans
(5) A scone... / "Home-Style Biscuit"

So heres whats wrong with this picture.... The fact that it came with a mini fillet burger instead of a normal one wasnt really a problem... Infact the fact that it came with a scone wasnt really a problem... A little weird, but not a problem....
It was that fact that firstly instead of fries i ended up with potato wedgies, instead of bbq beans i ended up with these ****ed up sweat and sour beans and it didnt even come with ****ing KENTUCKY FRIED chicken, it came with some watered down rip-off... Something that was so nasty i wouldnt feed to my dog.. (if i had one).

In this country the BBQ beans are so good you would literally eat throo someones hand to get to them, but in the US there wasnt even a point of making these bean type things.....
Then the potato wedgies... IT was like wtf... why are KFC making potato wedgies it didnt make any sense at all...
And then the chicken i was just appalled..
I have such a KFC addiction, and this stuff was so bad that i nearlly started crying, it was just awful...
And my fiance felt the same way, he vowed that we would get the person who did this to KFC and make them pay!!
I mean what is KFC with out the Kentucky Fried Chicken..... Nothing thats what it is!! It might aswell of been called SFC!

And then the second problem is the US McDonalds...
But there wasnt as much as a problem here... in fact the fries where pretty good....
But in America they DONT sell "Mayo Chicken Burgers", which is my favourite thing from McDonalds which was very saddening...
But that wasnt that bad... I love "Big Mac Meals"....
So we ordered a Big Mac meal each... We ordered a Large by accident... So we ended up with a Super Sized meal lol..

But my complaint is that the Big Mac Burger DID NOT have any Big Mac sauce in it!!
It just had this sludgy not very nice sauce in it...

So the next day we went to McDonalds again because the we wernt going ANYWHERE near a KFC in America again, and not knowing what to get because it all looked a little weird i got a "Southern Fried Chicken Meal" and Pete just got the fries because he didnt like the big mac either... And that was pretty nasty too to be honest.. And very plain i mean surely it is meant to have atleast 1 sauce in it....

So i say we need to do something about this!
This ****ty food that i will never eat again, that people dont want to eat...
That looks, smells and tastes nasty!!

We need to bin it all!
We need to fire the ****ers that have done this to are food!!!
Come to England, go to an English KFC, and an English McDonalds, and i promise you, you will never leave!!
Real KFC is epic, not that **** that tastes like it has been watered down and makes you gag!
And Big Mac Burgers are heavenly not sludge that is missing something!!

Because i tell you now i will never, ever step into a US Mcdonalds / KFC again, and im sure many people feel that same way as me!!

2 good things i want to mention though...

(1) In the US, Ben & Jerrys do a flavour of ice cream called "Chocolate Therapy". It is like the nicest thing i have ever eaten in my life, i pray that one day it will come to England, because its all that i will eat...
And (2) The McDonalds US Rolo Mcflurry....
In England a Mcflurry is 1 scoop of icecream and a tiny bit of whatever chocolate you chose sprinkled on it.... Whereas in the US its a massive like drink of icecream thick with mixed in Rolo's...
Its like would you like some icecream with your Rolo....
Very, very nice!
Its what we ended up living off of!


  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    In my opinion, what needs to be done is banish fast food altogether LOL
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    In my opinion, what needs to be done is banish fast food altogether LOL

    I concur!!! It's all gross, imho.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Bottom line, fast food is fast food. it's mass produced processed junk food no matter what side of the ocean you are on. I'm sure its no better for you in England than it is in the US. maybe you just think it tastes better. I dont eat it here and I wouldnt eat it there.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I have to say that after spending a substantial amount of time in England I've discovered that KFC is nasty *kitten* no matter where you go. I haven't found the primary foods to be different in any of the major fast food joints, for the primary menu items. There are some regional adds (like curry at McD's), and the Engish don't understand buttermilk biscuts, but all in all I've found that all fast food around the world has the same type of greasiness to it . . . and the US supersizes.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    Anywhere you go, there are far better restaurants, meals, and foods to try than any fast food establishment [in my opinion].
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Um... Hate to break it to you, but both those fast food chains are in fact original to USA and so the way its made here is the original and "correct" way to make it.

    Sorry you were disappointed in your experience.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    You came to america for holiday and only ate fast food?

    lol there are fantastic restaurants around. Fast food sucks anyway and is a waste of money. lol

    Plus if I were to go to england, KFC or MCd's wouldn't be on my list of "Restaurants I MUST eat at"

    lol this post makes me giggle.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Does anyone else find it hilarious that someone is complaining that fast food in one country is better than fast food in another,,,,,,, it’s fast food for goodness sake. Now let’s compare fine dining in England to,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well, anywhere on earth.
  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    You came to america for holiday and only ate fast food?

    lol there are fantastic restaurants around. Fast food sucks anyway and is a waste of money. lol

    Plus if I were to go to england, KFC or MCd's wouldn't be on my list of "Restaurants I MUST eat at"

    lol this post makes me giggle.

    agreed... fast food is fast food anywhere you go
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I wouldnt fly all the way to England or any country and eat fast food. I dont eat it here so I sure as hell wouldnt eat it somewhere else. I try and not do chains all together especailly when travelling unless its a chain I dont have here...You were in NYC!!!!! the hot dog stands would have been better! NYC pizza, subs, etc...Its home to some of the best resturants. China Town, Little Italy....UGH
  • kdudz
    kdudz Posts: 39 Member
    NYC has some fabulous restaurants. I hope you were able to try some of them out while you were there.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You came to New York and ate fast food? That's a shame! NY has some of the best food in the world! None of it's fast food though (except a select number of hot dog vendors and pizzerias)
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I wouldnt fly all the way to England or any country and eat fast food. I dont eat it here so I sure as hell wouldnt eat it somewhere else. I try and not do chains all together especailly when travelling unless its a chain I dont have here...You were in NYC!!!!! the hot dog stands would have been better! NYC pizza, subs, etc...Its home to some of the best resturants. China Town, Little Italy....UGH

    Just side point I recommend checking out the buffets in china town before you order. lol YIKES! I ate at a place that served goat eyeballs and nuclear green glowing vegetables. The bathroom that I am sure once was white was black with a film of slimy something. it was the most nasty place I have ever seen in my life. lol little italy however YUMMM same with the pizza places. HELLO! Newyork style pizza ROCKS!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    You came to america for holiday and only ate fast food?

    lol there are fantastic restaurants around. Fast food sucks anyway and is a waste of money. lol

    Plus if I were to go to england, KFC or MCd's wouldn't be on my list of "Restaurants I MUST eat at"

    lol this post makes me giggle.

    I was thinking the same dam thing. You cross the pond to visit another country and you go to KFC and McD's?
    I will never visit a KFC again no matter what country it is.
    Last year I tried that double down. What a friggin waste. Tasted so gross, greasy, salty.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You came to america for holiday and only ate fast food?

    lol there are fantastic restaurants around. Fast food sucks anyway and is a waste of money. lol

    Plus if I were to go to england, KFC or MCd's wouldn't be on my list of "Restaurants I MUST eat at"

    lol this post makes me giggle.

    I was thinking the same dam thing. You cross the pond to visit another country and you go to KFC and McD's?
    I will never visit a KFC again no matter what country it is.
    Last year I tried that double down. What a friggin waste. Tasted so gross, greasy, salty.

    That sandwich looks like a heart attack on a plate.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    Seems just odd to comment on a series of high fat, high sodium, nutritionally devoid meals on a site that is designed to help people eat healthier, lose weight and exercise. Better not visit Canada and eat at Mickey D's - same stuff as our good friends in the USA. If you do visit, try Subway. At least the sandwiches are fresh, and you can select which toppings you want, and if you are careful, avoid a ton of salt and fat.
  • nibblerbigcat
    Fast food is bad for you wherever on the continent you are. I think it's a universal agreement that fruits, veggies, whole grains, low fat dairy products and lean meats and fish are good for you....... and fast food places take whatever food and transform it into a deep-fried, unidentifable object.

    My advice would be to stop eating fast food altogether, whether in the US or UK.
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    hahahaha.... seriously?
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Um... Hate to break it to you, but both those fast food chains are in fact original to USA and so the way its made here is the original and "correct" way to make it.

    Sorry you were disappointed in your experience.

    Thats exactly the problem...
    This is why im scared that if it goes out of buisness in America they will close it down here too.

    Pluss i love KFC and thought that in the place that it had been created it would be twice as good!
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    is this a joke?