diet cola
arghhhh ever since starting my weight loss journey last year im addicted to diet cola !!! i can go through 4 cans a day! today ive already had one can and will have one tonight gonna try and just have 2! anyone else drink it quite alot? i need to wean my self off it lol !!!
30 day shred can you see progress?
resquishing my pic lol
link to before & after
might be wishful thinking but does anyone see progress ? ive only been doing the shred for 7 days but ive noticed slight changes already ! http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j182/mizbong/Untitled-2.png
30 day shred can you see progress?
30 day shred results
when did people start seeing changes when doing the 30 day shred?
would like some more friends too keep me motivated :D feel free to add me :D
ive got the 30 day shred im on level 1 day 2 what can i use as weights i havent got any been using tins of beans lmao are these heavy enough ???
30 day shred !
starting 30 day shred tonight :D tried it a couple of months ago but wasnt really commited but i am now !!! obv starting on level 1 ... what results did people see? im also doing slimming world and im pretty active already! what can i expect ?
hr monitor
already posted this but no replys in the fitness forum, i want a heart rate monitor but dont want to pay loads cant really afford it what s a decent one but cheap too?
hr monitor
whats the best cheapish heart rate monitor?
what should i be aiming for when exercising, ive just done some powerwalking 3 miles and after i finished i took my heartrate was 120, im 24 what should i be aiming for to burn fat?
leslie sansone
anyone done her exercise dvds to aid weightloss? ive just got the walk 5 mile challange .
no appetite
since going back full time at work these past couple of weeks and doing brisk walking every day for at least 3 miles ive lost my appetite : ( i dont feel hungry what so ever : / should i just force my self to eat something? usually my appetite is brilliant ! and i could eat all day .... its only today that i just dont feel…
how many of you here walk to aid weight loss? and how many miles do you do a day/week ?
i will have walked 17 miles this week :D just wondering do you think this is enough to boost weight loss along with doing slimming world? i kinda came to a stand still in my weight at 13stone so wanted to give it that boost !
ok so im already doing slimmingworld but to give my weightloss a boost im going walking every day, is walking a good way of shedding some more pounds? this week ill be doing about 15 miles over 5 days
how many calories?
how mnay calories would there be in pasta spaghetti ? i cant find it on the calorie thingy me jig, it was a asda smart price one thnks
cheat days : /
im just starting to get use to my calorie intake and ive nearly got the hang of the website but..... on saturdays i have a big sarni from a shop and a takeaway at night chicken kebab, will i have to give these up totally for weight loss? rest of days i eat normally and ive been doing exercise every day mon to fri, i would…
my fitness coach
anyone got this game for the wii fitt? i started it yeasterday and actually did 45 minutes of exercise on it today, its not really difficult but i still sweated and felt like id done a work out ! any one had any success with this for weight loss?
when es exercise start to feel good?
ive been exercising for two weeks now fitness dvds, running, and now doing a bit of the wii fitt, think ive finally found one i prefer (the wii fit) and im finding it abit of a chour at the moment, i have to do it about 6pm when babies gone to bed, or when i get in from work at 9 pm : / my knees are starting to ease to up…
wii fitt
ive never been a fan of the wii fit, but i was looking on play.com and there is a cardio fitness game for the wii which looks quite good ! ne one used ne of the games and which are best ??
knees : /
owwwwww been doing workout dvds for a week now and my knees really hurt, started the 30 day shred yeasterday i couldnt even get through the whole twenty mins today : ( feeling a little discouraged, ne one have the same problem and what helps???
does ne one have one of these then add the calories to your exercise?? ive just been shopping and cleaning and it says on my pedometer ive burnt 93 calories ! would it be ok to add this burn to my exercise???
couch to 5k help !
what do you put the couch to 5k in as on the exercise database? i do this sometimes but its alternating between running & walking ! so dont know what it comes under ? thanks in advance :D
another question
im doing the 30 day shred but how do i input it in the exercise bit on here? do i just put it in as cardio?
30day shred jillian
is this any good for a beginner? ive being doing davina mccall high energy dvd for a week, but seen loads of posts about this 30 day shred ! ? is it any good?
30 day shred
ive just watched through it gonna start it this evening, but i havent got any dumbells which they use what can i use instead ???
help a beginner : /
Ive just started exercising these past week, ive been jogging 3 times 20 minutes alternating between walking/jogging, then ive been doing one of my dvds, 40 minutes low impact aerobics every day, ive been watching what i eat (not too much though cos i dont like to feel like im starving!!) and ive gained two pounds : / why…