Holy crap, this girl has muscle!
http://jezebel.com/gymnasts-awesome-hip-hop-inspired-floor-routine-scores-1560292129?utm_campaign=socialflow_jezebel_facebook&utm_source=jezebel_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow I love how much power and height this gymnast gets on her routines. Amazing! Just goes to show that power comes in all shapes and sizes.
Protocol in the weight room
Good morning, MFPals! Here's a question about a situation that I came across last night. Background: I've been lifting weights for about six months, so I'm pretty comfortable in the free weights section and usually have a set plan of the exercises I'm going to do that day. I travel for work, and try to take advantage of…
Friday morning motivation!
This video of a woman going to the gym for 100 days is pretty inspiring for a rainy (where I am) Friday morning: http://www.wimp.com/womangym/
These gummy bears are guaranteed to help you lose weight!
As long as you don't mind it coming from one end - these reviews are priceless: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000EVQWKC/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B000EVQWKC&linkCode=as2&tag=iflt-20
So I ate more than I should've today...
Today was a weird day for me (back at work after vacation, getting sick, chocolate everywhere), and just got home at 4 and decided to dispose of leftover food into my stomach. When I started, I told myself that I wouldn't log it because it would stress me out too much and I would prefer not to know and start fresh…
A twelve-month plan to get healthier
Happy New Year, everyone! I know there are some newbies on the site, so I figured I'd post this link to illustrate that small changes can make a big difference over time. My best advice is to start off slow, with manageable changes and remember that the process takes time. Good luck!…
DMV Fit Club!
Hi guys :) I just wanted to spread the word about a club that a friend of mine started a few months ago called DMV Fit Club - they meet up once, maybe twice a week, in Rockville. Very cool, and will work your *kitten* off (seriously, you may not be able to sit afterwards), but in an encouraging and motivational way lol.…
Worst kiss you ever had?
In honor of hump day (I know, I hate that name too) and because I recently told this story and would love to hear some of yours, let's go ahead and share. Remember, sharing will make you feel better :) I went on a movie date with this guy, and wasn't feeling it that much, but didn't get to talk to him (side note: movies…
Lifting: Barbells vs. dumbbells
Hi pals :) So, I've been doing 5/3/1 for the past month - just finished the first round, and started the second one last week. It's awesome, love lifting heavy, but I noticed something interesting yesterday. I'm traveling for work for the week, so I'm relying on the hotel gym - they don't have any barbells, which is what…
Is your neighborhood making you fat?
This article is fairly instinctive in that people who can't walk to places tend to walk less - but still an interesting read for your day :) http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_eye/2013/12/10/why_cul_de_sacs_are_bad_for_your_health_happy_city_by_charles_montgomery.html Would you guys move from the suburbs into a more accessible…
100 days on MFP (Slow losers unite!)
So, today is my 101st day on MFP. Some stats to start off: I'm 5'7, down 11 lbs, currently at 26% BF (from 30% BF). I just finished up my first round of 5/3/1 and really enjoyed it, so I'll continue. My clothes are getting loose (a coworker the other day called me out on my weight loss - it was...flattering and…
What's your fitness age?
Apparently, Norwegian researchers have created a fairly accurate formula for figuring out VO2 Max. Thought I would share :) http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/10/31/how-old-is-your-health/?_r=0 Mine is age 20, woot!
Is eating healthy on food stamps possible?
http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/national/2013/11/09/too-much-of-too-little/?hpid=z1 This article expands on what many of us know - the cheapest foods are usually the unhealthiest ones, but what can we do to solve it? Anyways, I found it an interesting read without a simple solution, so figured I'd post it up for…
CAUTION!! Weight loss may cause you...
...to look in the mirror for WAAAAY too long because you're looking so hot!! You guys are all awesome :) Keep up the good work! :happy:
This woman can lift twice her weight!
And is a great example of how lifting heavy makes you stronger, not bulkier: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2454084/Megan-Batchelor-lift-twice-body-weight.html
Crossfit can cause...
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eric-robertson/crossfit-rhabdomyolysis_b_3977598.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular I feel like I've been reading a lot of articles about the backlash of Crossfit - I don't have anything against it, I think it's a great program for getting in shape, but this article is a good reminder to listen to…
Seven minute workout
So this doesn't mean that I am only going to exercise for seven minutes a day, but I think that the exercises are really efficient and the point of the article is that even small bursts of high intensity can create long-lasting changes in muscle. Wanted to share it with everyone here!…
NIH Body Weight Simulator
This is a program created by NIH, and it's kind of awesome. Basically, you put in your initial information, goal weight, and then it calculates calories (yes, I know similar to MFP)...buut, you can also see the effect that increased exercise or different life changes will have on your weight loss journey. It's kind of fun…
NYT article about number of workouts
I found this article interesting: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/02/13/why-four-workouts-a-week-may-be-better-than-six/?src=me&ref=general I tend to work out about 4-5 times per week, and I'm not saying that people shouldn't exercise each day, but my takeaway from this article is that it's okay to rest and your body…
"The Optimal Diet"
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/23/opinion/sunday/the-optimal-diet.html?src=me&ref=general I'm a big fan of this way of thinking, and I think it's a good reminder that health does not necessarily equal weight - there are many other factors that are not tied into the scale.
i ate healthy at...
tgi fridays - ordered the glazed balsamic chicken ceasar salad without croutons and dressing on the side. what 'unhealthy' restaurant did you eat at and what dish/modifications did you order to make it healthier? i think it would be useful for people to know that you can still go out to meals with friends as long as you…
Splitting money
hey everyone, okay, so i just want to run this scenario by you guys because i need some outside opinions. so my brother has been married for three years, and while his wife is nice enough, there were some family issues and basically, we're not best of friends - we see each other at family functions, and are cordial, but…
this is how i get my protein
Plain 2% Greek yogurt + cut up strawberries = protein heaven! I thought it looked so appetizing that I'd post it for you guys :)
should she have her surgery paid for?
http://now.msn.com/living/0327-fat-mom-surgery.aspx what are your thoughts on this woman? do you think that she should get her surgery paid for? maybe we should introduce her to this site. i don't know how i feel about this, especially after seeing so many wonderful successes on MFP. what do you guys think?
i wish every woman felt like this...
http://www.eatthedamncake.com/2012/01/23/little-victories-bombshell/ to love your body, even if it's a bit more than you expected, is such a gift. and i think that no matter what your weight, you need to love yourself! so let's get crackin', people!
Bod Pod
Hey everyone, I recently heard about the Bod Pod, which is basically an easier way to measure body fat percentage without going underwater. It's an egg-shaped pod that measures your co2 output. I was considering going in for a bfp reading, and I was just wondering if anyone here has done it, and what their experience was…
calories and heart rate
hey everyone, so i recently got an HRM and i love it. but i'm curious about one thing. so, when i exercise, my heart rate goes between 150-165. sometimes, i take a mini break for water or pause. my heartrate remains high, so my calories burned stays high. i guess my question is: are you still burning as many calories if…
my friend is doing b12 injections
hey everyone, so my best friend has decided to do b12 injections after a coworker of hers lost 30 lbs on it (then gained it back). she and her mom have both decided to try it out. apparently, it's one injection every three weeks and appetite suppressant pills... i sent her a link about how it's not been proven effective,…
i didn't feel like running, but...
i did it anyway because i know how good i'll feel after i run. i only started running outside, and i have to say that it is easier for me to run outside than on a track or a treadmill. i feel as though i'm getting somewhere, and i don't get bored. also, if i stop halfway, i have to walk aaallll the way back! hahaha, so i'd…
Don't get discouraged by weight gain from the gym!
Hey guys, Just read this article about the reasons why you might see the numbers go up when you start a new exercise routine and thought I'd post it here for everyone: http://www.dailyspark.com/blog.asp?post=why_the_scale_goes_up_when_you_start_a_new_workout_plan I think it gives a good explanation, and will hopefully keep…