Ms_LisaKay Member


  • Yay for good friends, visits, & botanic gardens! These are some of my favorites, glad you are getting to enjoy them! :smiley:
  • Today I am grateful I walked by a smoking section at the zoo & my husband said he was glad we didn't all have to stop for me to have a cigarette. 3 weeks tomorrow.
  • Having to scan my fingerprint as security for my Six Flags season's pass. This angers me beyond reason and makes me question my paranoia level. But really, why does Six Flags need my biometric?? For that matter, why does Gold's Gym need it for acknowledging my training sessions? GAH! I HATE giving out my fingerprints to…
  • Your support is so awesome. :) I don't know if I will actually change my settings here, but in a way, I am -thinking- in maintenance mode. I figure if I keep those cals to 1700, 1800 a day even if that goes "red" on my diary, watching what happens will help me learn more about what maintenance will mean later. I think a…
  • You're a peach. :) Today is Day 19 (I think, quit date was 5/5). It sucks. I wish I could be one of the positive people, but this quit is no picnic. I realize how much I was actually self-medicating for depression using nicotine. After the first two days and my last post to this thread, I got off the losenges. I have been…
  • At the beginning, I was enthusiastic and it was easy. 6 months in and a long way left to go, it is most definitely NOT easy. It is not easy to stay consistent. Setting exercise goals & workouts is downright a struggle. Just dragging myself to the gym is getting to be taxing. Depression hits, and nothing is easy. I have…
  • I started adding chia seeds to my life because they are a way to get more protein into my diet. A grain with protein? Count me in, fad or no.
  • Bookmarked. Thanks, @lemurcat12 ! I will definitely be following the links there for a while.
  • When you find the answer to this, let me know. There are SO many things I have absorbed over a lifetime that these days, I don't even know WHAT to believe.
  • Most of my family will not be supportive of me once I am near or at goal. My husband and I have already had words about him giving me a hard time. My family will be the people who say things like, "With all this weighing & tracking, do you have an eating disorder?" or "Now that you lost all this weight, why are you still…
  • I realized the other day that one of the reasons I value & want to keep going to my personal trainer is because he is pretty much THE only person in my life who even remotely gets what I am about right now as far as fitness and nutrition stuff. I wouldn't say I actually lost friends over it, but it does drive a wedge…
  • Hi, my name is Hi, my name is Hi, my name is (-wickawicka-) Slim Shady. Aerosmith? And here I thought you might be quoting Gene Autry or someone like that. Welcome in, carrot sticks and all. -Has a Dark Side Cookie, but in moderation, and wanders off in a purple haze of pop culture-
  • (That being said, I did think this thread would have more iron in it :P ) Hope you had a good workout, OP.
  • I agree, & I am not at all into cardio. However, elliptical with a goodly crossramp & resistance is my go-to warmup, because nothing outside of bodyweight stuff gets me heart-pumping & sweating better. There is a lot less stress to my joints on the elliptical vs bodyweight, so there is also that.
  • This is a true statement; nicotine will clear from the body in 48 hours or so without renewal. This does not mean that the pleasure centers in the brain stop seeking their boost in 48 hours. Indeed, they cry out ever more loudly. Day 3 of a quit attempt is always the hardest for me and the day I most often falter. I am…
  • 60.8 smoke free hours here. How was your day, @ohgeeque ? I am a crabby mess. Driving past convenience stores just makes me grit my teeth and pop a nicotine losenge. I feel guilty about using them, but there is nothing about smoking I don't feel guilty about. So I feel less guilty. Sort of...I have not told my husband that…
  • Are you sure we are not time-sharing a husband? Except...hmm, I was pretty sure at first read that I was time-sharing the OP's husband. My Beloved has an A1c that is just ridiculous. He started out on the health kick with me and got off to a good start, but now he is back to old patterns again. He does the shopping and…
  • I quit yesterday. Since MFP has helped me lose weight, I got a different app for quitting smoking. It has a variety of tickers that will reset if you answer "yes" that you have smoked (I think, I have done well so far, 38hrs smoke free & counting). I am also using nic losenges. I have been too ashamed to start this topic…
  • I think you look great in that bikini & I guarantee my husband would watch you walking away. Ok, if we want to be about "perfect" or "aspirational" bodies, you fall a little short. On the general beach or poolside, though, you are in the 80th percentile by far. You surely wouldn't offend most people (if any...imo, anyone…
  • I go rather later in the evening & enjoy many of the same benefits. Early or late are nice. (If you have sleep issues, I do not recommend late, though.) There are a few more lifters around in the evening than early am @ my gym, but they have paid no attention to me for months and I suspect they will keep doing so. Don't be…
  • This is more the lifting than the weight loss probably, but I can see weird muscles now. Last week I saw my tibialis anterior (front shin muscles) and it freaked me out. This morning I was brushing my hair, and saw my trap pop up. I flexed around in the mirror a bit just to make sure I was really seeing that. Still working…
  • Bwahahahahaha! And the winner of today's InterwebZ is... :rofl: This made my night!
  • I do it because I wish someone had told me to do it when I first started. Estimating one thing led me to estimating other things, which did not help. Why estimate vaguely (are you MFP Active or MFP Sedentary?) when you can estimate more accurately with some of the better TDEE calculators? Or, if it is ok to vaguely…
  •!po=8.87850 That article does.
  • I am super bad about fresh veg waste. :( So we do a LOT of frozen stir fry veg. I steam most stuff. We do steam fresh asparagus, broccoli & cauliflower, but I don't know that those are the best way to ease someone into veg, as they are all pretty strong one way or another. We also get the Green Giant (don't know if you…
  • Nobody told me how jiggly I would get. At my heaviest, my skin & fat were tight. Now that I have lost a bit and have stronger muscles underneath, I can pinch/pull the actual fatty tissue out. It weirds me out, but shows visually how many calories I have yet to burn. I am sure this phenomenon is known, but I was/am…
  • @IamUndrCnstruction - I am right in the "mid-journey" boat with you. Like you, current pics of myself are not greatly helpful. But, no matter what, I have come this far and I am not going back. I am going to put that next set of weight on the training bar tomorrow and I am going to feel good about THAT. I am going to not…
  • And if you do have a problem with whey, there are soy-based protein supplements available. Just thought I would throw that in.
  • I will totally overeat "healthy" foods, particularly wholegrain anything. One of the best, most enduring lessons I have learned from MFP is that Cals In vs Cals Out is what weightloss specifically is all about. Now, getting good nutrition into the Cals In is a big deal, but portion is everything. I really like the "if it…
  • I am losing weight to help motivate my husband to do so as well. He was diagnosed with diabetes in Dec 2014, and we decided as a couple to get our weight under control. By now, I do my exercise for -me-, though, as I do food logging. He likes cardio machines, I like free weights & yoga. He will not use MFP, I find it…