Views on corn?



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    fevrale wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Then look it up in encyclopedia Britannica! I don't care. It's a *kitten* interesting plant is all I'm trying to say!

    no, you said that humans invented corn and corn made people grow it in mass quantities.

    No, the poster did not say humans "invented" corn - the poster said modern corn can't grow without human intervention.

    Which is actually true - something like 99.9% of the corn grown on this planet can't reseed itself, if left on its own. Without human intervention, what we now call "corn" will pretty much go extinct.

    And it's really interesting:

    Nice link! :drinker:
  • time2toneupp
    time2toneupp Posts: 7 Member
    jwolford90 wrote: »
    I've heard mixed reviews about corn. I have no idea what to believe. I follow a 1200 calorie diet but I had a major craving today and ate two cans of corn (yes I was THAT hungry lol). I am still under my daily calories but should I avoid splurging on that in the future? I assumed eating corn was a healthier substitute than eating a sandwich, breads, etc.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Then look it up in encyclopedia Britannica! I don't care. It's a *kitten* interesting plant is all I'm trying to say!

    no, you said that humans invented corn and corn made people grow it in mass quantities.

    not a single one person has said that bolded part.

    But corn cannot physically reproduce it self at this point. You know how regular plants have male and female parts and they do plant inseminating things? Corn no longer can do that because it's been genertically modified so many times if you stopped planting corn- it would stop growing- it physically cannot reproduce on it's own.
  • Ms_LisaKay
    Ms_LisaKay Posts: 103 Member

    mccindy72 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    someone has a stalker…..


    Bwahahahahaha! And the winner of today's InterwebZ is... :rofl: This made my night!
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Corn is weird. It needs human intervention in order to grow and it has gotten insanely good at getting people to grow it; we grow a friggin' lot of it! Humans and corn truly have a symbiosis. Michael Pollan writes about corn in 'The Omnivore's Dilemma'.

    God bless the humans, cause I love me some corn!!!
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    I may be showing my age here, but does anyone else remember Cornholio? No? OK, carry on.

    On another note, fresh Chilliwack corn is best eaten plain because it's so darn sweet. Boil the water, turn heat off, toss in the shucked corn, put the lid on and leave it for 10 minutes. Enjoy.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    BinkyBonk wrote: »
    I may be showing my age here, but does anyone else remember Cornholio? No? OK, carry on.

    On another note, fresh Chilliwack corn is best eaten plain because it's so darn sweet. Boil the water, turn heat off, toss in the shucked corn, put the lid on and leave it for 10 minutes. Enjoy.

    MMMNNNGGMMNNNN.... i am the great Cornholio!
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    edited May 2015
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited May 2015
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Corn is weird. It needs human intervention in order to grow and it has gotten insanely good at getting people to grow it; we grow a friggin' lot of it! Humans and corn truly have a symbiosis. Michael Pollan writes about corn in 'The Omnivore's Dilemma'.

    What the *kitten*? Well how did it grow in the first place? Magic little golden nuggets from heaven?

    Read the book, 'the Omnivore's Dilemma'. He explains it pretty well. You can read about its origin here too:

    Sorry, random book reference and Wikipedia. Not credible sources. People didn't invent corn from nothing. That's not possible.

    Doing this from memory - the wild antecedent of maize is teosinte, and it took a hell of a long time for that to be established because it is so vastly different from domesticated maize. At some point, people started utilising this ancestor, eventually cultivating it, which led to domestication through selecting for desirable traits such as bigger kernels and greater indehiscence (ie kernels that don't fall off when you harvest the ears). Corn has now been bred to be so indehiscent that it is essentially reliant on humans to plant it in order to continue existing :) (or :( from the corn's point of view, if it had one).

    Also, it is delicious.

    And related to this, a surprisingly high number of people I know had summer jobs back when they were teens detassling corn.
  • jwolford90
    jwolford90 Posts: 43 Member
    That's why I love MFP community. Even topics about corn get interesting... Not to mention how much info I learn from the intelligence of different minds. I increased my calorie intake per day thanks to advice from everyone! I do feel better already.
    As for corn, I'm seeing mixed reviews, but more good than bad. I did not, however, know it was related to bread (being a grain) as someone mentioned in this thread. So interesting...
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    Then look it up in encyclopedia Britannica! I don't care. It's a *kitten* interesting plant is all I'm trying to say!

    no, you said that humans invented corn and corn made people grow it in mass quantities.

    No, the poster did not say humans "invented" corn - the poster said modern corn can't grow without human intervention.

    Which is actually true - something like 99.9% of the corn grown on this planet can't reseed itself, if left on its own. Without human intervention, what we now call "corn" will pretty much go extinct.

    Keep on keeping on, humans. Haha. Corn is tasty.

    Speaking of, I bought some single serve microwavable corn cups at walmart like, over a month ago. I totally forgot about them and you're making me want them!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    jwolford90 wrote: »
    That's why I love MFP community. Even topics about corn get interesting...

    It's a very corn-tnious issue....

    aaaand I'm going to bed now.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I don't get it.

    If people are so convinced that 1200 is the way to go, why not eat 600? Why not eat only 1 calorie a day? Call it the "Tic Tac Diet."

    Heck, why eat at all.


    Lol tic tac diet I totaly said this to my brother the other day
  • mikeshockley
    mikeshockley Posts: 684 Member
    All things in moderation, people; even corn. Yes, corn has been modified over the years, by picking and regrowing varities that grow better in unfavorable conditions. As have a lot of other foods. It's called genetic manipulation/modification, which in and of itself is not an inherently bad thing, despite the bad rap it's gotten lately in the press. But that's a whole 'nother issue.

    Eat corn. Tell corny jokes. Put some corn rows in your hair.

    It's all good.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Corn destroys rainforests.
  • miriamtob
    miriamtob Posts: 436 Member
    Corn silk- ya know, those white hairs in the corn? Can be made into a tea and is a fabulous herbal remedy traditionally used to soothe UTI's.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    jwolford90 wrote: »
    That's why I love MFP community. Even topics about corn get interesting... Not to mention how much info I learn from the intelligence of different minds. I increased my calorie intake per day thanks to advice from everyone! I do feel better already.
    As for corn, I'm seeing mixed reviews, but more good than bad. I did not, however, know it was related to bread (being a grain) as someone mentioned in this thread. So interesting...

    no cornbread growing up eh... must not be from the south.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    There was finally corn on the cob in the stores again. I grilled some up this weekend and I could have ate 10 ears of that. It was some of the best corn on the cob I have ever ate.

    Corn is great - hushpuppies, cornmeal breaded deep fried fish, cornbread, corn on the cob, corn muffins, corn syurp (pecan pie, guiz), tamales, corn tortillas, popcorn...If corn is the devil, guess I'll be going to hell. :wink:
  • Misslady702
    Misslady702 Posts: 11 Member
    I like it. It's interesting how it ends up visible in poop later.

    I'm eating...thanks for the visual
  • sandryc79
    sandryc79 Posts: 250 Member
    I agree with the French on this one.... Corn is fed to cows to make them fat....

    Grain/seed corn is fed to cows, in massive quantity and not to make them fat...fat cows are much less desirable than muscular ones.

    Sweet corn is fed to humans. If you go out into a field in the fall and try to eat both a raw cob of sweet corn, and one of feed corn you will quickly feel the difference.