R1rainbows Member


  • I was doing things as usual at work, when one day, I bent down to pick something up and my belt snapped. It was already on the biggest notch too. That was when I finally decided I needed to change my life.
  • Okay here is mine, lol! The rainbow carpet has high impact mat foam stuff underneath it, for core work and yoga. I use the Xmas lights because full on blaring lights really distracts and irritates me on my elliptical runs for some reason. This is in my basement that I rent from my sister, it's unfinished but I hang fabric…
  • It might be because he sees you everyday. Changes over time are harder to notice when you are always around each other :) don't give up, he'll come around!
  • I am definitely caffeine addicted lol! It's a miracle I have been able to function on 2 little cups of coffee a day :) I completely kicked my soda habit, thank goodness lol.
  • I drink about two cups of coffee daily, and all the rest is water. I used to live on red Mountain Dew... Talking like 3 two liters a day habit ... Ugh what was wrong with me lol
  • I can cross my legs SO much easier when I'm sitting down! Putting on and taking off my bras is no longer a crazy acrobatic yoga routine. I feel like a lazy bum on rest day I started getting messages from other mfp users asking about what I've been doing on my elliptical and how it's worked for me :) (this one was a big…
  • I would share mine. But it is extremely basic. My elliptical, and a mat on the floor near it for yoga and core work..lol (edited to add I'd also be interested to see other people's little home workout zones!) :)
  • Thank you for this, it's been a rough couple of days.
  • People very close to me have not aknowledged any of my efforts at all. It would be so nice if one of them just said "wow you look great today, whatever you're doing is working!" But pretty sure it's not gonna happen. I've come to the mind set that I'm doing this for myself now anyways, and if they think I'm stupid, or…
  • Good thing with your lifestyle and hot new bod, new men who are worth your time will be lining right up! You don't need some negative nancy being jealous of your new way of life dragging you down anyways!
  • I seriously wish pure proteins were vegetarian... Paying almost 2$/bar for think thin kinda sucks
  • Yes calories is the answer. But personally, I avoid sugar as much as possible because of my teeth, and it makes me tired and crash a bit when I consume something high in sugar, whether I'm in calories range or not. That's just my own thing though, idk if anyone else would feel the same... But calories in/calories out is…
  • I am anywhere from 3-7(SEVEN) pounds more week before and of TOM. I have just started staying away from the scale at this time because even though I know it's temporary... It seriously bums me out!
  • I never know what I truly burn(no hrm) so I do my best to never go over my calorie goal by more than +150. It seems to be working pretty okay for me for almost two months now. I don't ever feel tired, sick, achey, dizzy, sluggish, foggy, etc...if I do start feeling any of those I would reevaluate my situation though.
  • I have coffee everyday, in the morning and once about 15-20 minutes before I workout. It is a wonderful energy booster to help me push through my runs on the elliptical!! Nothing wrong with coffee, just like everyone else said, make room for it in your daily calorie goal :)
    in Coffee Comment by R1rainbows July 2015
  • SO pumped and SO proud... Tonight I ran with all my heart on "calorie level 3" on my elliptical and I kept pace AND did not have to stop for rest!!!! 35 whole minutes!!!! Next stop: "calorie 4"!!! *flex* B)
  • I used to love subway.....But every subway I have ever set foot inside, in my entire life, has always smelled like a dirty mop bucket or an old wet sponge. I don't eat there anymore because after trying lots of other places with vegetarian subs, subway's just taste horrible to me now :| :/ I can see that people can get a…
  • I'll join you in this!~ Though I feel I'm cheating because I rarely drink anyways :x But ya, no alcohol July! Considering today is the 4th...I got some serious respect for anyone who passes on beer/wine/hard liquor even for just today lol.
    in Dry July Comment by R1rainbows July 2015
  • You are a godsend, rofl!!
  • I just got a couple of cans of refried vegetarian beans(A LOT of brands have lard so have to watch out for that), a package of tortillas, some cheese, and an onion ... All for like 15$, and been eating bean and cheese burritos for dinner for like over a week... Awesome for a budget! Lol!
  • If and when I get hungry for snack time in the evening(usually after I met my calorie goal) I'll drink a glass of water, but if that doesn't fix it then I just eat a few celery sticks...they really satisfy my need for crunch and you have to eat a pretty insane amount of sticks to even reach 100 calories lol :)
  • I'd like to help you a little by telling you my snacks! Keep in mind though: I always work them within my daily calorie goals so portioning is crucial! I snack on potato chips sometimes, but only the serving size a couple times a week... I used to eat a whole family size bag to my face in one sitting, lmao. I also snack on…
  • Thanks for everyone's input here... Finally helped me decide on polar h7... I've been trying to pick a hrm for weeks! Thank you all!
  • ^this! People are too darn sensitive. How bout: if someone is so offended they asked the question, just stop and think "THEY ARE TRYING TO BE NICE"?! Stop being so defensive maybe? If someone asking them that question honestly upsets them, then they should maybe do something about it so they can learn to take a *******…
  • Oh dear.. Some people are making me laugh with the teasing but let's pull it back a moment. You are not going to shed "loads" in 7 days even with caloric deficit and exercise unless your definition of "loads" is 1 ounce - 2 pounds. Also, meat doesn't stay in your stomach for 7 days, it digests faster than that.. Much…
  • I was curious of this. So I actually marked a day in my calendar on June 18th (which was exactly 5 weeks ahead at the time) asking if I was that weight yet. My calories fluctuated from my goal from 50-150 over at times and when June 18th came around I had only missed that little goal by 1.5 pounds over the prediction. To…
  • Those waist wrap/corset things surely aren't helping my coworker. Don't waste your money thinking it will slim your tummy or waist. Do spend on it if you would just like to look smoother under your clothes until you lose enough to feel more comfy with yourself :)
  • I do my best to stick to my 1400 religiously, and 95% of the time I am 1400-1550... but there are times when I haven't... Like today was my sister's baby shower and I probably ate nearly 2k... BUT I know it was a once in a rare while thing, and when I get hungry for extra snacks, I either drink water, or munch some celery!…
  • I went to go see what this was, cus never heard of it... Low and behold one of their before and after picture things was stolen from a thread I saw here on mfp forums. It was a girl asking for advice on why her tummy bloats so badly after she eats..she posted pictures of her empty stomach tummy(flat as a wash board) and…