What was your 'I finally need to lose this weight' moment? (And was it as bad as mine?)



  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    1. Totally Shocked by seeing a horrible picture of me looking very FAT.
    2. Feeling terribly embarrassed that my expanded hips were spilling over the sides of the airplane seat.
    3. Struggling to lift and carry a 50 lb. bag of horse feed. Suddenly realized, 'holy crap, I'm carrying around this much extra weight!'
    4. Being out of breath multiple times during phone conversations with a friend due to being overweight.
    5. My major birthday is coming up on December 4th. Decided on 6/1 that I MUST find solutions. Found MFP.
  • fishcat123
    fishcat123 Posts: 74 Member
    1. Knee/back pain - I was never obese or even that close but knee and back pain runs in my family. I love love love being active, hiking, yoga, and dancing, and want to be able to do what I love for years and years.

    2. And this one because I'm apparently 14 and shallow: consistently not feeling pretty, seeing cute guys and thinking that they were wayyy out of my league. I'm the perpetually single friend, and tired of feeling left out when people are talking about engagements, romantic trips, etc. One night about six weeks ago I tried so hard to flirt with a friend of a friend and he wouldn't give me the time of day. Rejection happens to everyone and I have no idea why he didn't like me (for all I know he's married, gay, etc) but it stung and I want to rule out my weight as reason why I might not be attractive, especially because I'm quite shy with a mean case of resting *kitten* face, average looking features, picky with personality and the dating pool where I live isn't huge. Rationally I don't know that being a size 4-6 is actually much different/attractive than an hourglassy 10 (there are certainly lots of super attractive size 10s and above with lovely and hot SOs, and I know some men actually prefer that) but making sure that I'm trying my best and not choosing cheetos over having a boyfriend gives me peace of mind. I also just want to look in the mirror and be happy about what I see, and I think I look better a bit smaller than I was/am.

    (I'm not actually 14 - I'm approximately twice that, chronologically speaking)
  • Fivefarthings
    Fivefarthings Posts: 33 Member
    Your brother's f
    I've always been a little overweight but never thought I was huge. I was completely fooling myself of course.
    My first 'cripes I'm fat' moment was when I moved out of home for University and shared a house with six girls. I was the only one that couldn't borrow or share clothes...

    Another was when a guy I liked told me I'd always be 'the friend' and 'one of the lads', because I wasn't exactly feminine even though I really wanted to be.

    But the most recent one was when I found out I passed my exams and will be graduating in September. My brother's friend jokingly said - 'Do they make gowns in your size?'

    I joined this last week, started exercising regularly and I'm down 4lbs already. 46lbs to go.
    F*&k the haters. I'm in this for me! :smile: Time to sexify. :wink:

    Your brother's friend is a jacka$$! Hope you told him to go take a running jump! Lol
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    There was a Facebook posting about a woman who felt fat shamed at Old Navy. I would think when you have an experience like that, rather than make an issue that the world is "mean to fat people", really own that experience and use it as an opportunity for change.

    I am not excusing fat shaming, or making fun of her experience and reaction.

    But, realize if you have a situation where you felt shamed because of weight, you can change your weight. It does take work and motivation for change. Or accept the fact that the world won't change. Only you can change. Lose weight or get tough so you won't cry when someone makes a rude comment.
  • grillinginthenameof
    grillinginthenameof Posts: 27 Member
    I was on vacation and my girlfriend and I went to ride a roller coaster. After the ride attendant wasn't able to close the safety bar I was told I was too big to ride and had to take the walk of shame in front of everyone on the coaster and in line.
  • scottgeba
    scottgeba Posts: 9 Member
    I went through a few starts. I'm 6'8" and not a small guy, i never will be in the low 200's, my body isn't built like that. A few years ago it was when the scale hit 310 and i looked at pictures of myself from over the years. It was the last straw. Did lots of exercise (gym and p90x), ate better, etc. Got down to 270 and was much better. Stayed like that for a few years.

    Fast forward a few years, i moved cross country and my wife was pregnant. I was eating the crap she was craving with her. All the good bye parties with terrible food and lots of drinks merged with new place eating out a lot until we got settled, new job that required more social hours, etc. Got back to 295lbs and hurt my back playing with my kid. I decided that i wanted to be healthier for my son so when he grows up I can still do things with him. I bought a fitness tracker, started using MFP, playing basketball for 2 hours twice a week and am training for a triathlon. I'm down to 274 now and my goal is to see 25x on the scale, which would be the lowest I can ever remember seeing on a scale.
  • KayLynn702
    KayLynn702 Posts: 11 Member
    I was helping a friend by babysitting her kids, she is very thin and her kids have only seen her big when she's pregnant. Well I was on the floor wrestling with the kids when the youngest started crying, i said whats wrong he said you're going to hurt the baby! I said what baby!? He said the one in your tummy!
  • Mizz_Mo
    Mizz_Mo Posts: 64 Member
    I'm 5'7 and was 12.1 stone (down three pounds so far, go me!). I'm about a stone and a half overweight and unfit and have been for the last couple years and I've promised myself time after time that this year will be the year to lose the weight, and it's never happened... Until now

    This year in June my boyfriend and I were at the Le Mans, France, 24 hour race (the bf is a massive car geek). He has a nice car, convertible, and this year we took it to a car show so he could show it off. So there we were, driving slowly through the crowds, when we stopped in the traffic, and two guys came to admire the car. And as they were stood right next to me in the passenger seat (roof off) one of them said, really loudly, 'That's a really stunning car, though you definitely need a more fit bird sat in the front.' And they walked off before I could think of anything to say in reply. Needless to say I was utterly mortified.

    And that my friends, right there, following a cruel remark from a total stranger, was my 'moment' when I said, no more! I am going to get fit and healthy and look and feel fabulous from now on and damn any strangers who say otherwise!

    What was your moment?

    First off (excuse my French) - but what a couple of d!cks!! Sorry that was your catalyst!

    Mine was putting on deodorant and realizing I had fat armpits! Weird - but that's what did it for me :)
  • Mizz_Mo
    Mizz_Mo Posts: 64 Member
    I've always been a little overweight but never thought I was huge. I was completely fooling myself of course.
    My first 'cripes I'm fat' moment was when I moved out of home for University and shared a house with six girls. I was the only one that couldn't borrow or share clothes...

    Another was when a guy I liked told me I'd always be 'the friend' and 'one of the lads', because I wasn't exactly feminine even though I really wanted to be.

    But the most recent one was when I found out I passed my exams and will be graduating in September. My brother's friend jokingly said - 'Do they make gowns in your size?'

    I joined this last week, started exercising regularly and I'm down 4lbs already. 46lbs to go.
    F*&k the haters. I'm in this for me! :smile: Time to sexify. :wink:

    Wow! What is it with the verbal vomit from d-bags?!? I am sorry this is what brought you here - but no doubt you'll find personal success :smile:
  • R1rainbows
    R1rainbows Posts: 129 Member
    I was doing things as usual at work, when one day, I bent down to pick something up and my belt snapped. It was already on the biggest notch too. That was when I finally decided I needed to change my life.
  • clouddancer19
    clouddancer19 Posts: 41 Member
    I visited New York recently (I live in Maine). I've been gaining weight pretty much steadily since I left college about ten years ago now. I've always liked eating, but have hated exercise. I used to do dance classes, but haven't done that since high school. Not being able to sit in a lot of the seats while we were out was uncomfortable. Walking around and realizing I'm uncomfortable/achy/sore because I'm fat. Knowing I weigh more than my husband and I'm 9" shorter than he is. A number of things at this point. We're strapped financially, but I believe that with a couple of modifications in what we eat and in general eating less, it might help our food money go further. I sit at my desk all day long for the most part (I do transcription work). If I exercise or get sweaty, I have to shower after because I'm prone to sweat rashes, have been since I was little. I'm not looking to be rail thin, I never was anyway. I should be able to comfortably sit in a number of different seats, though.
  • timmiegirl30
    timmiegirl30 Posts: 4 Member
    The moment my sister asked me to be her maid of honor. I wanna look nice in a dress lol
  • amandaoliverio257
    amandaoliverio257 Posts: 5 Member
    I have struggled with being overweight my entire life and always felt like "the fat girl" (amongst thin friends and family). It doesn't help I'm 5'10". Don't get me wrong, I like being tall, but when you are taller than the average man and about a hundred pounds overweight, that makes for feeling like a large lady. Also, I'm 33 and single. So as I went to the doctor for the first time in a very long time and stepped onto the scale, I was mortified at how much weight I had gained. This realization combined with knowing my health was in serious jeopardy if something didn't change as I got older, and that I'd like a family, something clicked inside, & I just knew that now I had to make changes... for my health and happiness. So now-thanks to MFP and good olé motivation, I'm 24 lbs down and committed to losing the rest. :)
  • rebeccaEsmith
    rebeccaEsmith Posts: 1,136 Member
    Love this threat!!
    For me was trying on clothes and struggling to find anything that fits (im a 14/16). I'm the big girl in our group and was tired of being that girl.
  • JustChristy79
    JustChristy79 Posts: 156 Member
    I went to get dressed up for my husband's college graduation at the last minute & nothing in my closet fit!!! I squeezed into something & went. I had no choice. He was the first in his family to ever graduate high school & then worked his butt off to get a college degree while supporting myself & our 4 kids. I wasn't about to miss him walking across the stage!

    The next day, I spent about 30 minutes really looking at myself, completely nude, in the mirror. It wasn't pretty. I was shocked. And totally motivated to lose the extra 60+lbs & I did. I still can't stand the sight of the pictures from that day. I tossed all my fat clothes, but kept the belt as a reminder from that day. Never again will I neglect myself like that!
  • tattycakes
    tattycakes Posts: 20 Member
    Confirmation was the next day when I was at my cousin's house and both her and my sister asked if I was pregnant.

    Oh my God what is wrong with people who do this? A: if you're not pregnant, just overweight, its *incredibly* rude and insulting, and B: if someone IS pregnant, they will announce it when THEY want to, you don't just ask! Jesus Christ....
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    I had a couple of "moments" that led up the the really big "moment". lol... The first was realizing that my butt totally filled my dining room chair. We have the kind of chair with arm rests and there was NO space between me and those arms. ugh.

    Second was when my very favorite jeans became too tight. Around the same time I did a big closet clean-out where I tried on every single piece of clothing I owned. I found some pants that I know I used to wear all the time but now they barely came over my hips never mind zipping. double-ugh

    So then I went shopping for some new black jeans (which is like my uniform, since I hate getting dressed up, lol). I was wearing a dress that day so I had to take it off in order to see the jeans on me, and I wanted to try on a shirt with the jeans. Standing in front of those three-way mirrors in that bright light with nothing on but underwear.... :o

    And then I went to the doctor for a checkup (new doctor so insurance required me to have it) and learned that my a1c was high. Well that that was the last straw. Came home and got back to MFP (which I'd joined some time ago but then never did anything with it), and now I've lost 10 pounds so far. :) I'm going to make an appointment with the doctor for September and I hope to make her very happy. :)
  • anitaajaynee
    anitaajaynee Posts: 2 Member
    Every year, I go through my wardrobe and either donate or throw out (only if quality isn't good enough to donate) the clothes that I don't want/wear/fit. Last time I did this, I realised that I didn't fit most of my clothes, and then once I put it in a bag I realised that it was equivalent to me giving away approx. $500 worth of clothes. So, I made the decision to keep the bag, and put it on top of my bookcase with a note that says if these don't fit a year on 16 September 2015 (a year after I put the bag up there) that I'd have to give away the stuff. And so, that's really helped get my butt into gear!
  • ambert256
    ambert256 Posts: 23 Member
    For a lot reasons. I didn't like taking pictures because I looked fat and I didn't like seeing my body. Plus, I'm in the army and I was being fat and lazy and started to fail my physical standards and that's when my moment finally hit. I was 5'4 and 154 lbs, so far I've lost 19 lbs and at 135. I just found out about this website so I'm going to see if it helps me lose the 10 more lbs I need before I am finally at a happy weight!
  • angell2277
    angell2277 Posts: 2 Member
    Going to size 18 and it is still did not fit. I have been a 14 for years. Being so uncomfy in my fat jeans that I was so uncomfy during my whole work day. The doctor put me on hormones and well I gained 15 pounds in like 3 weeks. I have since gained a total of 20 but just eating.