V_Keto_V Member


  • Conditions like dysautonomia can cause people to under or oversweat due to a lack of a functional autonomic nervous system...your body's homeostasis mechanisms do not respond correctly. Certain meds can cause oligohydrosis (inability to sweat, death from overheating is possible) such as topiramate (TOPAMAX).
  • https://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/magic-diet-not-so-much/ I'm glad the author got it right...food =/= medicine, sorry Thomas Edison
  • Fat burning-wise, "cardio-acceleration" is a pretty interesting training method...coined by Jim Stoppani. It basically involves super-setting a low rep, heavy weight lifting movement with a set of HIIT with little rest in between sets mainly to keep HR elevated overall resulting in more kcals burnt during lifting sessions.…
  • Re dosage for Axona (Nutriceutical): 10g/4-8oz H2O once daily postprandial/post meal titrated up by 10g (same volume H2O) every 2 days to a MAX of 40g/day. Rough estimate would be 10g is about equal to 10mL (2/3 tbsp)...density is 0.93-0.96g/mL
  • Gelatin has hardly any taste & you can make it any thickness you like based on water content. I like making mine on the thick side so I can chop it into cubes that melt into cooked food (mostly just fish). Sauce like consistency
    in Food Hacks Comment by V_Keto_V June 2016
  • https://youtube.com/user/OnwardAthletic This guy has done lots of product reviews on various HRMs...he goes over both the hardware & software of each. I would recommend going through some of these to make your decision.
  • I find both weight lifting & cardio to be helpful. Also, I incorporate lots of vegetables with diuretic like properties into my diet (asparagus, cabbage, parsley). Then there's caffeine of course. Vasodilation from the heat gets to me in the summer from all the blood pooling & inability to properly redistribute said…
  • I could not agree more... Progress pics & monitoring statistics (wt., BMI, body composition, waist/shoulder/neck/hip/thigh circumference)
  • Use a standing desk if possible; the slight increase in heart rate burns more kcal vs. sitting. Over 8 or more hours, this can be a significant difference when done daily.
  • I've used the surge for about 6 months now; it's a good way motivation-wise to make improvements by examining the statistics of one's activity. However, you might want to research into other brand model HR monitors to customize to yourself (garmin, polar, etc.). Like others have said, Fitbit appears most popular due to…
  • Hack squats, front squats, or leg extensions 3 working sets, max 5 reps alternated with standing hamstring curls, leg extension, standing calve raise, seated calve raise 3 sets 15+ reps. Always alternating heavy low rep with light high rep. Occasionally: 1.5 squats, 1-legged squats, goblet/sumo squats, hamstring extension,…
  • I am quite familiar with all drugs used off-label for PCOS. My point is supplements are false hope & lack of evidence, safety, & regulation are issues of concern. The vast majority of supplement studies have mixed & conflicting results as well as method flaws; they are not performed properly. BTW, byetta is not an insulin…
  • Ummm...their level of evidence seems rather flawed in that these "credible" studies have only a handful of people. Extremely underpowered & not compared to any gold standard treatment arms. Examine.com's definition of RCT is nothing vs. a Stage III Clinical trial required for meds. "Inexperienced Health Care providers"…
  • Using gelatin as a substitution for sauce (no carbohydrates, less use of oil for moisture, only minimal protein, & hardly any kcals). Can also be cut into "bread" for cold sandwiches (melts otherwise).
    in Food Hacks Comment by V_Keto_V June 2016
  • Very minimal effects on weight as opposed to say Atypical antipsychotics (monitoring parameters for diabetes mellitus development, dyslipidemia, wt. gain, etc.) or TCAs, trazodone, nefazodone, mirtazapine (meds with central histamine-1 antagonism). 5-HT2C receptor antagonsim (trazodone, nefazodone, mirtazapine) has…
  • Currently using Mg-Threonate (Mag-T). This version was tested at MIT and thus far is the only salt of Mg2+ capable of penetrating the Blood Brain Barrier...animal studies have shown improvements in long term memory. Advantage being this form of Mg2+ can act as a Ligand on NMDA receptors to aid against excited states (from…
  • True: beta alanine, Creatine mono hydrate, taurine are the big 3 BCAAs...just eat protein containing food California is almost like another country...bans malathion use for treating headlice. Yes, it's potentially dangerous if used improperly, but it's always risk vs. benefit
  • nutritiondata.com is a good reference I mostly use it just for picking out foods based on efficiency for reaching micronutrient goals The site doesn't omit certain nutrients (i.e. K+/potassium) like MFP does & has more in depth breakdowns of fat types, carbohydrate content/glycemic index, & amino acid composition I…
  • Alkaline phosphatase usually corresponds with bone diseases (i.e. Paget's Dx) ALanine amino Transferase is the most specific to the Liver No, ketogenic diets do not raise AST/ALT/Alk Phosph. There are literally tons of variables that you are leaving out; your physician with your known history & current status is going to…
  • Yes, SFAs seem neutral overall & I still incorporate them into diet whether animal or vegetable based. There's just too much blank label statements about inflammation being the cause of...everything according to some "experts"
  • The spread of ignorance is upon us...look up "narrow therapeutic index drug" & then you may be able to comprehend why some people require SYNTHROID over levothyroxine & why this nonsense with Metformin is utter *kitten*. 5% difference is statistically undetectable by a human being. Your lifestyle factors alone are enough…
  • Like for the whole BPC ding...sugary drinks : IIFYM :: BPC : Keto/LCHF; it's just a waste of liquid kcals
  • Vegetable casserole (artichoke, asparagus, savoy cabbage) plenty of EVOO & char
  • Pros: better compliance, less appetite, steady energy supply (consistency) vs. peak-trough energy of glucose, lower triglycerides & generally better lipid panel (increased HDL, decreased VLDL, unchanged or increased LDL), lowered HbA1C/Blood Glucose, less fluid retention, promotes inhibitory Neurotransmitter Gamma-amino…
  • We are so unpopular...what constitutes "cooking oil"? Dairy trend: it's all Dean Ornish influence...aka Anti-Atkins A bit strange how unpopular turkey is; Omega-3 supplements have probably had a big influence on keeping fish consumption from expanding Once again, good find wabmester
  • Maintenance is really tough; a 5lb gain can wreak havoc on one's psyche. Just pay attention to the scale with the same methodology each time (same time of day, fluid status, timing around meals). I'm at a point where I am literally eating the same portions/kcals per day but without being OCD about measuring everything. I…
  • Hmmm...cheese could possibly used in rehab for heroin/opioid addicts. Now, there would have to be a scientific dose equivalency to convert between potencies for various cheeses as well as accounting for cross tolerance when changing said cheeses just like opiates. Anyone know what the antidote for cheese overdose would be?
  • Like others mentioned, spray oils work well. If you need something for moisturizing dry food (i.e. fish) guacamole will do the trick as well as gelatin (without added ingredients) or stock solutions (Na+ content though). Another option is to cook an egg not to the point of coagulation in order to make a sauce (this takes…
  • That amount of variation is nothing concerning; you could get the same results with blood drawn twice on the same day in same fasted state. Keep doing what you're doing; it works. Did you mean both draws were from 2016? You posted one from 2015 but said 1 month apart. Would like to have seen baseline values before LCHF &…
  • Did they do microscopy on your stone? Might be useful to know whether composition wise was a result from urate, oxalate, or calcium...diet wise what to avoid. Likely a combo, but might have a major component in one of these chemicals. Citrate and/or bicarbonate salts won't affect ketosis...don't confuse ketosis with…