aub6689 Member


  • Yes, but only in weird ways. Guy asked to kiss my foot, other guy called me his queen and yelled at me that he liked butterflies (there was one on my dress), guy I didn't know put his arm around me on the bus, men call me things on the street, but this has NOTHING to do with how I look. First, I don't have a resting B***…
  • Is it both hips or just one side? Did you start doing too much too fast? Is it sharp or dull pains? Could the hip pain be due to a muscle imbalance? I have had hip pain more than once and it was something completely different. When it was both and dull, it was bursitis. When it was sharp and one-sided it actually happened…
  • I found some posts inspiring and some the opposite. I followed and still follow a lot of fit people that sometimes make it look easy, but they also show the harder side.
    in InstaHell Comment by aub6689 June 2016
  • I haven't been to physique comps enough to know exactly what they are looking for. I'd say definitely not red because he doesn't have the V created by broad shoulders and a good lat spread. Green and blue hard to tell because posing differently and again not as familiar with what physique looks for.
  • I understand both perspectives. Instagram tells only a fraction of the story. Someone might eat healthy and bland food 99% of the time, but the dessert looks so much prettier, so that is what is posted. Or they are sponsored by a supplement company so they show themselves eating "what they want" because they are marketing…
    in InstaHell Comment by aub6689 June 2016
  • It did and still does. At my biggest I was busting through a size 16 and I am now a size 8 and have been holding that for over a 3 years, yet somehow it hasn't registered with me and I don't feel like I am "done" So I keep procrastinating... procrastinating adventures, trips, relationships, etc.... I need to stop but as…
  • Today I used Kodiak cakes power cake mix and made waffles with a bit of cheese in them!
  • I am surprised there is disagreement over the OPs behavior. Surely even if the older men were the regulars and she disrupted their routine, they could have been more courteous or explained their position. Ask to change the fan placement so it mostly just hits the OP? Explain they get really cold and ask if they could just…
  • Given your timeline, you would need a calorie deficit of over 1000 each day to obtain this goal. This deficit would have to include exercise, because you should not be eating less than 1200 calories. I don't know why you've specifically chosen 14 lbs. I don't see how 14 is some magical number that makes you ready to go on…
  • I am confused. Does she work? Why does she need YOU to make more money? I'm sure there is more to the story here, but from the info you've given, if a girl would leave you purely based on your income, she isn't worth it.
  • Have you considered doing some unilateral training or movements that work both side3s? Maybe do Bulgarian split squats, leg extensions with one leg at a time, leg press with one leg at a time, lunges, etc..?
  • I am a textbook case of "I want what I can't have" so... tell me I can't have cake and I'll rebel and binge and damn I'll eat the whole cake. However I don't want cake right now, because I want abs more... lol. Depends on the person, but being a child that was heavy and told what I couldn't eat a lot... It led to severe…
  • Well I am biased because I am a baker and I enjoy baking desserts because you are able to incorporate different flavors and textures into one bite. Desserts aren't just sugar-many other components go into them and often components you are eating somewhere else in your diet, so why not eat them if they are in combination? I…
  • I got the blaze and love it, but I had a fitbit flex before so massive upgrade for me! I can't provide any insight into comparability with vivo/garmin/polar, but I can say I really like what I have.
  • Given that you said you want to add significantly more gains in your legs and butt, I would probably continue to bulk. Then do exactly what everyone else said and cut if you start to get too far from where you are comfortable.
  • My Opinion--not very important. There is a difference between building strength and building muscle. Biceps are a smaller muscle as well, so going heavy can just be a recipe for injury and usually when people go heavy they no longer isolate the bicep.
  • I don't have any advice. I think you are awesome to have gone on so many dates. I have only lasted a week on any online dating site. Got overwhelmed, went on one date, quit the site and told myself I'd try again later. I think it is hard to put yourself out there and courageous of you to do so. Best of luck!
  • No. I think it really depends on how you experience it. If I fast during the day, I will overeat when I break the fast. I also am a huge *kitten* when I am hungry and generally hate everyone a little bit. Lastly, I've noticed my workouts suffer. Food is fuel. I can't even eat at too steep a deficit without headaches. I do…
  • I also don't understand the earlier hate on isolation work. I have a brother, uncle and friends that have competed and done well in bodybuilding and I don't know a single one of them that hasn't done some isolation exercises. My biceps didn't have a peak until I gave biceps some love, lol. DB curls on an incline work the…
  • When you have less weight to lose, it is harder to create a deficit and weight loss becomes really slow. Furthermore if you are losing less than one pound a week, then that loss easily can be masked by natural weight fluctuation (water retention). I can go a few weeks without any loss and then have a week where the scale…
  • And now I am making cinnamon rolls for next cheat
    in Cheater. Comment by aub6689 June 2016
  • I have done it once and I still feel guilty. I went out with a guy twice. Second date realized that I wasn't into him at all. He rejected every active thing I like to do :(. I tried to pull back and text a lot less and short answers but he didn't get the hint even when I said I didn't really have time for a relationship…
    in ghosting- Comment by aub6689 June 2016
  • I think we all judge people based on appearance, sex, stature, etc. I think if you are mindful that you do and easily allow your assumptions to be disproven, then you are ahead of a lot of people. I always try to check myself on this because I hate that people do the same to me. I hate that I can be treated incredibly…
  • People are funny. When I was overweight, people that had bad health habits (very inactive, often starving themselves or eating low nutrient food) but were thinner than me used to give unsolicited advice all the time. Most of their advice was based on pop science (ie *kitten*). I always thought that people would stop…
  • Haha I wish lol 38, taken, car salesman
  • Haven't had that problem
  • 32, taken, software analyst
  • Kind of a difficult question to answer without knowing what machines/cables you are doing to make sure you are not neglecting a major muscle group. Have you considered doing a progressive program or training/muscle group splits? Also "enough" is very subjective. If you feel like you are getting results at this amount, then…
  • I see your perspective. On this site I have been both misunderstood and felt attacked or belittled. It is very easy for people to judge each other based on a tiny thumbnail picture and a comment or to take a something that was quickly typed and not reread to be an attack. Yes, there are some people that suck. However, I…