brendanwhite84 Member


  • I always got the impression that certain body changes after childbirth either took a while to recover from or were just permanent reconfigurations. I dated a young woman a good 4 years or so ago who was really slim and trim but had some loose skin on her stomach from having had a kid. Not that it bothered me, but it was…
  • For a general piece of advice: consider logging your food (accurately) for a couple of weeks like people here have mentioned. For a specific, YMMV one: especially start paying to calories you drink rather than chew. These can be a hidden nasty.
  • The guy you're quoting tends to fly in the face of orthodoxy in terms of what most people are using the app here for. Caveat emptor in terms of accepting advice.
  • I do 16:8 mostly because I don't care about breakfast, and whatever cellular and possible body composition benefits I might get from it (the jury's still out on that, for sure) are a bit of icing on top. As someone else has mentioned here it's also good if you like to have a couple of big meals a day. On the days I lift…
  • This depends on your body mass and lean body mass, among other things. I was a participant in a study of strength- and endurance-trained athletes (I was in the endurance class at the time) that used amino acid oxidation rates to determine dietary requirements of protein for both classes of athlete. Interestingly, the data…
  • Restaurant portions are massively out of whack in North America (especially the USA), tall or short.
  • Correct. I put on several pounds of body fat during my last clean bulk, although the ratio was still happily skewed toward muscle gain. I was pleased with how my abs started to show again after a quick 2-week cut at -1000 calories a day while continuing to lift heavy. Starting another slow, clean bulk again soon.
  • I think it would also be useful to consider how much slowing we're talking about here. I haven't seen the research but I anticipate it would be less than 300 calories a day, tops. So, one muffin or so. Not a big deal.
  • Find the value in METs (metabolic equivalents) above. You can compare it to a more conventional activity here:
  • 22 lbs fat lost, 20 lbs muscle gained.
  • I've reassessed several times. My most recent bulk was +25 lbs to 173, after which I decided I wanted more muscle. So a lean 190 is now the desired endpoint, just based on how I found my strength and aesthetics at 173.
  • If I were you I'd spend a little coin and go get an RMR test from a medical lab. I had one done when I was losing weight while doing athletics and it was very useful for calibrating my food intake.
  • Spot-reducing fat by non-surgical means is impossible. Your body will take off fat from different places according to its own internal tendencies - generally speaking, from all over your body as a whole, but it may very well come off first or last in different places. Fat goes on my abdomen first and off it last. You can…
  • Anecdote: during my most recent slow (+250 kcal/day) bulk I got lazy and stopped weighing peanuts I ate daily at work, just eyeballing the portions. Based on my change in body composition and the speed of the bulk I would estimate I put on an extra 1-2 lbs of body fat due to having discontinued weighing for just that one…
  • Dunno if this helps at all but if you want to key your physique goals to a specific example of muscle definition and body fat %, Helmut Strebl is an absolute monster of a seemingly-natural bodybuilder with stats along these lines: Height: 6'3" Weight: ~210 lbs Body fat %: ~4-5 Approx. lean body mass: 200 lbs BMI: ~26.25…
  • It doesn't help that practically everyone has forgotten what skinny actually looks like these days. I have a BMI of 22 with ~10% body fat and people tell me all the time how skinny I am. Droid, I am smack-dab in the middle of the healthy weight range.
  • I ran my numbers through 4 online Mifflin-St. Jeor calculators and got answers within 15 calories of one another - that's a pretty negligible margin. I've always found Mifflin-St. Jeor accurate for me although I was underestimating my burn due to a natural fluctuation in my BMR; I'm a statistical outlier, having a slightly…
  • I don't eat breakfast but I agree that whey protein powder in a shake does nothing for me in terms of satiety. If I were trying to stave off hunger I'd have a serving of a protein-rich zero fat yogurt, preferably plain.
  • Bzzzt - 4 dozen to get large, 5 dozen to get the size of a barge (roughly). 6 dozen kill you dead. Gaston is the final authority on getting swole. Animated Gaston, not the manlet they used in the live action film. Anyway, I use liquid egg whites for the protein while dodging the cholesterol.
  • If you want to gain muscle weight specifically I'd recommend no more than 250 extra calories a day with sufficiently high protein intake (1 gram per lb bodyweight per day is both typically recommended and fairly well-validated by science) and weight- or resistance train accordingly. It's virtually unheard-of for anyone not…
  • I can't say I ever struggled with self control but for what it's worth I found that seeing the results of my efforts in highly precise logging, and my weight tracking according to that, helped me understand how mechanistically my body (like everyone's body) operates with respect to its weight. Once you come fully to grips…
  • You could always get a fluid trainer for your bike at home; that plus a speed / cadence sensor should do the job, and you get the added benefit of having your hours in the saddle take place on the same machine you'll be riding. Edit: I should clarify that this will be closer to the real thing, not still 1:1 of course.…
  • True. My midsection is where I put on fat first and take it off last - and that's just down to my biology. Right now I'm on a rapid 2-pound cut to get rid of some post-bulk body fat before I go on vacation down south.
  • I'm a long distance runner (taking a winter break) and I've never stretched before or after in my 4 years of doing it. :smile:
  • I'm a broken record for this in these threads, but plain 0% skyr (Icelandic yogurt) is 25% carbs and 75% protein. It's one of my go-tos and I'd recommend it if you can wolf down 175 or so grams of something bland (22g protein there). Egg whites are majority protein, I don't remember the exact ratio. I just scramble them up…
  • I have no idea why someone would be using MyFitnessPal and not counting calories.
  • I don't suppose everyone will respond to this kind of thinking but what it really comes down to is that your body is a biomechanical system acting according to physical laws. It's possible (although of course there's a little fuzziness in between two given people) to identify the specific quantity of food your body will…
  • Don't expect to lose fat exclusively from your belly - fat comes off your body in an unpredictable way, but overall pretty much evenly distributed across your entire body. No such thing as targeted fat reduction short of liposuction. I wish - trying to expose more of my abs before I go south on vacation!
  • I don't mean to offend (as I mentioned earlier in the thread, my girlfriend put on substantially more weight than that due to Hashimoto's) but that's insane coming from a medical professional. Just 42 lbs? Doctors must be dealing with way too many bariatric patients these days for that to have become normalized.
  • I'm happy to chat with people here and even engage in a bit of 'Like' cheerleading now and again, but if I had to hazard a guess I'd say that the people who are generally more successful in their efforts are going to be those who are less prone to attracting a large entourage of supporters for the primary purpose of a…