Help I'm lost

harley79 Posts: 79 Member
Hi I'm back yet once again I'm 47 and I'm a mom and a wife I weigh 313 and just can't seem to stick to anything. I have done keto,Paleo,whole 30, WW blah blah I'm just starting to feel hopeless. I'm so confused as to what works I heard calories in vs calories out is all a myth

Tia Tammy


  • adriana07m
    adriana07m Posts: 2 Member
    You can do it just change ur diet and workout moderately and you will see the pounds come off don’t give up set yourself a goal like lose a certain amount of weight for your 50th Bday just don’t give in
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Don't give up! Read the sticky post at the top of the boards with the Most Helpful Posts. Put your stats in and start logging your food and hitting your goal. As you log, start to learn which foods fill you up, make you feel good, where you waste calories. Fit in your fave foods. Ask for help here when you need it. Good luck!
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    ^^this is good advice. Log everything you eat or drink for a few days. Look at your log. What was really enjoyable and satisfying that didn't "cost" a lot of calories? What calories can you cut without cutting enjoyment? Make small adjustments. Don't try layering more changes on until the old changes become habit.

    I'm a big believer that small things done consistently and faithfully over time make the biggest differences in life. Changing a lot of big things at once is a recipe for burn out.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Calories in/out is certainly NOT a myth. It works. It has worked for tens of 1000's of people.
    Start consistently and accurately logging every single thing you eat, stay within yours allotted calories and weight loss WILL follow.

    If you are finding your calorie allowance insufficient because you have set your calories to 2lb per week, change the settings to lose 1.5 or 1lb a week and just be prepared for the weight to come off but more slowly. Find something that you can stick to and success will follow. Be patient because its not going to happen in a few months, its going to take a few years but just think, that few years will seem a like short spell when you think in terms of the rest of your life being a healthier weight and hopefully more active.

    All the best.
  • harley79
    harley79 Posts: 79 Member
    Jojidjude um you said everything I was thinking maybe we can be Fitness pal buddies even if it's for 5 min lol lol jk livingtheleandream is right it is a hassle but in the big scheme of things it really isn't -
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    harley79 wrote: »
    Jojidjude um you said everything I was thinking maybe we can be Fitness pal buddies even if it's for 5 min lol lol jk livingtheleandream is right it is a hassle but in the big scheme of things it really isn't -

    Honestly, weighing your food isn't a hassle even in the small scheme of things! It might take a bit of practice to get the hang of finding the right entries and recording accurately, but throwing a bowl on a scale and reading the number? Easy peasy!

    There are some fantastic posts stickied around here. Read them and rejoice! Because this isn't half as hard as you seem to think it is :smile:
  • consumone
    consumone Posts: 139 Member
    I am so with you and sending a friend request we are in the same boat -= I have tried it all and still fighting. So lets help each other.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    harley79 wrote: »
    Hi I'm back yet once again I'm 47 and I'm a mom and a wife I weigh 313 and just can't seem to stick to anything. I have done keto,Paleo,whole 30, WW blah blah I'm just starting to feel hopeless. I'm so confused as to what works I heard calories in vs calories out is all a myth

    Tia Tammy

    You probably can't stick to those diets because you don't like them and/or you are pursuing too steep of a calorie deficit in them. CICO solves both problems. You set custom calorie goal based on your personal stats and by choosing a reasonable, desirable weekly weight loss goal for you. At 313 lbs, 2 lbs a week is reasonable (a 1000 calorie deficit/day). But is that desirable to you? Would your willingness to stick with it increase if you only aim for 1.5 lbs/week (750 calorie deficit)? 1 lb/week (500 calorie deficit)? Then do that. Sure it will take longer, but here's another little secret- weight management takes forever. Literally. You'll be doing it the rest of your life, not just until the extra weight is gone, so do it in the easiest way possible for you.

    Then there's the diet itself. Again, the key is to make it the easiest & simplest *for you*. Aim for a balanced diet that doesn't deprive you of things you love (although some have certain *trigger* foods that initially they may find easier just to avoid, but you don't want to build an entire diet that way). Focus on accurate logging (there are posts on this in the stickies). Over time, you will learn what foods are best at keeping you happy & satisfied and which ones just don't seem to be worth the calories anymore. You will come to appreciate that this isn't a short-term weight loss project but a life-long goal that has lots of room for error, so one day of lost focus or a splurge for a special event is no reason to throw in the towel.

    CICO is for you! :)
  • iowalinda
    iowalinda Posts: 357 Member
    To the OP: You have to REALLY want to lose weight before you will make the changes you need to lose weight. Even starting with very small changes will help. Don't bring food that you don't want to eat into the house. What one junk food would cut the most from your calories if you gave it up? Just something to think about. I wish you well.
  • brendanwhite84
    brendanwhite84 Posts: 219 Member
    Jingsi84 wrote: »
    There is some research that shows that your metabolism can slow eating at a deficit, but it doesn't stop, and eating at maintenance for a while seems to reverse this.

    I think it would also be useful to consider how much slowing we're talking about here. I haven't seen the research but I anticipate it would be less than 300 calories a day, tops. So, one muffin or so. Not a big deal.

  • Jingsi84
    Jingsi84 Posts: 126 Member
    edited February 2018
    Jingsi84 wrote: »
    There is some research that shows that your metabolism can slow eating at a deficit, but it doesn't stop, and eating at maintenance for a while seems to reverse this.

    I think it would also be useful to consider how much slowing we're talking about here. I haven't seen the research but I anticipate it would be less than 300 calories a day, tops. So, one muffin or so. Not a big deal.

    That amount is about right for people who just restricted calories and people on a very low calorie diet. The people who lost with exercise and less restriction actually showed less decrease in their metabolism.

    ETA: Although in the most current study they applied about 33% calorie restriction for two weeks, and then maintenance for two weeks (over a period of something like 30 weeks w/out exercise as I understand it) showed that the reduction in metabolism completely reversed. So diet breaks FTW.
  • adambrown01
    adambrown01 Posts: 24 Member
    JoJidJude wrote: »
    ...maybe I should contemplate surgery...

    Please don't. This follows the same fallacy as all of the named diets. You are being tricked into losing weight by taking a short cut. Your body will be losing weight because you have surgically altered your intestines. Then what happens? You still don't know how to diet after you have the band taken out and you gain your weight back. My own mother has had 3 surgeries to lose weight and she gained it back every time. Now, FINALLY, she is just dieting and counting calories and she is down 50 pounds and keeping it off by being smart and not lazy.
    JoJidJude wrote: »
    maybe I should stop having tantrums and put on my big girl pants and do something!

    Yep. You should. Seems to me you know in the back of your head what you should do. You just don't want to do it. Educate yourself about what you're getting into. You know how to use MFP to log your food but you get upset when using it because.... why? Because you're eating really complicated meals with a ton of ingredients and it takes a really long time to log your food and create recipes? Well, eat simpler recipes then. Is it because you're weighing your food and portioning sizes and you spend hours and hours in the kitchen? Well, eat simpler recipes then.

    The trend I'm seeing here from your post is that you lose your patience. Then be smart about why you are failing and find a way to keep going. Ask for help instead of giving up. Also please quit subscribing to fad diets - I promise they will let you down.

    (PS: sorry for taking a post to detract from the OP).