Intermittent fasting

Anyone have any luck with intermittent fasting? 16:8 .....would love anyone’s thoughts


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Luck with what?
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    There's nothing lucky about it... still gotta manage intake, still gotta keep cals in check.
  • dcdoty957
    dcdoty957 Posts: 24 Member
    Meaning effective and safe weight loss
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    edited February 2018
    IF doesn't mean weight loss... it's as safe and effective as any other method of eating. It's also as unsafe and as ineffective. IF is a schedule of WHEN to eat... it says nothing about WHAT to eat, never mind HOW MUCH to eat.

    It's still up to you to manage your caloric intake. Calorie deficit = weight loss.
  • angelsja
    angelsja Posts: 859 Member
    I only eat in a 8 hour window anyway breakfast around 9 am and evening meal no later than 5 I don't eat after that :/
  • angelsja
    angelsja Posts: 859 Member
    But weight loss isn't about when you eat it's about what you eat and how much
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    If I only eat the amount of calories I'm supposed to, I lose the weight I expect, regardless of the time I eat. IF is great if it is how you like to eat - there's no point forcing yourself to do something just because it's popular
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    If I only eat the amount of calories I'm supposed to, I lose the weight I expect, regardless of the time I eat. IF is great if it is how you like to eat - there's no point forcing yourself to do something just because it's popular

  • Starflight00
    Starflight00 Posts: 112 Member
    @Tblackdogs , did you notice any effect from IF in regards to your general well-being? I've read about a study that indeed shows IF is very beneficial for anti-aging and life span, but I haven't found any testimonials other that weight-loss related.
  • brendanwhite84
    brendanwhite84 Posts: 219 Member
    I do 16:8 mostly because I don't care about breakfast, and whatever cellular and possible body composition benefits I might get from it (the jury's still out on that, for sure) are a bit of icing on top. As someone else has mentioned here it's also good if you like to have a couple of big meals a day. On the days I lift weights I might have a 2000-calorie meal following the session.
  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 325 Member
    I haven't been doing it long enough and I'm not sure if I'd ever know about the cell repair etc. but I do feel good. I've been reading some interesting articles about it so i decided to give it a try!
  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    Yup .. I had loads of success on it for a while, then it stalled, and stopped .. I was doing 16:8 monday-friday then eating normally at the weekend. .. But not loosing any weight

    thats when I turned to myfitnesspal and started logging to see what was going on

    turns out I was eating 1500kcal monday to friday and 3000kcal+ on Sat and Sun ...... which equates to 2000+kcal a day which is maintenance for me and hence not loosing weight.

    I now log !

    Thats not to say IF hasnt been and still isnt a valuable tool .... I now use it when I want to have a decent evening meal, pre log a 1000+ kcal meal on Wednesday .. no probs, lets do 16:8 that day and I miss breakfast and lunch and still get the required calories in

    And now I dont over eat at the weekend
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    dcdoty957 wrote: »
    Anyone have any luck with intermittent fasting? 16:8 .....would love anyone’s thoughts

    I'm just starting week 3. I'm eating near my TDEE so not a whole lot of weight loss. My goal is to redistribute fat and work on trouble areas. I'm only at a 250-500 calorie deficit a day so it's going to take some time. As others said, it's all in the calories you intake. As far as eating all my calories in an 8 hour window I'm not sure I'm a fan. I miss breakfast to be honest. But eating all my calories from noon until 8pm seems to be easily do-able for me.

    The biggest drawback is that I work out early mornings, and being in a fasted state for hours afterward the hunger can sometimes get to be overpowering. To alleviate it I'll drink black coffee (or add a little 0 calorie sweetener), lots of water, or chew a few pieces of sugar free gum. I also drink some BCAA's before my workout to help out, because the first week I didn't do that and DOMS hit me pretty hard just doing the same things I normally do. Probably because I was used to downing a protein shake and some carbs after my workout in the past. If I'm busy in the mornings after my workout then hunger until noon is not really an issue, but I have a desk job and it's sometimes annoying to not be able to eat during that window until noon.

    16:8 (I eat all my calories from noon - 8pm) also means that I generally need to get in more calories at lunch than I'm used to. Because after work I only have a 3 hour window to finish up my calories for the day. Subtract an hour or so of that time because I need to fix dinner for the wife and myself, and it's not a whole lot of time. For me, I have to eat now until I'm full and sometimes a bit beyond that to get them all in. I can fix that a little bit by eating an afternoon snack if there's time. Also, I can eat higher calorie (denser in calories) items than I'm used to but I have a macro goal so I don't want to tip the scales on fat too much (personal preference, I don't do keto on top of IF like some).

    My goals with IF as I said are simply to work on some trouble areas where fat has refused to leave my body. I feel like it's starting to work and I have dropped a couple of pounds but gained some strength (I've been able to up my weight during my workouts) so I'm hoping that couple of pounds is actually some fat instead of just water weight. Time will tell, I intend to do this until sometime in July and if it works I may keep it up. If it doesn't work (and again, I'm not at a huge deficit) to help me redistribute muscle/fat, then I'll probably go back to eating 5 meals a day spread out throughout the day. As soon as the weather in my neck of the woods gets warmer, I'll start up running outside again and possibly increase my deficit to a solid 500/day and see how that works for a couple of months.

    Hope some of that info is helpful to the OP, as the other's have warned, IF does nothing to burn fat/lose weight unless you're eating less calories than you burn. It's not a magical alternative to calorie restriction. It's simply a way to trigger a bit more fat burn (as I understand it anyway) while being in a deficit and possibly trigger a bit more muscle development (unless of course you're in a huge deficit then that isn't likely to occur). From what I've read it may be a way to trigger more fat burn and better muscle toning during recomp stages, or a way to simply burn more fat during a heavier calorie restriction.

    I'm also no expert so those who know more about IF feel free to correct me.
  • askinnylegendicon
    askinnylegendicon Posts: 10 Member
    I stop eating around 9 pm and then don't eat until 11-12 in the morning, which is like 14-15 hours but it does help. I'm not that hungry in the mornings and plus I will have more calories left for the evening - when i'm hungry af.

    Sometimes I'm bored in the mornings so I'll squeeze some grapefruit juice or something and be satisfied till 12-1 pm.

    I guess it works, I lost around 20 lbs this past month. Good luck!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,373 Member
    I highly recommend against it...did it for almost 6 years and it can be very painful socialy mentaly and practicaly!
    When I really started listening to my body eating whenever I want I lost over 40 pounds I wake up and eat a little something immediately. You see IF is just food management....but once you start guzzling tons of coffee to "suppress" your appetite just to see that scale go down you are really messing with hormones here in a very artificial way. Remember if you sleep 7 to 8 hours and dont eat a couple of hours before bed and wait an hour to eat breakfast ...well thats like 11 hours IF..lolll its built in naturally...any questions about specifics ..feel free to ask me...Again I did almost every IF protocol for at least 6 years!!
    Chris rocco

    I have naturally eaten this way for over 20 years... haven't had any drawbacks socially, mentally or practically. I don't guzzle coffee (I have 3 cups per day). I do not wake up hungry and the thought of eating shortly after waking make me nauseous. I also find it works great for me for calorie control - I would much rather eat 2 meals and a snack than eat 5-6 tiny little meals during the day.
  • Falklang
    Falklang Posts: 220 Member
    No luck involved my friend! :) I'm using this way of eating now and it's working a charm! I do 16/8 but sometimes do longer 18-21 hours fasting if im busy or not hungry. If you like big meals and are/or busy throughout the day, IF is a great tool...also pretty healthy if you do it right.

    Just remember to still stick to your calorie budget though, it doesn't give u a free pass to binge in your eating window. ;) I've lost 18 pounds so far from eating this way, controlling my portions and calories and drinking water.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I highly recommend against it...did it for almost 6 years and it can be very painful socialy mentaly and practicaly!
    When I really started listening to my body eating whenever I want I lost over 40 pounds I wake up and eat a little something immediately. You see IF is just food management....but once you start guzzling tons of coffee to "suppress" your appetite just to see that scale go down you are really messing with hormones here in a very artificial way. Remember if you sleep 7 to 8 hours and dont eat a couple of hours before bed and wait an hour to eat breakfast ...well thats like 11 hours IF..lolll its built in naturally...any questions about specifics ..feel free to ask me...Again I did almost every IF protocol for at least 6 years!!
    Chris rocco

    Interesting. I figured 16:8 wouldn't really do well for me long term. I kind of have my suspicions that when I hit my 'trial period' I set out to try IF (by doing this until July), that I won't see a ton of difference. My comparison at that time will be to stay at the same calories then go back to splitting them up to 5 meals a day (3 main meals and 2 snack meals). So I have a preconceived outcome in mind (that IF won't really work for me), but just decided to give it six months to be sure.
  • brendanwhite84
    brendanwhite84 Posts: 219 Member
    I highly recommend against it...did it for almost 6 years and it can be very painful socialy mentaly and practicaly!
    When I really started listening to my body eating whenever I want I lost over 40 pounds I wake up and eat a little something immediately. You see IF is just food management....but once you start guzzling tons of coffee to "suppress" your appetite just to see that scale go down you are really messing with hormones here in a very artificial way. Remember if you sleep 7 to 8 hours and dont eat a couple of hours before bed and wait an hour to eat breakfast ...well thats like 11 hours IF..lolll its built in naturally...any questions about specifics ..feel free to ask me...Again I did almost every IF protocol for at least 6 years!!
    Chris rocco

    Interesting. I figured 16:8 wouldn't really do well for me long term. I kind of have my suspicions that when I hit my 'trial period' I set out to try IF (by doing this until July), that I won't see a ton of difference. My comparison at that time will be to stay at the same calories then go back to splitting them up to 5 meals a day (3 main meals and 2 snack meals). So I have a preconceived outcome in mind (that IF won't really work for me), but just decided to give it six months to be sure.

    The guy you're quoting tends to fly in the face of orthodoxy in terms of what most people are using the app here for. Caveat emptor in terms of accepting advice.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    There's a lot of YMMV when it comes to things like IF. For me, it exacerbated my tendencies to binge, so it wasn't a good fit for me long term. That's me, and how IF works with my needs/preferences/issues. Someone else will probably have a very different experience.

    IMO, IF isn't one of the radical, off the wall, diet trends we see all too often. As such, if it sounds doable for you, then it's worth trying. Monitor for yourself, then make your own decisions.
  • SkimpyMrsCarter
    SkimpyMrsCarter Posts: 105 Member
    I have and it works great for me
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    The guy you're quoting tends to fly in the face of orthodoxy in terms of what most people are using the app here for. Caveat emptor in terms of accepting advice.

    No biggie. I decided before i started to give it 6 months before I decided if it was working or not. Been here long enough to know that the one thing that does work above all else is calorie restriction for weight loss, so not worried about that. I just want to know if IF can help me reach my goals. Only time will tell, and possibly some calorie tweaking along with IF.