yellobird13 Member


  • Three yeses today for the first time in a long time. Tracked, ate reasonably healthy, stayed under, went to PT, and got a significant amount of walking done.
  • Travel day. Exhaustion paved the way to pizza, fries, and beer. I left the winner’s circle a while ago, but will try again for the rest of the month and in February. No more travel until March.
  • Travel day. Not a bad one but not 3 x yes.
  • Hi everyone, I’m Eva and will join again for February (2nd month). January was hit or miss, but my habits are slowly moving in the right direction.
  • @RangerRickL Congratulations!!!
  • 1 yes today - I tracked everything. I did not intentionally exercise and I’m at about 1800 kcal. Today I tried Whole Foods Delivery (for everyone from overseas: that’s the grocery chain Amazon bought a while ago), which resulted in a healthy home cooked dinner. The tomatoes weren’t ripe and there were more plastic bags for…
  • I‘ve fallen off the wagon for the last few days...the year started really well and my schedule got stressful :-(. I‘ll try to get back on tomorrow!
  • Pass day 8 today!! Having a few high stress days and hoping to get back on track soon. Like yesterday, today was not terrible, eating below maintenance, but after more than 12 hour workday, don’t have much energy left. I signed up for February!!
  • It’s pass 7, but not unhappy with today. Ate below maintenance and ate enough veggies. Too busy to exercise today, but tomorrow I’ll get back on track.
  • Pass day 6. Not sure tomorrow will be better, due to a deadline.
  • @KCJen - it turns out I’ve not been able to handle the controlled splurge either :-/ The last two Saturdays I went way over and this weekend it led to a Sunday splurge as well. I have to learn how to eat better when I know my energy level will be low (the weekends). I had planned to food prep on the weekend, but the last…
  • another pass day :-/
  • Pass day 4️⃣. Saturday is my greatest challenge. My energy level is very low and I kept getting dizzy every time I got up (low blood pressure). Calories were over, but I managed a very slippery and icy run on the Lakeshore. People out running were much more friendly than usual, everyone was both proud they were out and…
  • 3 x yes! It’s snowing in Chicago so it probably will be a few days before my next run. PT and body weight exercises. Work lunch, but made sure to go to a restaurant where I can track...8kcal under.
  • Taking 3rd pass today. Walk run this morning. It was pretty cold today (-5C). All you can eat buffet style work dinner, where I stuck to really small portions and guess-tracked dinner, but probably still went over. Still hungry when I got home and then certainly went a little over. Guessing calories doesn’t work that well…
  • 3xyes. Body weight strength training in the am and PT in the evening. Tracked and two cals under. 2/3 pass days used so far. NSV: After a few bad years, my stress level has gone down enough to finally feel like I can tackle getting back into shape again.
  • 3xyes, including a walk run. Ok choices for breakfast and lunch, but Ramen for dinner. I have to go shopping. :(
  • I forgot: I’m not amazing at rewarding myself. Much more likely to focus on my shortcomings than my successes. That said, I plan to go clothes shopping when I reach my goal weight. Because I refused to buy anything new before I shed the extra pounds some of my stuff is starting to look quite worn...
  • @craigo3154 and @RangerRickL I’m so sorry to hear about what you’re each currently going through and very inspired and grateful that you’re nevertheless finding the time to support this community. Jan 13: 3 x yes today. 2/3 pass days used so far. Exercise was PT exercises and 30 min body weight exercises. Tracked…
  • @WMEJA finding a few healthy recipes that I really enjoy and can cook ahead of time or always have the ingredients around for really helps me. I do this for all meals. I try to plan ahead and go shopping when I’m not hungry. That way I don’t have the unhealthy things I’d prefer to avoid at home and more often eat healthier…
  • Jan 12: 3x yes! Including PT and walking, consistent tracking and under by single digit calories. Made banana walnut muffins today to use eggs and bananas that were getting old.
  • 2nd pass day today.
  • January 10: 3 yes. Exercise was a 6 am walk/run in balmy weather. Tracked everything and am under by 3kcal (my goal is to eat to my limit every day). Dinner was half a pizza and 2 oz of beer. More would have pushed me over the limit. Luckily my boyfriend is happy to share.
  • @am_change Thank you for chiming in! I see both points of view and will try a scheduled higher calorie day tomorrow to see how it goes! I’ll probably use my second pass day for it, mainly so I don’t feel like I’m cheating this month.
  • Jan 9: 3 yes. Exercise: Walk, stair climb to apartment, and some compensatory jumping jacks to get back under my calorie goal. Tracked everything and am now 1 proud kcal under my limit.
  • @lalabank, @LesIckaBod, @pridesabtch. Thanks everyone for weighing in. I agree it kind of depends on how one looks at it. I think I’ll stick to the challenge I set myself for this month, but will “schedule” my two remaining pass days. If this works well, I might incorporate one day a week with an elevated calorie goal into…
  • What are everyone’s thoughts on cheat days? I’m thinking of eating at maintenance or slightly over every Saturday - to avoid wearing my willpower out, which always seems to happen. Also torn about whether to count a cheat day as a pass day or not - I guess if it’s planned and if I track/exercise it would technically not be…
  • January 8: 3 yes today, 1 pass day used so far this month. Exercise: A cold and windy 6am run/walk and PT tonight after work. Tracking: yes Calories: Under by a few. My favorite outdoor activities are hiking and gardening, both of which are not possible where I live. For the last few years, I’ve been running instead, but…
  • Mostly I make Chia pudding using some kind of nondairy milk. There are many fabulous recipes online that are easy to customize. It’s a healthy treat for me.
  • I‘ll echo this - I use it to cook regardless of diet, works wonders to measure coffee grounds to make good coffee, for flour etc. and is a great tool for anyone who cooks. I also love it for measuring my portions. Agree with others that there are good ones that are cheap. I selected mine so that I can still read the…