no1racefan2 Member


  • Yes, this started for me a few days ago. I've been starting most days with over 1,000 calories from exercise. Alas, that is not reality... for the most part it seems by mid-afternoon that it has corrected itself, I just have to be mindful and not actually eat 1,000 extra calories because it says I can.
  • Last night was pork ribs I slow roasted in the crockpot, w/ a side of steamed broccoli. Tonight is chorizo and potato tacos. Tomorrow night is popcorn chicken (homemade) w/ bbq sauce and roasted veggies.
  • Eh.... I'm not even thinking about eating anything within 30 minutes of waking up. I do try to eat 20-30g of protein with breakfast/morning snacks though. I feel more awake, energetic, and functional if I have a good amount of protein at breakfast. I also feel less snackish throughout the rest of my work day. I don't…
  • It can, although if I had 3 periods in 6 weeks I'd probably going to my doctor about it because that would be totally abnormal for me. How old are you? Is it possibly perimenopause?
  • I feel like this is important to say. Definitely try all the tips to lower your cholesterol naturally, but know that there are instances where being healthy could still mean needing medication. My DH has worked really hard with his doctor to eat healthy, be a healthy weight, and minimize medication, but still ended up on a…
  • Do what others recommended and see a PT. I suffered through Achilles tendonitis for a year before finally giving in and seeing a PT (I went to a podiatrist first, to confirm the diagnosis). It took 3 1/2 months of PT to finally get rid of it for good. Don't try to ignore it or push through it. That WILL NOT WORK.
  • I weight daily but I log it in Libra, not MFP. I like the graphics that Libra provides. I might update my weight in MFP once a month or so.
  • I have a Liv hybrid bike. I absolutely love it. I use it exactly the way you have described--mostly in town on roads, bike paths, etc. but can handle some dirt and gravel. I used it to do a 20-mile gravel race last summer. It cost somewhere between $400-500 when I bought it a couple years ago.
  • I was gluten/dairy/egg/soy free for a while (still limit some of those things to keep my gut happy). Some of my favorite breakfasts were: Chorizo or bacon sauteeed with potatoes--a hash, so to speak. Add veggies of choice. Chia pudding--made with almond milk, I'd usually make it the night before and refrigerate. Overnight…
  • English muffin pizzas Peanut butter & honey sandwich on sourdough Fried egg sandwich Frozen pizza (which also means leftovers for another meal) Frozen chicken patty w/ bag of frozen veggies I don't consider any of these super healthy but I can generally get them to fit in my calorie goals and they are fast.
  • Lots of good advice about temptations at home. If there's also temptations at work, I've had luck with finding replacements to keep in my snack drawer so I'm not tempted by the treats at work. Ex. my coworker keeps a big bowl of butterfingers outside her office that I have to walk past 10+ times a day. I now keep fun size…
  • Today I brought an afternoon snack to work, like I always do, and didn't eat it. I didn't get the afternoon munchies. This is especially big because I've been maintaining/eating ALLL the treats all December long. This is the first time I've felt like I can get right back on track without regretting all the indulgence.
  • I'm logging everything because I'm still in the early stages of trying to lose weight for the zillionth time and I've wanted to give up a couple times. I'm certain if I stop logging it'll be harder to restart. That being said, I've been well over my daily calories for the last couple of weeks and gained 3 lbs. back. I've…
  • Checking in for accountability--I have gone back up to 187.4 lbs after starting this thread. I think there are two things at play: 1)I've been eating too many snacks and holiday treats over the last couple of weeks. I've logged everything, and it's easy to see that my calories have increased too much. I need to get back on…
  • Shoes are one of the most important health investments you can make. Really good orthotic shoes fixed my PF. Most brands sold by the Walking Company are good. I like ABEO, Naot, Vionic, Brooks, and Orthoheel.
  • All the things... actually I have gained 3 lbs back over the last two weeks if that tells you anything. But yeah I'm a baker and I do some bazaars throughout the season, so I always have leftovers cookies, cupcakes, truffles, etc. I was doing good giving them away but lately I've wanted to eat them. Oops. Also at my work,…
  • I have that, but it's more like 1-2 weeks at a time. I can be super motivated and hitting goals for 1-2 weeks and then I get on the struggle bus, eating too many snacks and not wanting to exercise. I'll put a pound or two back on and get frustrated. In the past that's when I would quit, but now I've just been giving myself…
  • I've veered away from Dietbet and similar because I feel like even when I'm watching my calories closely, I can't control whether I lose a certain % of weight. However, I really like Waybetter (it's owned by the same company as Dietbet and Stepbet). Waybetter has a lot of different challenges you can sign up for and most…
  • Which veggies are you familiar with? I grew up not eating a variety of vegetables and always said I didn't 'like' most others. Mostly that was because I never tried them. You just have to be willing to try them to find what you like--and it sounds like you are! These are some of my favorite vegetables that I never ate…
  • We use ours every day. Favorite things to put in there: Diced chicken and/or steak; cook in air fryer w/ some seasonings and/or bbq sauce and use to top a salad. Roasted potatoes, peppers, sweet potatotes....most vegetables work really. Frozen stuff, like tater tots, chicken patties, anything that's breaded comes out…
  • You're right, the stride length is shorter than I would like.
  • As others have said, search for it just like any other food/ingredient. I've been able to find most major chain restaurant items and it's easy to compare the entry to their nutrition info online to see if it's accurate. Ex. I go to Jimmy John's occasionally so I would search for jimmy john's turkey tom on wheat. Lots of…
  • When I have something like this, I usually look through the entries for something with a similar name and try to pick based on my knowledge of what a slice of this might contain ingredient-wise and calorie-wise. Educated guessing basically.
  • Decide which leftovers are the tastiest and leave the rest for somebody else. That's my strategy anyways!
  • Haha, I've always wanted to try Irish step dancing! I doubt my back would appreciate it atm though ;-) Thank you! It already feels better today at work, just sitting at my desk and not moving around a lot.
  • I use the recipe builder but I don't add things like water, spices, etc. I take a more 'approximate' approach and will call it 3 servings and then dish up 1/3 of the dish. I'm okay with that level of accuracy.
  • I've dealt with the same type of cycle off and on for years but I think I've figured it out. I've done a lot of research on eating and exercising for my cycle. There are a lot of resources out there as far as what time of the month your body might be craving certain nutrients, and also what time of the month your body…
  • DH and I are having Thanksgiving by ourselves and while we aren't 'remaking' traditional dishes into diet foods (because we try not to feel like we are on a 'diet') we are making dishes that better reflect our tastes and our nutritional goals. Smoked Brisket Garlic Mushrooms Cornbread Stuffing Green Beans (no casserole,…
  • You can make your own hot chocolate mix using coconut milk powder (or maybe an alternative milk powder if you can't do coconut). Tastes great!
  • There are so many red flags here. I urge you to consult with your physician and/or therapist to address possible ED behaviors before you go too far. They can help you figure out what to do in a healthy way.