Any suggestions on dealing with chronic Achilles Tendinosis?

Hey guys. 62 male here. I've been suffering from the issue mentioned in the title for the last five years. I was wondering if anyone else here suffers from this issue as well and if you had any suggestions on dealing with it? Thank you.

Best Answer

  • no1racefan2
    no1racefan2 Posts: 90 Member
    Answer ✓
    Do what others recommended and see a PT. I suffered through Achilles tendonitis for a year before finally giving in and seeing a PT (I went to a podiatrist first, to confirm the diagnosis). It took 3 1/2 months of PT to finally get rid of it for good.

    Don't try to ignore it or push through it. That WILL NOT WORK.


  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,163 Member
    Rest it.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,965 Member
    The first thing to try, if I were you, would be to consult a professional physical therapist.
    Orthotics or a splint might be helpful.

    I have a balance disorder so running or a regular treadmill is right out for me.
    So is a regular elliptical.

    The machine I personally own is called a NuStep. It’s expensive but really adaptable to a variety of physical needs.
    There are other low impact ways to exercise to try.
    Rowing maybe? I’m not a rower.
    This might be a question for @AnnPT77
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,942 Member
    I'm sorry, but I don't know the answer about Achilles tendinitis and rowing. (Neither I nor any of my rowing buddies have had that.) I can explain the movement/stresses.

    Rowing (machine or boat) is low impact, but involves a lot of flexion of the foot with respect to the shin, and applies a lot of force through the full flat foot as the legs straighten.

    The rower starts swung forward from the hip joint, arms outstretched, knees bent, feet against a foot plate. (The heel may be raised initially depending on the person's ankle flexibility, but the heel goes down first, before the power is applied.) The drive phase of the stroke is pushing through the full foot, using bodyweight and muscular power to push with the legs until the knees are flat. All of the pushing is linear, hips in line with knees in line with feet.

    There's much more to the stroke, but that would be the stressful part for foot/leg. If those movements aggravate the tendinitis, it wouldn't be good. If they don't, it might be great. It can be arbitrarily intense/vigorous - super easy to max heart rate.

    If cycling (stationary or bicycle) is workable, rowing probably is, too.
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,163 Member
    Any tendonitis sucks. The more you use the affected tendon the longer it takes to heal.

    I’d work with a PT as each situation is different some you can stretch gently and/or do light specific exercises and some are just rest
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    Another vote for working with a physical therapist.

    I saw one for pain in my Achilles tendon, which was likely not the same as your condition, but a few stretches fixed it for me, and I am optimistic that a PT can set you on the right path.
  • duskyblue
    duskyblue Posts: 10 Member
    I suffered with tendinosis for about three years. Eventually it was simple, eccentric exercises given to me by a physio that seemed to help it come right. (A few bouts of deep tissue massage by the same physio may also have helped break up scar tissue, although I remember leaving bite marks on my hand - it wasn't fun!).

    The main exercise was standing with toes on a step and slowly lowering the heel below the step's surface level, to stretch the tendon. I was cynical that just stretching the tendon would make a difference - but repeated multiple times a day over a few weeks, it did.

    You might already have tried similar with no luck, but mentioning it just in case. Mine appears to be healed now so there is hope. Good luck with it.
  • bka317
    bka317 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for all the responses! I've seen a physical therapist for several years now. I've been through physical therapy sessions as well. I do heel drops and raises and use a slant board to help stretch the tendon too. My specialist advises me that surgery to remove the scar tissue may help, a 50/50 chance. Knowing my luck I know what side of the 50/50 I fall on. Has anyone had the surgery and what were the results? Thanks again!
  • soh8s2diet
    soh8s2diet Posts: 6 Member
    In addition to the stretches and heel drops, strengthening the ankle and loosening the calf muscles help. Balancing exercises, toe "yoga", foot exercises like squishing a towel and picking up marbles...these are all what PT suggest. Then there is the massage part followed by icing which is also important.