Anyone try the weight loss "betting" sites like healthy wage or others?



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,866 Member
    xrj22 wrote: »
    You might also try Way Better. They have a lot of different "games" like eating fruits and vegetables, exercise, etc. Not just weight. It is more of a test of your consistency, and having the self discipline to do the photos/data recordings, etc multiple times per day. But could motivate you to stick with it. Note that you tend to win a lot with on step one (when you first start) because a lot of people decide it is not for them and never finish their first game.
    Way Better owns Dietbet

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 35+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Just like Vegas, the house always wins.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Theoldguy1 wrote: »
    Just like Vegas, the house always wins.

    Lots of people cheat dietbet and win pretty easily. Gorge for a day, drink a ton of water, weigh yourself right after your last meal. Then put in a goal of 5 pounds loss. Before you have your final weigh in, fast for a day and limit your water and salt intake. Weigh yourself 1st thing in the morning after using the bathroom. Boom. You'll lose 5 pounds in that day.
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,485 Member
    sollyn23l2 wrote: »
    Theoldguy1 wrote: »
    Just like Vegas, the house always wins.

    Lots of people cheat dietbet and win pretty easily. Gorge for a day, drink a ton of water, weigh yourself right after your last meal. Then put in a goal of 5 pounds loss. Before you have your final weigh in, fast for a day and limit your water and salt intake. Weigh yourself 1st thing in the morning after using the bathroom. Boom. You'll lose 5 pounds in that day.

    Oh, I've know muscular, lean HS kids that lost 10 pounds in day for wrestling. No food, minimal water, exercising in a sauna to sweat, sure it's possible. I'm surprised the site isn't set up to figure that out.
  • no1racefan2
    no1racefan2 Posts: 88 Member
    I've veered away from Dietbet and similar because I feel like even when I'm watching my calories closely, I can't control whether I lose a certain % of weight. However, I really like Waybetter (it's owned by the same company as Dietbet and Stepbet). Waybetter has a lot of different challenges you can sign up for and most of them are only two weeks at a time. Examples are: take a photo of yourself drinking water 6 days/week; take a post-workout selfie 4 days/week; etc. Some are linked to a fitness tracker, such as 30-min workout with an average heart rate of 110.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,221 Member
    edited December 2023
    I've veered away from Dietbet and similar because I feel like even when I'm watching my calories closely, I can't control whether I lose a certain % of weight. However, I really like Waybetter (it's owned by the same company as Dietbet and Stepbet). Waybetter has a lot of different challenges you can sign up for and most of them are only two weeks at a time. Examples are: take a photo of yourself drinking water 6 days/week; take a post-workout selfie 4 days/week; etc. Some are linked to a fitness tracker, such as 30-min workout with an average heart rate of 110.

    Having done Apple Challenges and gotten caught up in the “have to be first place at the risk of no rest days and running around frantically trying to burn the last 30 calories or 20 minutes exercise I need “ , that can be a dangerous mindset to get absorbed in.

    It irks me to no end that Apple doesn’t build rest days in to their 30-day challenges, and that their stupid “medals” egg you on to ridiculous goals. “You averaged 20,000 steps a day last month. Try to get 23,000”. “You averaged 350 minutes of exercise a day last month. Try to increase to 375”. At some point it’s just unsustainable and reckless.

    Hard “no” to betting sites. Plus I’d always assume others have figured out a way to game the system as described above.