How do I get back on track?

Since Thanksgiving through to today I am destined to gain almost a pound. There's Thanksgiving leftovers around and a whole cake leftover. I went for a walk today..


  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,539 Member
    Pre-log healthy leftovers now for tomorrow. Turkey's good. Did you have salad? Raw veggies (with dip for TG, maybe without now)? Green beans left over from green bean casserole? Deviled eggs? Log it all, so you have some choice, then eat what you want.
    Maybe also pre-log a walk or 2 shorter ones.
  • Janellew86
    Janellew86 Posts: 38 Member
    There's turkey, dressing,mashed potatoes, potato salad, cake...there might be some green beans left.
  • no1racefan2
    no1racefan2 Posts: 90 Member
    Decide which leftovers are the tastiest and leave the rest for somebody else. That's my strategy anyways!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,324 Member
    this is why I went out to eat for htis Thanksgiving. I have salmon cooking now and vegetables.. no left overs to tempt. me
  • Donnahatzinger
    Donnahatzinger Posts: 1 Member
    Great ideas thanks
  • AmandaEdwards1
    AmandaEdwards1 Posts: 46 Member
    I had to get rid of it all. Thanksgiving is over time to get back on track :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    Janellew86 wrote: »
    There's turkey, dressing,mashed potatoes, potato salad, cake...there might be some green beans left.

    The only thing that would be a problem for me is the cake - I can moderate everything else. My normal meals have an animal protein, a starch, and a veg. When I have multiple starches, I have really small portions - like 50 grams each. I get to have some of everything, without more calories than I want.

    I'd portion and freeze the cake, or get rid of it.
  • AmandaContalee
    AmandaContalee Posts: 3 Member
    I would give away or throw await the foods that would sabotage your efforts; this is what I did! Out of sight out of mind.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,303 Member
    edited November 2023
    Listen to what you’ve just said. Is a pound really enough to derail you? Is it going to loom that large that it takes over your life?

    It’s a tree.

    Go look at the forest.

    In a couple of weeks or months you’ll be laughing at this. I know, because I posted similar.
  • history_grrrl
    history_grrrl Posts: 216 Member
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    The freezer is your friend. Wrap, put in containers, label and don't forget to date them.
    Slice the cake and freeze individual pieces. You can also freeze slices of turkey for further use in sandwich, salads, soups. Sweet potatoes also freeze well. Think that the left overs are future meals, and you don't have to eat them all at once.

    All of this. I might be able to keep one or two pieces of cake in the freezer but probably would have to give the rest away.
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,487 Member
    Throw the cake out if it is an issue.
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,808 Member
    I was up 3.6 pounds from the Monday pre-Thanksgiving to the Monday after, which puts me above the range I want to be. At least half of that must be water, but even so, I definitely binged way too much over the weekend, as in about 2000 calories above maintenance for several days. Oh well, I logged it all, and moved on. The last few days have been back to regular eating and working out. I'm not concerned.
  • loulee997
    loulee997 Posts: 273 Member
    edited December 2023
    Janellew86 wrote: »
    Since Thanksgiving through to today I am destined to gain almost a pound. There's Thanksgiving leftovers around and a whole cake leftover. I went for a walk today..

    Cut the portions of the Thx you want to keep into individual portions. Make meals. Freeze them. You can microwave them or reheat these preheated meals in the future when you don't feel like cooking. It helps you regulate how much of the rich food you have in the fridge. PUtting them into individual meal containers--makes them convenient. It save you time when you don't want to cook AND lets you get back on track now.

    I'd cut the cake up into pieces. Eat a piece if you want it. Toss the rest. Give it to the neighbors.
    Frozen cake never quite tastes good. So I don't freeze cake. Enjoy and let it go.

    Good luck!

  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Down 2 pounds of that 3.6 I gained during the post-Thanksgiving binge weekend. That's just from getting back on track with working out and a small deficit for the last 6 days. I must have lost some of the preview weeks water gain from the extra carbs. Onwards...