SammiGirl1321 Member


  • @danikat15 Yes the Peloton bike is so worth it! My sister was the one who talked me into getting one. I hate running and I’m prone to shin splints so I wanted some exercise equipment that would work better for me and be convenient since I’m in school and I have three little ones. It’s low impact but you can still get a…
  • Hello ladies! I am bad about staying consistent with making posts but I try to come back lol. Age- 27 Height- 5’4 SW- 231 CW- 189.8 This time of year can be the hardest with all the holiday food but I have been consistently working out on my Peloton. I feel like the bike is really helping me shape up and it feels good. I’m…
  • Age-27 Height-5’4 SW-231 November 5th- 196.6 November 12th- 193.8 I was slightly worried about today’s weigh day considering all the food I had yesterday. I try to stick to one heavier meal a day with the rest of the day being my protein shakes. We decided to have Chick-Fil-A chick—minis for breakfast(love those things).…
  • It’s my first weigh day of the month! Age- 27 Height- 5’4 SW- 231 October 29th-198.2 November 5th-196.6 Weight loss is coming along. I’m nearing the end of the semester and I’m nervous for finals! My one year old has been waking up a lot at night and it’s making it hard for me to get up early to work out so I shifted some…
  • @justanotherloser007 Here are pics!
  • Goodbye October and hello November!🍂 Age- 27 Height- 5’4 SW-231 CW 198.2 I did not weigh in today since Fridays are my official weigh days. Halloween was fun! Went trick or treating with the kids and there were so many people out it was nice seeing everyone’s costumes. I did indulge in some Halloween candy and today is a…
  • Last weigh day for October! Age- 27 Height- 5’4 SW- 231 October 22nd- 200.2 October 29th- 198.6 🎉 I’m officially in onederland and feel great! I can start to tell I have lost weight and it’s motivating. The Slimfast shakes really help me stay within my calories and I have reduced my snacking. Next goal is to get under 195…
  • @goal06082021 I’m super excited for Halloween since the entire family will be dressing up for the first time and not just the kids! My older two who are 4 and 2 love Paw Patrol so they are going as Chase and Skye from the cartoon. I couldn’t find costumes for everyone so I decided to dress my one year old up as a Dalmatian…
  • Weigh Day! Age- 27 Height- 5’4 SW-231 October 22nd- 200.2 Already hit my end of month goal weight which is pretty exciting. I’m so close to my first major goal which is to see onederland on the scale. I’ve been pretty diligent about staying under my calorie goal and working out regularly. I just started Slimfast shakes to…
  • Hello ladies! I was on this group a few months back but kind of lost steam. I’m back on track now and I’ve started intermittent fasting to help me stay with daily calories. Between online classes and three kids (my youngest is still breastfeeding) it can be so easy to fall off track. Mainly my goals for the rest of this…
  • Happy Friday ladies! April SW-231 June 4th- 212.8 June 11th- 210.4 June 18th- 209.2 GW- 150 to 160 range haven’t decided yet. Last week I said I wanted to see 209 and I was able to hit that today. I was a little worried about my weight going up since I had a pizza and beer (1 beer) night. I’ve been craving pizza lately and…
  • Friday Weigh Day! April 2021 SW-231 June 4th- 212.8 June 11th- 210.4 I’m officially down 20 pounds since starting my weight loss journey! After tightening up my diet my progress has picked up. I did a HITT workout last night so I’m a little sore from that too. I ordered a portion control plate that should be here next week…
  • Hello feel free to add me. I’m 8 months postpartum with my third baby and have about 50 pounds to lose. I am done having kids so I’m ready to lose this weight once and for all! So far I’m down 18 pounds using MyFitnessPal and exercising. Im also breastfeeding so I try not to dip below 1800 calories so that I don’t risk…
  • @christine237lucy I so understand where you’re coming from. After I had my second baby I lost 50 pounds and was feeling great. I gained it all back once we moved across country and I got pregnant again. The extra weight can be so depressing to the point I don’t even want to leave my house. I’m also getting tested at the…
  • I’m a little bummed about today’s weigh in. May 28- 213 June 4- 212.8 Not much of a loss but I know this is the reality of weight loss. I can’t say I’m surprised either because my daughter has not been sleeping well at all and the sleep deprivation has been making me very hungry. Plus I’m exercising everyday so my muscles…
  • June is here! New month new goals! I like to weigh in on Friday’s so my next weigh in will be on the fourth. I’m 27 years old, 5’4, and breastfeeding so naturally super hungry. SW: 231 CW-213 My goal is to get under 210 by the end of this month but I’m going to aim high and try for 209! My fitness goal is to ride my…
  • Today is my final weigh in day for May! I was worried because I binge ate last weekend (donuts are my weakness) so I thought for sure the scale wasn’t going to budge or go up even. SW- 231 May 1st- 218.6 May 28th- 213 I am very pleased with Mays progress and feel motivated to keep going. I’ve started taking the instructor…
  • @goal06082021 Oh that’s awesome! I’m actually interested in working with kids who have delays/autism. My son had a speech delay and as a parent of a child who needed speech therapy the unknowns can be scary. He has since made significant progress but it’s what inspired me to enter the field. I do believe he has some…
  • So I decided to weigh in early this week and change my weigh in days back to Fridays. The scale did go down some which is good since I’m weighing in less than a week from my last weigh and I ate a California burrito last night! I rode my Peloton last night and it was a tough workout. I’m convinced if I use it regularly for…
  • I’m the same way kelMee2 with mini goals. I have such a large amount of weight to lose that I shoot for five pounds at a time. By the end of May I wanted to hit 215 and now that I’ve reached it my next goal is to get under 210. Breaking it up makes it feel more manageable. I’ve been doing good so far staying within my…
  • Hello I’m a stay at home mama to three. I have a three year old, 2 year old, and a 7 month old. I used MFP after I had my second baby and lost 50 pounds but I’m starting over since gaining the weight back during pregnancy. I’ve started my weight loss journey in April so that I can lose this weight for good and finally feel…
  • This past week has been hectic since my 7 month old is teething and going through a sleep regression. She also doesn’t take a bottle or a pacifier so I’m bread around the clock! SW-231 May 1st- 219.6 CW- 215.2 I officially hit my May goal of trying to hit 215 so let’s see if I can get lower by the end of this month. I am…
  • As a mom to three with my youngest being 7 months old I totally understand. I gained a lot of weight with each pregnancy and all the changes my body has gone through have been hard on my mental health. It can be so hard to find time to fit in a workout when you have a baby. I finally started to get into a routine once my…
  • Decided to weigh in on Saturday since my last weigh in was a week ago. I was worried about Mother’s Day since my husband got me some amazing Godiva chocolate. That’s one good thing about breastfeeding is that it can burn those extra calories lol! Plus I made sure to fit in some Zumba in the evening. I’m 5’4 and 27 years…
  • This is my first time posting in one of these groups. I’m 7 months postpartum after having my third and final baby so it’s time to lose this weight for good! I lost 50 pounds after having my second but I’ve gained it all back during my third pregnancy so here we go again. I’ve just started really trying to lose weight in…
  • Hi! I just had my third baby on the 1st and I’m also breastfeeding. I lost 50 pounds last year by calorie counting and exercising. I have to start all over again and I’m determined to do it again. I haven’t found time in my schedule yet to get on my bike so I’m trying to focus on nutrition.
  • Hi I’m a stay at home mom to three. I have a three year old and I had a baby last year in January and lost 50 pounds. I just had my third baby October 1st and have to start all over again! I’m so ready to get back on track and lose this weight. I have a Peleton I’ve been dying to get on and I’ve just started tracking my…