

  • I have TMJ and didn't realize it until the pain was so bad every mornign when I woke up that I couldn't even open my eyes. I finally went to my dentist, thinking it was a tooth issue. He took one look at my face as I described the pain and made a custom mouth piece that I wear at night...totally took away the pain. I don't…
  • A week is a very small amount of time when you look at the BIG picture....also, this is not a diet, it is a way of life and a lifestyle change to help us all get better nutrition. I really think the previous comments are right on...probably water weight...please don't get discouraged.....we have all been there!
  • Who are you really lying to? Yourself??? I think your body knows when you log that you ate veggies all day when you really had burgers and fries...ouch...not good for your waistline or your mind!! Be truthful...sometimes the truth is easier to handle and deal with if it is right there in front of your eyes......use the…
  • Welcome.....I think you will enjoy this site and find that,if you really use it, it can be very helpful in assisting you live a healthy life. I have been on MFP for 5 weeks and have lost 4 pounds....doesn't sound like much, but it's better than gaining. I have learned things about myself in this time though, like i don't…
  • I can totally relate to your situation. I have been trying to keep unhealthy snacks out of the house for that reason....if it is there, I WILL eat it....it makes me feel terrible that I do not have better self control than that!!! Looking up the calorie and nutrient info BEFORE you eat something is a great tool! I do that…
  • Hello....I have an eliptical machine from Sears and have had it for 3 years. I sold my treadmill because of back and knee issues and tried this at the gym before buying. If you can invest a little bit more than the $400, you will see a much sturdier product. I love this thing. It has 10 different levels and 15 different…
  • Well 2 days is not enough time to really have a grip on what's going on. You may want to check what your calories and made up of, ie. fruits, veggies, processed food?? Eating 1200 calories of veggies and fruits and lean protein is MUCH better than 1200 calories of snack foods, ice cream and processed junk. I know, because…
  • I am always ove on my protein too...but I thought protein was good and carbs were bad???? I am trying to limit my carbs and not really worrying about the protein.
  • I agree......if you are going to try them, get them from a Dr...not at the gym!!
  • 5 pounds a month is so much better than gaining!! I have only lost 4 pounds in the past month...but I know that I must be be consistent and not give up! I have also been on every 'diet' imaginable and I am determined to make this a lifestyle..not a diet. I also know that I must exercise...it is a key part of getting the…
  • Hi Brandy....I am also a former WW member and it worked for awhile, too much money when I can get on this anytime and get much better reports on my overall progress. Log everything...and be honest....you aren't cheating anyone but yourself by not logging every food! You will see a snapshot of yourself everyday and track…
  • Nutella is amazing stuff...I LOVE it and at Costco it comes in a 2-jar pack...very dangerous....when I do buy it, I always give one away, or I will eat them both!!!!
  • Try sweet n low instead of sugar.....also if you are flavoring someing you're baking, use sugarfree Torani......lots of good flavors with no sugar. That's the stuff that Starbucks uses to flavor their drinks. You can find it at Smart & Final....less than $5 a bottle...good stuff.
  • I lopg everything everyday....I need to see what I am putting in my body everyday. I think we fool ourselves by thinking "I don't really eat that much"...HA!! I am amazed how much I was eating just trough snacking throughout the day. I don't sit down and eat many full meals, but I do snack and it adds up VERY fast! I want…
  • Frozen sugar-free Jello cups........They last a long time because they're frozen and are sooo refreshing!
  • You can do it!!! Be good to yourself and track your food intake...it may be a surprise when you see how much you really eat! I know I was fooling myself thinking that I didn't eat that much...HaHa.....MFP provides a great snapshot of your body everyday!! Good Luck!
  • I am an insurance agent and sit most of the day....I think of things to just get up and MOVE!! :laugh:
  • Welcome...be good to yourself!! I have gained about 40 pounds in the past 3 yrs and I didn't even have a baby!!! I tried so many diets and even went to Weight Watchers for 6 months, but the results are soooo slow and I did not enjoy counting points. A friend introduced me to MFP last month and I am thrilled with the entire…
  • I feel your pain. I try to 'pack' a lunch everyday and have found that if I grill boneless skinless chicken breasts on the weekend, I make enough to have for lunch a few days too. I also eat salami and cheese cubes, even adding a cracker or two sometimes. I also willpack cubed fruit, cantaloupe, watermelon, necterines,…
  • Keep a Zone bar or an apple with you....I cut up my Zone bar and eat half when I am craving something sweet. Fresh fruit is great too. I have been chewing a lot of gum lately....takes the cravings for sweets away and I get a little burst of flavor. I keep several sugarfree flavors around all the time.
  • I use my elliptical everyday and haven't had heal pain. I had my feet go to sleep, but remedied that my wearing my FitFlops when I am on that machine. They let my feet breate while giving support and cushion. It could be where your feet are planted on the foot pad too. I know that if I have my feet too far back, I can…
  • You can look at my food diary. I pretty much eat what I feel like eating, but I try limiting myself to 1200 calories a day. Get some exercise in there too....that will help you burn more calories all the time. The MFP food search is awesome...it has everything in there. Good Luck
  • Congrats on the 20 pounds....I am so looking forward to when I can say that too. Keep a great attitude and be sure to log everything!! Great Job!
  • Welcome.....I am a former WW member and found that this is much easier and FREE!!! Be honest with your daily intake and limit yourself to 1200-1400 calories a day to see any progress. It's fun to see your progress laid out before you everyday! Exercise is essential for any healthy routine, so try to get some good workouts…
  • I am also a former WW girl.......After 6 months in WW I had lost 12 pounds and gained 2 back when I wasn't carefully counting my points. I decided to try this and in the past 4 weeks have lost 4 pounds. MFP is such an immediate snapshot of my calories and exercise that I feel much more connected with what my body is…
  • You hada a cookie......that's ok, real life stuff happens and we react the way we do. The important thing is that you recognized it...don't beat yourself up....we ALL have times when we reach for something that we know we shouldn't. Work out an extra few minutes and move on!!! :happy:
  • Wow...i guess grabbing some sugar didn't seem so bad then huh?? LOL I had to laugh too, so thatnls for some perspective! Nice job on the weight loss too!
  • :tongue: Ahhh....so insightful!!! I wiggle my leg all day....that should burn a fwew calories too!
  • How about a few slices of dry salami, even better, make it turkey salami. I am struggling with snacking too. I also chew gum of all different flavors to satisfy the sweet tooth.
  • Don't give up!!! Try to concentrate on the GREAT success you have had in the past year........You know you have had a little hiccup, so get back in there and do what you know works!!! Talk to a friend.....try on something that makes you look fabulous! It's hard to stay motivated all the time....we all struggle with…