drbaska Member


  • All of the Black Friday deals are Live now and Turbofire is on there :-) here is the link to the deals. They will sell out. HTTPS://www.TeamBeachbody.com/Shop/HolidaySpecials?referringRepID=210970
  • Welcome Judy! It sounds like you have a lot on your plate! This tool is great in that it teaches you how to eat - for life, not just on a diet. :-) What kind of exercise programs do you do? I'm sure your health conditions make that challenging.
    in Hello Comment by drbaska January 2013
  • Hi Leigh. You're in the right place. Using MFP will be a real eye opener and if you stick to it and are honest, it will help - and it teaches you how to eat for life - not just a diet. What kind of exercise are you going to be doing?
  • You're definitely not old! Because if you were, that would make me, at 45 way old! LOL! There are some great web sites with low cal crockpot cooking, and I'm on an Eat Clean Get Lean plan myself - so glad to help with suggestions. I'm also doing a 30 day fitness challenge which basically consists of push ups, jacks,…
  • P90X workouts are 60 minutes so probably not what you are looking for. The Chalean Extreme workouts are right in that 30-40 minute range. And Brazil Butt Lift would be good too. Insanity Asylum workouts are about 40 mins - and that, in my opinion, is just about the best workout program around if you want to get into…
  • I would recommend getting a good at-home workout program. Also, having 983 calories left over is not good! Your body will go into starvation mode and then your metabolism will be jacked up. I did that when I was your age and it took years to right itself. If you'd like some recommendations on workout programs, let me know.…
  • If you like structure, you will love P90X because it gives you a workout calendar and tells you exactly what to do every day for 90 days! My husband has done 3 rounds, and I've done 1, but I think that's what he really likes about it (other than the results!!!). He doesn't have to remember, doesn't have to think, just goes…
  • I would rather do about anything than the treadmill - esp on a regular basis! LOL! Have you looked at any at-home workouts? TurboFire, Insanity, Asylum are all excellent cardio workouts - truthfully, better than anything I've ever done before.
    in Cardio? Comment by drbaska November 2012
  • I would look at the Les Mills Pump workout. It's barbell training, but absolutely no cardio. And building muscle will help you burn fat, increase your metabolism, and just make you strong and healthy.. I have a sample of the Pump workout on my youtube channel if you're interested in seeing it. :-)
  • TurboFire is nice because the workouts range from 15 mins to 55 so if you didn't want to follow the schedule, you could still have a nice variety of workouts to do in whatever time frame you have. Asylum is awesome as well - workouts are about 40 minutes - but you really can't get a better workout than one of those, IMO!…
  • I'm assuming you are used to working out, even though you've taken a short break. :-) You should be fine - The best way to get in Insanity shape is to do Insanity! LOL! Just keep in mind that you don't have to keep up with the people in the video - at least not on day 1! What kind of workouts have you been doing?
  • Insanity is not available in stores - it is best to get it from a Team Beachbody coach as you get free bonus workouts and the free support of the coach. :-)
  • You picked a challenging program to get back into shape with - but you will get stronger. I've definitely heard from others about feeling sick, and even throwing up. What made you choose P90X? Is this your first foray back into working out since you had your baby?
  • The big question is what do you want to accomplish? Strength? Cardio? Do you like dancey high energy, or more boot camp basics? Are you more beginner/intermmediate or advanced? So many options out there!
  • Just a heads up - best deal is to get your Les Mills Combat pre-order or Les Mills Pump program from a Team Beachbody coach as you will get a free bonus workout in your shipment. Also, the Combat pre-order includes shipping - but only if pre-ordered by 12/4. :-)
  • Just FYI - Today is the last day for the Pre-Order special - you will get free shipping, free bonus DVD and ensured delivery before Christmas. Combat is not the same as Pump - Pump is the barbell strenght workout and Combat is a MMA cardio workout - super duper fun - and very much like the in gym Combat classes - it was…
  • I'm on week 7 - really love it!!! Do you have the deluxe DVDs too? Love Combat!
  • I'm doing Les Mills Pump DVDs now, and totally love them. I feel really fierce have barbells in my basement. :smile: The at-home program does come with the barbells, BTW. And just to give you a heads up, it is actually better to order from a Team Beachbody coach rather than from Beachbody, as you will get a free Bonus…
  • I'm a huge fan of LMP - I love doing barbell work at home. It just makes me feel fierce. :-) Also, I do like that it is a 3-4 day/wk program, so I can add my own running or even do some of the LMP cario DVDs (Combat is totall the bomb!). I think if you are really wanting to focus more on the muscle definition and tone and…
  • I'm now trying to figure out when I want to move to Phase III. I'm going to add in Brazil Butt Lift aftr this week - going to Atlantis Bahamas and want to be in rare form for my workouts with Tony, Shaun T and Leandro! I'd like to be done with X2 by then- leave March 21. Hmmm....guess I need to get out the calendar and do…
    in Phase 2 Comment by drbaska February 2012
  • My heaviest weights are 15lbs. And I've found, for the most part, that is enough. On some of the squats I could go heavier - and I might double up with a 5 and a 15. But I'm telling you, when I got to Lean, holey moley! The weights never seemed so heavy!!! I've put a picture on my profile of my back - I was more intending…
  • Rhenee I'm so sorry to hear about your daughters health.. First off,I had no idea you hada 25 yr old daughter! You look much too young! But as a mother, I know your heart is breaking for her. I'll be praying for her as well. God certainly does not give us more than we can handle - but I know it's hard!!! As to this group,…
  • Did some Fire 30 yesterday and it felt good!! The weather has been so nice here, I may get in a run today. How about you? Any runners out there?
  • Good for you Rhenee!!! I'm on FB so much that I sometimes forget to come over here! I'm glad you and Miss Jacci are here leading the charge! I'll do better in the future! :smile:
  • Just stay true to the program and it will happen. Make sure you ar drinking enough water, and watching your calories. Did you take your measurements as well as your weight when you started?
  • Drea73 - you really need to focus on your inches! With CHX, I really got smaller! My muscles got much more defined but my body got leaner. Don't worry about the heavey lifting. 20 lbs! Girl! My highest weights are 15 lbs! That's all I have at home. I played around with getting some of the select-tecs, but I was pretty…
  • It definitely takes time to catch on, but when you do, you will be reallly burning and toning! Glad you're liking it!!
  • In first week of Phase 2 - not too bad at all. Didn't love Chest & Shoulders, but didn't love that in P90X either. I'm pretty psyched that I'm doing this!
  • I'm not really digging the foam roller either.
  • I don't think it's that bad. It tastes like lemonade to me - and you drink such a small amount - it's like a shot. The effects are definitely worth it!