Really need encouragement

Hi guys! I'm new here and so far LOVE this site. I have struggled with my weight for years but recently it has gotten out of control. I gained 53 lbs seemingly over night! I need help! I would love to connect with you guys and share our success stories!


  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    Hi Leigh. You're in the right place. Using MFP will be a real eye opener and if you stick to it and are honest, it will help - and it teaches you how to eat for life - not just a diet. What kind of exercise are you going to be doing?
  • leigh8679
    leigh8679 Posts: 19 Member
    I plan on treadmill a couple times a week and weights. I tried the elliptical last night and I'm paying for it today! Also I like to bike so I'll be doing that as well. Do you have any suggestions for an exercise plan? I want arms like yours!
  • Leigh! Hi! I am returning to this site to keep me honest! I have changed my diet drastically, because I have trouble with kidney stones. I am on a Uric Acid diet, which makes me pretty much vegetarian. lol That was not my intention, but I have to say, I feel better! I am walking a mile on the treadmill every single day now. I will add weights in a few weeks. I was recently diagnosed with a very treatable cancer, with radiation. I am now VERY aware that I need a strong immune system to fight this. Sooooooo, my motivation is my health. Some people, it takes a crisis to kick them in the butt! Are you one of these?? I sure am! Good luck and keep in touch!
  • Hi Leigh, I'm back at it yoo. I fell off the wagon for over a month before the holidays. This is a great place for encouragement. Feel free to add me if you like. I plan on doing cardio three days, and weights the other three days
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    Hi there! Welcome!! MFP is awesome for encouragement as long as you have awesome friends on here (which mostly everyone is!) Feel free to add!
  • Hi Leigh, I too have struggled with weight for years. I have yo yo dieted. I am an emotional eater. I lived to eat, not eat to live. As a result, I weigh more now than I did when I was pregnant. Last year I began experiencing bad pain in my knee, joint pain, and just feeling sluggish. I don't like how I feel or how I look in pictures. I am tired of buying bigger clothes. I have done MFP before and it does work!! You will lose weight if you discipline yourself to track food and exercise. Over Christmas I received a book mentioned on Dr. Oz called The Wheat Belly diet. It is more of a lifestyle change than a diet. It was the motivation I needed to get healthy and start moving again. Also, to daily track on MFP. I am excited about getting healthy and not focus on the weight this time. I write on my mirror with an expo marker inspirational messages to keep me motivated. My exercise goals are small right now. I walk 10-30 minutes a day on treadmill at 3.5 or higher speed. Also, bought a 2.5 lb weighted hula hoop that I love using(30-60 min) while watching t.v. I have lost 2.5 lbs in 2 days. I am making healthier eating choices such as cutting out wheat and cutting back on portions. In the past, I had great success doing weight watchers, walking 30 minutes daily, and eating every 3 hours. I went from a size 12 to a 6 in 6 months. A move to a new town, death in the family and putting my kids and husband ahead of my health got me off track. I don't do weight watchers, now that I have MFP. I would rather put money towards a reward for myself for reaching a goal than lining the pockets of another company. Hope this gives you some inspiration.