P90X? Good fitness program for a "structure freak"?

Heya. I'm sorry if the following question has been posted sixteen brajillion times. (Am I screen blind today or is there no way to search this forum without trawling back over posts?)

First my situation and then a question.

I have just hit my first weight loss goal, having dropped from 87kg down to 70kg. Along the way, I've been all about the cardio, confining my exercise routine almost solely to elliptical and walking. I really want to shift gears though and begin a more complete fitness routine. The thing is, I'm the kind of guy who needs structure and goals. Trundling along to the gym every day without some kind of method is just not going to inspire my "level-up mentality" (child of 80s). For that reason I've been looking at some of the fitness programs out there.

I've seen a fitness program called "P90X" mentioned a few times, and it looks pretty intense, dare I say intimidating. Has someone out there tried it? If so I'd love to get info on how you found it. Can anyone suggest any alternative fitness programs that would appeal to a goal / structure obsessed person?

Thanks! Oh and please feel free to friend me. Can't have too many MFP buddies.


  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    P90X I think would be a great thing for you to give a shot - they encourage you to write everything down that you do, and I found in doing that, it really got me going, because I am of the same "level up" mentality myself. One day you might use 20 pounds on an exercise and only complete 8 reps, the next week you strive for 10 reps, then BAM, you're seeing how many you can do at 25lbs.

    I did P90X for a while, and early this year started setting my own routines at the gym. If you go into the gym with a structure and a goal in mind.. it can be very rewarding and absolutely astonishing how much you can accomplish (easiest example I have, when I started doing bench press, I was maxing out 175lbs for one rep - Tuesday night on my fourth set of bench press I just completed 13 reps of that weight, and have added 70lbs to that previous max!).

    Long story short.. P90X I feel taught me how to work out, and taught me that our bodies can generally take a LOT more than we give them credit for.
  • lammo1975
    Hi UCB1984. Thanks so much for your informative and encouraging response. This definitely sounds very promising. At this stage, I am thinking I might continue with my general routine and start the P90X in the new year, all guns blazing. :)
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    love love love p90x!!! i have done 3 rounds of it along with p90x2!!! currently doing a hybrid of the 2 which is freakin awesome!!
    like the previous post stated you will be amazed by how strong you become and much you can do by the end of the program if you keep on track with it. once you start seeing your results that usually will motivate you to keep going further. i lift as heavy as possible-started with 10 lb dumbells now use 20, 25 lb for moves. also started with a 40 lb resistant band, now using 80 lb.
    you can do, good luck and make sure you take before and after pics :)
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    If you like structure, you will love P90X because it gives you a workout calendar and tells you exactly what to do every day for 90 days! My husband has done 3 rounds, and I've done 1, but I think that's what he really likes about it (other than the results!!!). He doesn't have to remember, doesn't have to think, just goes downstairs, looks at the calendar and pops in the appropriate DVD/

    Def be sure to take your before pics - you will be amazed at the results. I can share my husband's with you if you are interested. :-) He's 53.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    It's definitely structured, whether or not it's "good" depends on your goal