

  • i like the hula hoop too. but only ever do it when im alone...otherwise i end up in fits of giggles!
  • i lost all my baby weight after having my older two children, then i had my darling twin girls and i cant seem to shift it ... think its because im older now too...but i will keep trying :)
  • My favorites are Carrot & Orange or Carrot & Corriander Broccoli & Stilton Chicken & Mushroom The broccoli & stilton is my absoloute fav infact ive got some cooking as we speak
  • Because MFP already sets you calories at a deficit ideally you should be eating back your exercise calories otherwise the deficit is more which could throw your body into starvation mode. i usually try to eat back mine to within 100-150 cals because that gives a little leaway for if ive under estimated the number of…
  • Ive been having those Belvita Breakfast Biscuits (honey & nut) with some fruit (usually a banana or some strawberries) a low fat yoghurt and a cup of tea. As recommended on the pack. Its really filling and you can change what you have by changing the fruit & the flavour of the belvita thingys. At weekends i have a GRILLED…
  • okay well this is my plan at my start weight i was a 16 (or even an 18 (UK)) im now a 14 and aiming for a 12.. All my 16's & 18's are in a zip bag in the loft (except for 1 pair of jeans that are a 16 & i love them) Ive gained weight gradually so have bought clothes to suit and now im working my way back through the ones i…
  • Apparently eating Grapefruit or drinking pure fresh grapefruit juice helps to boost the metabolic rate. They have other great health benefits too. I love the red/pink ones and love to start my day with one.. i hope you get some other ideas
  • Hi ivee had to try to combat eating late too. My partner doesnt get home from work until at least 7pm sometimes much later so as we eat our main meal together it can be tough. My rule has been to try not to eat after 8pm. also having a main meal at 7ish does help because then you dont feel the need to snack all evening. I…
  • You are getting my DREAM!!! i would love to do up an old house. we live in a 1930's semi which i wouldnt say is run down but in the last few years ive made improvements --new bathroom, fitted wardrobes garden overhaul and general decoration. And were about to have a new kitchen. Theres nothing like the transformation you…
  • i want to lose at least a stone by then -- my birthday is the 13th dec so thats the date im aiming for
  • Hi thats a great goal! my birthday is the 13th dec and im hoping to have lost at least another 14lbs by then if not more. ive been on MFP for just over 4 weeks and ive lost 11lbs. There are some great motivational people on here and i know i wouldnt have lost the weight without their support. Feel free to add me :) & good…
  • i havent bought anything NEW (yet) but i have a few smaller sizer pairs of jeans & skirts and shirts that i used to wear before i gained weight that im looking forward to putting on again. But i have seen a gorgeous red jumpsuit in a store in town and the biggest size they do is a 12 (im a 14/16 at the minute) so i may…
  • Me too, i just build what i want into the calories i have. If i want a bar of chocolate or a bowl of chips then i have it -- i just do an extra work out or eat less of something else so i stay within my calories. I rarely go over on cals and if i do its not by many. i know that if i stop myself from having something i…
  • ive said on many a post that my stomach flab is my problem area. since joining MFP around a month ago i have signifcantly cut down on Bread & Pasta only having them very rarely (Rice i struggle with cutting out of my meals so i just have less when i do eat it) I have noticed that i dont feel as bloated and that i am losing…
  • like the previous poster suggested i would go to a 2nd hand store or look on ebay and buy a few things that will do until you are nearer your goal weight. Also as im getting smaller im donating my "larger" clothes to 2nd hand stores or selling them on ebay myself. the last thing i want is a big pile of plus size clothes…
  • My tummy is my biggest problem area -- if i put on an ounce thats where is goes.. Upping my water intake & lowering sodium seem to have help reduce the bloating esp at TOM. I drink green tea 3 cups a day which also helps and i try to have a grapefruit every day with breakfast as this also helps boost metabolism and reduces…
  • Theres loads of us! feel free to add me :)
  • Morning all -- its 10.20am here and ive already had my 72oz of water, done my crunches first thing and had a lovely hour long brisk walk along the canal (approx 7km) after id dropped the children at school. Now ive got the usual house work to do, looking after a friends toddler this afternoon & then school run & usual…
  • Hi All Sorry i was absent over the weekend i was really sick on saturday and spent most of sunday recovering from being so so sick. since having my children my body has decided if it doesnt like something then i throw it up until all trace is removed! which meant not even keeping water down on saturday... and sunday i was…
  • Yesterday was a great day for me -- i managed 3litres of water and NO junk food (in my opinion) i did 50 crunches before bed and felt great! Today well i was up at 6 made everyones lunches and did my 50 crunches -- jumped in the shower - school run - power walk for 30 mins and then to a HUGE jumble sale where i walked…
  • Okay so i had a brainwave while peeling potatoes lol My C1 is going to be 2 x 50 crunches to get rid of my flabby tummy --- so ill do 50 first thing in the morning then another 50 in an evening... i actually think 50 might be pushing it (im not sure if i can even do 1 lol) but hey no harm in trying!! Looking forward to…
  • C1 = ??? um what can i do ?? C2 = Okay so 72 oz is just over 2litres right? well ive had 2 and a half so i think ive covered that one today. C3 = And i WILL lose 20lbs by 15th DEC well hopefully by the 13th cos thats my birthday!! Will have a think about C1 while i cook the kids dinner and get back to you all :)
  • i know ive been amazed the ammount of cals in some things! My partner came home with some Kir Royale Snow Globe puddings they werent even the size of my fist -- the bottom was about half inch high of panacotta and the top was jelly.... i thought great a pudding i can eat its not like to be too many cals -- its only…
  • havent bought any for a while as no longer need work trousers but New Look used to do nice work trousers in grey, navy, black with & without pinstripe. marks & spencer also had some nice jersey type ones which wash lovely HTH
  • "thank you for your reservation of 2 products" from ARGOS how dull -- to make it worse its the ONLY text i have recieved today ---- obviously i have no friends!! LOL
  • Hi im 35 and a mum of 4, my eldest is 15 - youngest are 5 (twins) also have a step-son of 15 too so were a big ol' brood when we are all together. Ive been trying to lose weight on & off since i had the twins but ive come to the conclusion im not getting any younger and its just going to get harder so i havve to do it NOW!…
  • In a way i suppose you are but quite often the calories burned on certain exercises arent quite right (unless you use a HRM). I try to stay under my calories by about 50-100 that ( i hope) makes up for the occassional chip i pinch from the kids plate or half a broken biscuit thats left in the barrel when i give the kids a…
  • My now ex-husband had just walked out on me & my babies for a younger model. A friend offered to babysit a few nights a week so i could get a job to earn a few extra £'s. I started working in a bar where he went and we got chatting. He was going away on buisness to Paris & i asked him to bring me a picture of the eiffel…
  • This is exactly what i was going to write :)
  • Hi Ive been on for a week -- feel like an old hand already LOL I LOVE this site -- its very addictive, im learning so much i searched through foods i normally eat so i can judge calories when shopping/meal planning etc. Everyone is so supportive and friendly.