Gettin' it done! Week 1 (closed)

Hi everyone! I am so excited about this group! Let's have 3 components and make it a 12 week challenge (ending December 15th):

Component 1- Weely personal goal
Component 2- Weekly group goal
Component 3- Total challenge goal

Does that sound good? The main thing we will be doing is motivating each other to reach our personal goals with a little competition along the way!

For the first week, let's focus on water:) The group goal is 72 ounces minimum per day!!! Post under this thread once you have it done. :)

I will be adding my goals to my signature to make is easier to keep track of.

Have a great week!!!


  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    Component 1- cut back on junk food
    Component 2- drink ALOT more water
    Component 3- lose 20 pounds by dec.15th
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    Sounds great!!!

    Component 1- Cut down sodium intake
    Component 2 - 72 ounces of water
    Component 3- Maintain healthy lifestyle

    Best of luck to everyone, I am looking forward to getting to know all of you!
  • ljedmom
    ljedmom Posts: 44 Member
    This sounds great! I am super signature is changed to my goals!!!
  • road2happiness
    Great job girls! Today is my baby's 2nd birthday:) I swore I was going to be skinny by now. Shoot! Oh well, I will be by his 3rd.

    I am working on my first of 3 water bottles to hit 72 ounces today. That shouldn't be too hard.

    I am saving my "junk" calories for some ice cream tonight at this birthday celebration. I am a total sugar junkie. The more I journal my food, the more I realize that. I am absolutely not surprised I am in the shape I am in right now. I have a long way to go to be living a "healthy lifestyle" but I am determined to get there. I have to set a better example for these kids!

    Have an amazing day ladies!!!!
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 192 Member
    Im in and very excited too!
  • cassiopeia1975
    C1 = ??? um what can i do ??

    C2 = Okay so 72 oz is just over 2litres right? well ive had 2 and a half so i think ive covered that one today.

    C3 = And i WILL lose 20lbs by 15th DEC well hopefully by the 13th cos thats my birthday!!

    Will have a think about C1 while i cook the kids dinner and get back to you all :)
  • cassiopeia1975
    Okay so i had a brainwave while peeling potatoes lol

    My C1 is going to be 2 x 50 crunches to get rid of my flabby tummy --- so ill do 50 first thing in the morning then another 50 in an evening... i actually think 50 might be pushing it (im not sure if i can even do 1 lol) but hey no harm in trying!!

    Looking forward to this girls -- i know we can shift this up a gear and get this weight off.

    if any of you arent on my friends list feel free to add me -- more the merrier!!
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    I think I sent friend request to all on this challenge so far but if I missed you, please feel free to add me!
  • ljedmom
    ljedmom Posts: 44 Member
    Hit all my goals today and still had extra calories for ice cream! Good luck to everyone!
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    Component 1- Log at least 90 minutes at the gym daily
    Component 2- 72 ounces water
    Component 3- Be at goal weight in 12 weeks

    This rocks!
  • road2happiness
    Better late than never, right? :)

    We had a great night celebrating our son's birthday with family. I am exhausted though!! I am proud to say that I drank 76 ounce of water and stayed under 300 calories of sugary junk! Even with the homemade cake and ice cream. Yay!!! I cleaned up from the party and jumped on the elliptical for 30 minutes. Not the best workout ever, but at least it got done. I am glad about that.

    cassiopeia1975- How was your day? Did you stay away from the junk?
    ljedmom- Great job reaching your goals!
    LimeyTart- 90 minutes at the gym is awesome! What time of day do you go?
    lauramingram5- How were those fruits and veggies today?
    LynnMPip- How was the sodium intake today? And the water?
    michelletr- how was the junk food today? Did you have any?

    Great work ladies!! We are heading into the weekend. Stay strong with your goals!
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    Corrie - I usually head to the gym after dropping my #3 at preschool at 9. Spend 90-120 minutes there with #4 in their childcare center before I have to head back to pick him up. It's a nice break for me, even if I am sweating buckets LOL

    Hope everyone is doing well today, feel free to add me as a friend!
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    I went over my sodium intake by 341 mg but I did make some changes. Instead of the mixed veggies I was planning on that had 340 mg of sodium, I made green beans (and didn't add any salt to season them) with 35 mg of sodium. Instead of tator tots I made egg noodles.

    I drank 80 oz of water!
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    i didn't have any junk food yet.....but each saturday i do a movie night with my boys and that's when we load up on junk food...gonna try to cut WAY back this saturday.

    ok a a small brain fart happened to me today....when do we post our the end? or whenever?
  • cassiopeia1975
    Yesterday was a great day for me -- i managed 3litres of water and NO junk food (in my opinion) i did 50 crunches before bed and felt great!

    Today well i was up at 6 made everyones lunches and did my 50 crunches -- jumped in the shower - school run - power walk for 30 mins and then to a HUGE jumble sale where i walked around for 2 hours and bought some great bargins. Then this afternoon ive blitzed the house from top to bottom and im feeling great.

    Have already had 3 litres of water but i just realise that ive only eaten 1 thing today and that was a fruit scone mid-morning with my cup of tea.

    Im going out this evening to a party -- will have my first Alcoholic drink for a week!! Im really looking forward to going out and not having the kids with me for a few hours :)

    ALCOHOL used to be a really big part of my life as i have a big social life and we spend a lot of time with friends and family i used to have at least 2 glasses of wine a day much much more on weekends but in the last 25 days ive only had 3 days where ive had an alcoholic drink!! am very proud of myself.

    Ok so ive gabbled on enough now.

    Going to quickly do my 50 crunches before i do the school run as i know i wont get them done at bed time :)
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    Wow - just saw the sodium content of my sliced turkey, checking out other options now.
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 192 Member
    Well here it goes.. I did great on the water, went over for that mater!!! Fruits and vegies I only had two servings. Somedays I do good and the next is bad. Silly thing is I like fruits and vegies. I guess thats why I made it my challenge!! Today will be better!!!! I love reading what everyone is doing!! Keep up the good work ladies!!
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    Knocked out 1 & 2 trying to get to 3 in the future :)
  • road2happiness
    Hi all! I hope everyone has had a great Friday!

    So far mine is good. I still need to workout and finish up the 72 ounces but that is in the plans for the night. Tomorrow will be two weeks since I have started working out and tracking my calories. So far I am up one pound. Awesome (not). In the past when I have lost weight I have focused on nutrition only and the weight has dropped more easily. However, that isn't the best way to do it. Although I know patience will pay off in the long run it's a little frustrating. I am such an instant gratification kind of girl. Even thought the scale is up, I feel less bloated and I swear my freshly washed jeans were a little easier to button today. That'll keep me going for now:)

    So we never really discussed the weigh-ins. Let's have that be optional. On Thursdays when we start the new goal for the week, we can report our loss/gain for the week if we would like to. I know it would be good motivation for me. I am in!

    Ruth- Great job today! I hope you feel better. I am amazed at the amount of time you workout at the gym. That is awesome. What do you do to stay focused while working out? iPod, tv, books?

    ljedmom's- How was everything for you today? Any plans for the weekend?

    Laura- How are the fruits/veggies and water today? Did you reach your goal?

    LynnMPip- Did you decide against the turkey? Is there a specific reason that you are concerned about sodium intake or is it just for general health. Sodium is the last thing I am worried about right now. You are obviously living a better lifestyle than I. :)

    cassiopeia1975- Wow! You had a great morning and it sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead. Great job on the crunches and less alcohol. You are doing great!!!

    michelletr- How was your day today? Do you have a specific plan for what you will allow yourself to eat tomorrow night? You know what they say about failing to plan...;) I am sure you will do amazing!

    Talk to you soon! Thanks for joining in on this group. It is really a huge source of strength for me, and I hope it is for all of you as well.
  • ljedmom
    ljedmom Posts: 44 Member
    Check on veggies and calories, check on water :) Can I just say, it's crazy to see everything I eat written down. It looks like I eat a seriously lot of food! But everytime I ate anything today I was genuinely, stomach growling hungry. I always feel like this while I'm nursing. Probably why I never lose weight till after my babies wean. Just have to make smart food choices this time :)