Gettin' it done! Week 1 (closed)



  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    Yes for the sodium and yes for the 72 oz.

    I did go with the turkey. I packed my lunch for the week so it was all I had with me. But I looked around for better options next week. I feel like I always have this bloat that I can't get rid of. I started tracking my sodium and realized that I was over by a lot some (most) days. So I am experimenting and trying to see how less sodium affects my weight gain.

    ljedmom - I don't think I have ever been as hungry as I was when I was nursing. It was a whole new type of hunger.
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 192 Member
    Ok so I have done great since I started on this website untill tonight. I had a bad night. We went to mexican food and I had nachos and a margarita!! I feel bad but I dont at the same time. I have 5 kids and never get out without kids. My husband and I had dinner out with no kids and I love the quiet time. So tomarrow is another day! I have my daughters birthday tomarrow but I will be good and besides that we are going to the water park so I will have lots of calories burned so I will work off my nachos and margarita!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend. Good luck to all. Oh and I did drink all my water and I did have 3 servings of veggies today. Not bad but not my goal but close!!!
  • road2happiness
    Just checking in before bed

    72 ounces completed, but I ate too many calories of junk! The goal is less than 300, but I had 420. The leftover birthday cake that I had made yesterday became too much to resist today.

    I am so glad that I am taking the time to journal everything that I eat. It is such an eye opening experience to see on paper, things that I have been in denial about. How was my body supposed to be healthy with all of the garbage that it has been given for fuel? I have also realized that I don't take the time to prepare proper meals for myself during the day. Then when I get hungry, I feel too busy to prepare a meal so I grab what is easy, which isn't usually healthy. I have lots of changes to make that is for sure!

    I am excited though:) I feel completely connected to the process and ready to do what it takes to become the person I want to be!
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    i bought 1 bag of chips for my boys and bought myself popcorn. :)

    i haven't had any junk food this week
    i have drank alot more water
  • ljedmom
    ljedmom Posts: 44 Member
    I'm not going to check my weight every week...maybe even just once at the end. Here's why. Even though I was doing it at the same time of day the fluctuations were huge. I know it depends a lot on how much water you drank recently and other things, but I think it's also how full my boobs were or were not :) I'm happy with just weighing at the end...that way I know it's a "real" loss and not something that might change so soon.
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 192 Member
    Today was a good day! I went to the water park and got lots of exercise. I dont think I burned as much as this says so I put walking for some of it. I did eat 4 servings of fruits and veggies!! I also got all my water. We had fun and ate good too!!! Hope everyone is haveing a great weekend!!!
  • ljedmom
    ljedmom Posts: 44 Member
    Potluck at church tonight so I actually had no idea about all the ingredients and calorie counts. I had just over 1,000 cals left and just manually zeroed out the calories for the day. But actually, I stuck to a lot of spinach, broccoli and green beans :) Got in more than 4 veggies, way more water and a good long walk! It was a good day! Hope it went well for the rest of you!
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    Under calories and sodium today but still didn't eat very well. On a happier note, spent the whole day just me and my 5 year old. Ended with a trip to the movies to see "Dolphin's Tale". We both really liked it and bonus - she sat on my lap for most of it. She doesn't do that too much anymore so it made me smile.
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    ok so last night the movie gnomo and juliet was on the movie me and my kids settled in to watch it. half way through the movie they asked if they could have a treat, so i pulled out the bag of chips that i had bought them. so there i stood at the counter with this bag of chips in my hand...i held it as far away from myself as i could when opeing it and pouring some into a bowl. then i walked into the living room with my arm WAY out in front of me wo give my boys the bowl. i went and sat back down in my chair, and sat there and listened to my boys chunching on chips....what a lovely even sounded good,lol. i hung onto the arms of my chair so i wouldn't get up and beat my kids so i could steal their chips,lol..finally decided to get up and get myself a snack...i grabbed an apple...SO not the same as chips :(
    BUT i did it...i did not have any junk food this week!
    i also drank AT LEAST 5 glasses of water a day.

    i swear this is going to kill me,lol
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    I only managed 65 minutes at the gym today before heading home for football, but I've been doing great with my water consumption.
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 192 Member
    michelletr great job with the apple. That is really hard to just watch everyone else enjoy foods you like and not have any. This weekend has been bad for me but today will be better and looking forward to this next week.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    Great job with the apple michelletr, I am weak - I couldn't say no to the popcorn at the movies. Or the cupcake this afternoon...
  • road2happiness
    Hi ladies! :)

    It looks like there were quite a few successes this weekend. Apples over chips, many veggies consumed, time at the gym...Way to go! How is everyone feeling today?

    I feel like the weekends are so crazy it's hard to focus on my goals. It's just an excuse I realize, and I am hoping as this becomes more of a way of life for me it won't be so hard. I definitely reached my water goal, I logged all of my food perfectly, but I did not stay within the junk food calories. I have a feeling that putting so many empty calories in my body is the blame for no weight loss. I definitely have a calorie deficit each day, yet the scale bounces up and down between the same 2 pounds. I will be working on that by eating cleaner, and continuing to chug water. I don't have to think too hard about what new goal I am setting for myself on Thursday:)

    Any ideas for our group goal for the next week?

    Have a GREAT day everyone!!!!!
  • cassiopeia1975
    Hi All

    Sorry i was absent over the weekend i was really sick on saturday and spent most of sunday recovering from being so so sick. since having my children my body has decided if it doesnt like something then i throw it up until all trace is removed! which meant not even keeping water down on saturday... and sunday i was having to re-hydrate and rest.

    Today though ive been feeling loads better but didnt dare do any crunches as my stomach is still sore.

    I did walk this morning though as usual and ive drank plenty of water and stayed within my calories (just). I hoping to feel 100% tomorrow so i can up my game!

    I just wondered if i missed when we were going to weigh in?? i normally weigh on a monday every week but i though maybe a 4 weekly weigh in would be cood for the challenge?
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    thanks was really hard to watch my boys eat chips....but this morning i was like i am going to have a chip...yes folks just 1 little ole chip....but something went wrong (at least i think so,lol) as soon as i opened the chip bag and the smell of the chips hit me...i wanted to gag...they smelled gross (my fav kind too ketchup!) . so i closed the bag back up (bye bye 1 chip,you'll stay in the bag for someone else to enjoy) and headed for a bowl of cereal instead....i really think this will kill

    on the plus side i seem to have the no pop thing down but i have a major concern about see once a week we eat out usually on fridays. 9 times out of 10 we just order in or get take out...not a big problem free drinks at home...BUT what happens that first time we go out to eat at a restaruant? what do i do then? what do i get to drink? will i have the will power to pass up pop as i watch my husband and kids order pop? my sons 10th b-day is this coming friday and i want to take my sons out to lunch (they have a p.d. day at school) and i am very concerned about what the heck i am going to do :(
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    What about ordering one small soda and including it in your calorie count for the day? If you don't want to do that, do you like iced tea?
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    What about ordering one small soda and including it in your calorie count for the day? If you don't want to do that, do you like iced tea?

    i'd rather not drink pop at all...and i LOVE iced tea :)

    sadly though some places don't carry iced tea :(
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    Got it. If I think of anything I will let you know. I usually just order water and stare at my husband's beer.

    Bad day for me but I do have ideas for my next goal.
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 192 Member
    I have been doing good with the water that one comes easy. I have met the fruits and vegies goal the last two days too. I like having pre cut stuff so I dont have to be in the kitchen to long!!!
    michelletr you could get some of the special k drink powder and add it to water. There are other brands too that one is just off the top of my head. Many flavors too. Sometimes I get tired of plain water so I add flavor!!! Seems as everyone is doing good! Congrats to all!!
  • cassiopeia1975
    Morning all -- its 10.20am here and ive already had my 72oz of water, done my crunches first thing and had a lovely hour long brisk walk along the canal (approx 7km) after id dropped the children at school.

    Now ive got the usual house work to do, looking after a friends toddler this afternoon & then school run & usual running around.

    But i seem to have so much more energy now -- even though i get up at 5.30 so by the time bedtime comes im pretty worn out.