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hi im mike and im trying to lose weight because i gave up smoking 6 months ago and i've put on 2 stone since then, the weight just crept up on me and now im finnaly realising how bad i am, so feel free to add me for support or soma the biggest problem i have is eatin at night its killin me not bein able to do it! thats when i mainly gained all my weight thanks


  • BittLynne
    BittLynne Posts: 38 Member
    I'm trying to quit smoking. How did you do it? it caused my high blood pressure and probably part of my weight issue. 2 stone is 28 pounds right?
  • bitterbrownie
    Welcome! Good luck on your journey :)

    I also eat a lot at night largely due to my family making big meals in the evening that I have to plan for...but good luck :)
  • cassiopeia1975
    Hi ivee had to try to combat eating late too.
    My partner doesnt get home from work until at least 7pm sometimes much later so as we eat our main meal together it can be tough. My rule has been to try not to eat after 8pm. also having a main meal at 7ish does help because then you dont feel the need to snack all evening.
    I keep bottles of water in the fridge and drink those in an evening rather than my usual glass (ok bottle) of wine or can(s) of lager.

    I know a lot of people who have put on weight after giving up smoking (im lucky i never smoked) but it comes off quite quickly once you realise what your doing wrong :)

    Good Luck :)
  • mikeywhite20
    hi well i just went cold turkey!! all that nrt(nicatine replacement therapy) is worse of for ya cos u replace on addiction for another u stop smokin go on the atches just say when u finally come off them(they say recomimded 8 months!!!) u will experience the excact same symtoms u did with the *kitten*!! the first 3 days where absolutley hell!! and my fianceend my little boy kinda beared the brunt of being in a grump as m son calls it lol, i just kept myself busy i wrote down all the reasons why i was quiting biggest one's where save money, in a sad way i think i helped my have astma and he had 2 quite severe attacks and went tote hospital and when i new that it was partly my fault i snapped everyone of thouse cancer sticks up!! took every hr shaking sweating so bloodly wanting one but it's so not worth i. if u r ready 2 give up u know yourslf when the time is right plus er's the bonus i dont wake up every mornin with a chesty cough a cold lasts 3 days!! plus i have saved about £1000!!!! which is in a pot for my son's xmas u can do it just believe in your self i hope my advice is helpful mike x